"But, don't you dislike people getting out of control?" Yakumo Lan asked with a puzzled expression.

Yakumo Zi sighed, staring at Taigong Wang in the gap, and said calmly: "Some people, at the beginning, were out of control. Tai Gongwang and Shenqi are both such people."

Chapter 183 What Are You Looking At?

After that, Ye Kai took Fulan and Tai Gongwang to the banquet.

The ones coming from Baiyulou are naturally Yuyuko and Youmu, and by the way, Zuowei who is playing chess with the grandpa.

The house of the Lost is Yakumo Murasaki's family.

Cirno from the Lake of Mist, the Great Fairy, and Rumia also came.

The forces from Monster Mountain, of course, came from Wen Wen, who took pictures everywhere. The last time it was a banquet at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she didn't dare to attend, otherwise she would be easily destroyed by humanity.

Now that I come to Hakurei Shrine, I don't care so much.

There are many people who don't like her. Isn't she still alive and well now?

The rest who don't know are only three children who don't look old.

One is Lunasa, with short blonde hair and golden pupils.On the head is a black conical hat with a fold back.The costume is a black waistcoat over a white shirt, and a black curly skirt that reaches to the knees.

She is holding a violin and playing it happily.

One is Mei Lulan, with light blue hair, big wavy curly hair, flowing hair, and blue eyes.

In terms of clothing, she wears a light pink vest-like thing on a light pink shirt, and the same pink lotus leaf skirt as above.

There are two blue buttons on the front of the waistcoat, and the hem of the flounced skirt is decorated with a pattern that resembles two eye exam symbols put together.

Blue figures connected with sticks.Wears a conical, folded pink hat with a slit.

There are black lines at the hem of the waistcoat, the end of the skirt, above the folds at the edge of the collar, and before the folds at the edge of the hat folded back.

Judging by her appearance, she should be very familiar with the other two, holding a trumpet in her hand.

The last, Lilyka, has brown eyes and short brown hair, and wears a red band uniform with pink and black trim and a green star on top of her hat.

Lilica, the smallest of the three sisters, always carries her keyboard instrument; her initials "lp" are engraved on it.

They are the band of Gensokyo, Sao Ling Orchestra, and their favorite place to go is Sunflower Field, because they can feel that Sunflower seems to like their music very much.

This behavior made Ye Kai and other members of the Scarlet Devil Mansion stand in awe, at least they did not dare to go to the Sun Flower Field.

"Brother Ye Kai, can you tell me what Tai Gongwang said to you?" Yakumo Zi moved her face close to Ye Kai, almost touching it.

"Well, it's nothing, just talking about the recent weather." Ye Kai said with a sob at the corner of his mouth.

Although the grandpa didn't tell him not to tell others, but he instinctively felt that if Yakumozi didn't know, it was because the grandpa didn't want her to know.

"You, do you just want to hurt the innocent heart of a seventeen-year-old girl? Or, you have already discussed how to arrest all the girls in Gensokyo and do something beep..." Yakumo Zi actually still I really squeezed out two tears, and it was the same as what happened.

Pull, pull.

"Big brother, what is beep?" Fulan raised her cute face and asked Ye Kai.

"Well, you will know when you grow up." Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

"But, big brother is only eighteen years old, and Fulan is four hundred and ninety-five years old." Fulan said with a confused face.

Ye Kai looked at Fulan in surprise, how could her IQ think of this?But, why do you still call him big brother?

"Big brother, are you really unwilling to tell others?" Yakumo Zi also joined in the fun.

"Hmph, old monster." Meihong squinted at Yakumozi and said with disdain.

She never cared about her age, but Yakumo Zi, who likes to pretend to be young, is obviously an old woman.

"Sister Hong, your words are very dangerous." Zi Yakumo exuded black air...

Several people are sitting on the ground now, eating happily with a pile of food and wine.

Originally, Ye Kai wanted to discuss with Mei Hong about the next world, but Yakumo Zi shamelessly came over, and the above scene happened.

"Ala, Zi, don't bully Ye Kai. By the way, does Ye Kai know where to go in the next world? Can you take me with you?"

At this moment, Youyouzi, who didn't know where he was before, came over and lay down on Ye Kai's lap.

The fullness of her chest almost touched Ye Kai's arm.

"Well, the world is random. If it encounters a world like Resident Evil, I'm afraid even eating will be a problem." Ye Kai spread his hands.

The Lost House, a place that can connect to the outside world, has naturally seen the Resident Evil series.

Yuyuko often goes to Lost House and knows about that series.

"Oh, that world is not random, it's a world full of delicious food, remember to take Master Yuyuko there." Yuyuko said with a smile.

"Then...Of course." Ye Kai said dumbfounded.

Not to mention that Youyuko's combat effectiveness is not weak, and she has been full-time cute for a thousand years.

I hope she can go to the world, don't be poor by her...

"Well, does anyone want Jianweixiaoshi tablets?"

Beep, beep...

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