In the zoo, Ye Kai, Fulan, and Taigong stood beside the panda forest, as if they were three generations living under one roof, which made Ye Kai feel a little weird.

Fran was told by Ye Kai that unless it was Remi or him who spoke, she couldn't shake hands with anyone casually.

Ye Kai also discovered that Fulan's eyes can be selectively controlled, but she needs a lot of practice, so Ye Kai is a little uncertain how to practice.

But some training is better than no training. If Fran can fully grasp her abilities, it will undoubtedly be a big step forward.

Although it is not as powerful as Furan, it is definitely the first echelon.

Fran is now playing with pandas in the panda forest, very happy.

"Ye Kai, do you have any doubts and want to ask me?" Taigong looked at Fulan who was playing, and smiled while stroking his beard.

"That's right, my blood jade sword has been strengthening the Great Barrier, will I never be able to defeat Lingmeng in the future?" Ye Kai expressed his doubts.

"Hahaha, I'm afraid, that's not what you think, right? You don't care who is better than Gensokyo at all, what you care about is that your unique ability is used by others, right?" Tai Gongwang said.

"You know all of this?" Ye Kai's eyes widened.

Although he himself thought it annoyed that he couldn't beat Reimu, but his heart told him that this cheat should be unique to him, and no one else should be able to do it.

"The power of the blood jade sword is limited, and the energy that can be provided to the big barrier is even more limited. You have an inexplicable fate with Gensokyo. One day you will surpass the blood jade sword, and even surpass this big barrier You'll understand when you see it. Lingmeng can use some basics at most, real ghosts and gods, blood energy, sword skills, and waves are beyond her touch." Tai Gongwang said indifferently.

"I, I can surpass the blood jade sword? The four-line ghost sword?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

No wonder Lingmeng only used Ligui swordsmanship when fighting him, and she couldn't use powerful moves for the rest.

First, she didn't have the help of ghosts and gods, second, she wasn't blind, third, she didn't have a lot of swordsmanship practice, and fourth... what she lost was integrity, not IQ.

It seems that it is still very fair!At least the ability of ghost swordsman will not be strong until the later stage.

"Maybe. However, one thing is certain, the Hakurei Great Barrier is just a weapon of Reimu. It can't surpass a weapon, isn't it too ugly?" The prince said with a smile.

"But, this is a great enchantment after all..." Ye Kai said with some annoyance.

"When the scope of Gensokyo exceeds the double of the current Gensokyo, maybe you will become a god enshrined in the Hakurei Shrine." The grandfather cast a glance at Ye Kai.

"I became a god...that's useless, gods need to absorb faith, and the urine of Reimu and Hakurei Shrine can't strengthen me much." Ye Kai scratched his head and said a little puzzled.

"The real strong man, who relied on enshrining? Is it Daoist Hongjun, the leader of Tongtian, or Empress Houtu?" Tai Gongwang didn't answer Ye Kai's question, but asked him instead.

"I understand a little bit." Ye Kai nodded thoughtfully.

When Ye Kai really reaches that level, it has nothing to do with him whether there is a Hakurei Great Barrier or how strong Reimu will be.

Now he struggles to beat Marisa, and he still thinks about this, which is a bit too ambitious.

"It's good to understand. You are too weak now, and you haven't even aroused the real power of the blood jade sword. In the future, your death and resurrection time will be about [-] hours. When you become stronger, the time will be shortened. Don't try it if you have nothing to do." Die several times." The grandfather said indifferently.

"Thank you, Grandpa, for clarifying the confusion." Ye Kai said with a smile, and a big stone in his heart fell to the ground.


The grandfather flicked the blood jade sword casually, and said with a smile: "When you want to time travel in the future, you only need to think about time travel, and then input power. You don't need to do a lot of useless experiments, it's just the ability to cut space. You The current realm cannot be grasped, and it is useless to think too much."

Ye Kai nodded calmly.

Unexpectedly, Grandpa would know so much about the products of Arad Continent?

"It's not that I understand, it's that I deciphered the tip of the iceberg when I sent you something last time. Even if I gave it to me, I couldn't use it. Hmm... It's like a smartphone, I just downloaded the manual, But that phone is yours, not mine. The instruction manual only has functions, and there is no password for your phone." The grandfather shook his head and said.

Ye Kai was embarrassed for a moment, he didn't expect the grandfather to be so fashionable, and he knew it on his mobile phone.

The mobile phone is his own, so the grandfather naturally has no ownership, otherwise the police like Tiandao will be held accountable.

"Then how does the grandpa know what I'm thinking? Could it be that the grandpa knows how to read minds?" Ye Kai asked with some doubts.

"Mind reading is the ability of two little girls. I don't have such a strange ability. You write everything on your face. I don't know it. It would be great if Shen Gongbao had your city. How many fewer people died." The grandfather said with a sigh.

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth. Isn't this saying that he has a low IQ in disguise?

However, he actually felt that it made sense...

If someone like Taigong goes to time travel, even if he doesn't have any abilities, he will be stronger than himself in the end, right?

"Well, let's go back first, the banquet is about to begin." Ye Kai quickly changed the subject.

"Well, let's go, I'm going to play chess with a guy." The grandfather stroked his beard and smiled.

Taigong also often plays chess, but he has never met an opponent in this Gensokyo, but it is the chess spirit that makes him interested.

This is the first time I have seen someone so persistent in playing chess.

Lost home.

"Damn it, Taigongwang couldn't hear what that old ghost and Ye Kai said, and didn't go in." Yakumozi gritted his teeth and looked at Taigong and Ye Kai who were chatting happily.

In her opinion, neither of them opened their mouths, as if they were frozen.

Don't even think about it, I know it's the grandpa's fault.

"Master Zi, can the power after Reimu really suppress Ye Kai?" Yakumo Lan asked worriedly.

"Oh hehehe, Lan is worried? Don't worry, when the time comes, I will send you there to warm his bed, and he will let me go, and I will leave the task of draining him to you." Yakumo Zi looked displeased. Care about selling teammates.

"Master Zi..." Yakumo Lan was startled, Yakumo Zi's integrity can do anything!

"Just kidding, his connection with Gensokyo is getting deeper and deeper. Even if he really has invincible power, he won't make trouble. Look at Tai Gongwang, look at Kazami Yuka, look at Otenma, look at Reimu, Can't everyone be leisurely?" Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

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