"It's you again..." Lingmeng said speechlessly.

This Wenwen only appears where there is news, where there is news, there is her, and the people who travel with her must be under a lot of pressure, right?

"Where did you go da☆za before?" Marisa looked at Wenwen curiously.

"Well, don't pay attention to these details. When the change started, I followed Reimu closely." Wenwen shook the camera in his hand and smiled triumphantly.

"Okay, let's take a photo now." Wenwen pointed the camera at the vampire sisters as he said.

Reimu looked at her sideways, just in time to enter her lens.

And Ye Kai was already in the camera.

Marisa wanted to steal the spotlight, so she stretched out her scissors in front of Reimu.


The serene smiles of the vampire sisters, the impatient expression of Reimu, and the way Ye Kai looked at Wenwen with arms folded and smiling, all entered the photo.

Marisa, only one hand left the country.

Among them, Ye Kai was the most embarrassed, his clothes were torn, his face was disheveled, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood when he fell down just now.

As for the vampire sisters, only some of their clothes were damaged, and Ye Kai took over the rest.

"Okay, I'm going to catch up with the newspapers. Gensokyo is the first large-scale mutation since the vampire invasion. The source of the mutation is the mastermind of the vampire invasion. This is big news!" Wenwen said, facing the sky fly away.

Ye Kai looked at Wenwen with emotion.

These girls in Gensokyo either wear bloomers or don't wear bloomers. Those who don't wear bloomers don't even have safety pants inside. They are really unrestrained!

Wen Wen's black lace is similar to Remy's hobby.

That's great, every time they fly in the air, they can see a lot of benefits.

There were no powerful male monsters in Gensokyo before, and now there are only Ye Kai and Soul Yaoji. Yaoji works in the Quzhi Hall and Santuchuan, and will not appear here, so these benefits are all cheap for Ye Kai.

Anyway, they were used to flying around in the past, the strong ones in Gensokyo are all girls, and no one thinks so much about it.

This time, Ye Kaixue was smarter, so he didn't remind...

"It's great that Missy and Fran can do this."

At this moment, Hong Meiling walked over with Sakuya supported.

Although Hong Meiling is the weakest group of big monsters, she is still a big monster anyway, and her recovery ability is not comparable to that of Sakuya, a human being.

"Yeah, from now on, don't lock Fulan up anymore, I'll take her responsibility! Anyway, as long as she's by my side, she'll be normal." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Okay, Master Remy is sure." Remy said softly with her eyes still closed.

"Fran, I haven't had such fun in a long time." Fran opened her eyes and said softly.

Her current appearance finally looks like the lively Fran of the first ensemble.

"The mutation is resolved, don't cause me any more trouble in the future!" Lingmeng said angrily.

"Don't worry, it probably won't happen." Sakuya said softly.

"What do you mean should? No, no, no!" Lingmeng stomped her feet, how troublesome it would be if it happened again.

"By the way, there will be a banquet after the incident is resolved. The venue is at the Hakurei Shrine. Remember to go!" At this moment, Wenwen flew back and shouted.

"Hey, why Hakurei Shrine!" Reimu said frantically.

"Because the Hakurei Shrine is more famous than the Scarlet Devil Mansion! Last time I was in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but many monsters didn't come." Wenwen said this, and flew towards the monster mountain again.

Lingmeng was sweating, although she didn't need to pay for the banquet, and she didn't need to bring food, but she had to clean it up by herself in the end.

Lingmeng didn't refuse, she didn't like this kind of excitement, and those monsters often went to her shrine without people visiting.

There is no way, this is the rule of Gensokyo, Reimu never thought of breaking it.

Chapter 181

The next day, Hakurei Shrine.

Since it wasn't a banquet held at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, it was naturally not Ye Kai who came to pick up the guests, but Reimu who picked up the guests.

Although there were more monsters than last time, there were not many.

On the side of the Scarlet Devil Mansion: Remi, Fulan, Patchouli, Little Devil, Sakuya, Hong Meiling, Ye Kai, it can be said that they all came out.

As for those useless goblin maids, Ye Kai didn't count them at all.

After that, there is the side of Renzhili, and Meihong and Huiyin are still coming, but there is another unexpected person: Taigongwang.

From the magic forest force, Marisa and Alice came here. Alice always looked at Marisa with weird expressions, which made Ye Kai feel a little creepy.

Especially when Alice watched Reimu and Patchouli, Ye Kai felt the urge to draw his sword, which shows how much Alice's resentment really is.

Back in time to this morning...


A loud noise woke up Ye Kai and Sakuya, and they ran to the library quickly, only to see Marisa loading books there...

Paqiuli, the owner of the library, not only did not stop, but also watched with interest.

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