"You have a lot of books here, can you lend me some da★ze?" Marisa said while loading the books.

"Fuck, aren't you already taking it?" Ye Kaikou covered his head in pain, with a speechless expression on his face.

"Paqi?" Sakuya looked at Paqiuli and asked in confusion.

"It's okay." Paqiuli said calmly.

Sakuya nodded, and disappeared in the same place in an instant, this is to prepare to repair the house.

"It's too wasteful for her to read so many books by herself, don't you think Paqi da★ze?" Marisa said to Paqiuli while holding it.

"Paqi has been called so soon?" Ye Kai suddenly didn't know how familiar this Marisa was.

"The thirty-fourth book in the ninth row, that book has the principles of magic in another world, I recommend you to read it." Paqiuli said while reading without raising her head.

The sun in Gensokyo is so bright that no one can feel bad about her.Even if she came to steal things, in Paqiuli's opinion, as long as she could come a few more times, it would be fine.

Although Ye Kai often bullies Paqiuli and is very sunny, he is nothing compared to Marisa.

Marisa's sunshine is the kind that doesn't have any scheming, and does things rashly, especially since she already has the taste of sunshine in her body.

If it were Ye Kai, the dark side of his heart was just completely suppressed by him, and it was all in the profession of berserker.

As long as he uses the rampage one day, all his negative emotions will be released, which is equivalent to a time bomb!This time bomb can't make any waves in Gensokyo, but Patchouli prefers the taste of sunshine.

Besides, the relationship between a man and a woman, how can the relationship between a woman and a woman come quickly and directly...

Just like Marisa sometimes goes to live with Alice, and the two still sleep together, what if I change Ye Kai?She was thrown into the Demon Realm by Shenqi long ago and was drained dry by the group of succubus.

"Girl, is it really okay for you to do this? That's a book from the dark world." Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

"All the books are in my mind now, even if they are broken or lost, just let the little devil copy them again." Paqiuli said indifferently.

"Yes, don't be so stingy, brother Ye Kai." Marisa said with a smile, took the book that Paqiuli said, rode on the broom, and said goodbye to the two: "I'll go first, remember that at noon I want to attend the banquet da★ze!"

As she said that, Marisa flew out along the hole she blasted out.

And the hole was quickly restored, and it was Sakuya's masterpiece at first glance.

In one night, the building of the Scarlet Devil Mansion was repaired, and now there is still room to spare. It is worthy of being the perfect and chic head maid.

But with such magic power, after fighting against Lingmeng, she couldn't recover after being beaten by one move, which shows how vigorous Lingmeng really is.

"Okay, okay, one of you is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, but I am nosy." Ye Kai spread his arms and walked towards Fulan's room.

Since he was going to attend the banquet, he would naturally be in charge of Fran.

In the end, Ye Kai held a huge parasol in his hand, Fulan rode on Ye Kai's neck, Remi rode on Sakuya's neck, and the rest went their own way, so they went Hakurei Shrine.

This is the superior thought that Ye Kai poured into Remy, which made Sakuya very grateful.

Being ridden on the body depends on who the other party is. Anyway, Ye Kai and Sakuya are enjoying it very much now, and the two lolis are not much more important.

"Little friend, please stay."

At this moment, Ye Kai heard a creepy sentence.

He turned his head mechanically, making a clicking sound.

If someone else said this, he would treat it as a greeting, but it was different when Taigong said it. Shen Gongbao's words, fellow daoists, please stay a while, still fresh in Ye Kai's memory.

"Grandpa, can you scare people to death?" Ye Kai said helplessly.

As for Taigong, he was standing at the gate of the zoo at the foot of Hakurei Shrine, holding three tickets bought by Lingmeng in his hand.

"Mother, grandpa..." Hong Meiling bowed cautiously to the grandpa.

"Hey, old man, I can't see through your fate?" Remi looked at Taigong with a surprised face.

"The purpose on him is so weak." Fran tilted her head and said doubtfully.

Sakuya and Paqiuli were naturally not prepared to fight. In this Hakurei Shrine, whoever provokes a war is courting death, especially when Reimu is doing business.

"Would you like to go to the zoo? There are giant pandas, alpacas, pythons, giraffes, leopards, tigers, peacocks, and elephants!" Lingmeng shouted while waving the ticket in his hand.

It seems that with the recent efforts of Reimu, there are more and more animals in the zoo.

And the scale has also expanded a lot.

In the morning, Sakuya brought all the food and wine needed for the banquet, and there is nothing wrong with Reimu now.

Sakuya didn't dare to give the money to Reimu and let Reimu do the shopping, otherwise everyone would just wait to eat steamed buns and drink plain water, the buns didn't even come with them.

"Haha, it's normal not to see through me. I've already jumped out of the Three Realms and I'm no longer in the Five Elements. The owner of the great Scarlet Devil Pavilion, I want to have a chat with little friend Ye Kai. I wonder if it's okay?" the prince said with a smile .

As for the word "great", Taigong was just joking.

But Remy, a bastard, didn't know about it. She thought that Gensokyo had already spread her name, and everyone knew her stalwart, so she patted her chest and said, "No problem!"

"But, Second Miss..." Sakuya frowned slightly.

"I bought three tickets." The grandfather shook the tickets in his hand and said with a smile.

"Well, Missy, my grandfather will definitely be impeccable when doing things."

For the grandpa, Ye Kai has [-]% trust, because he believes that if the grandpa wants to kill him, he doesn't need to shoot, and he will die very rhythmically...

Chapter 182

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