Ye Kai raised his head, stunned for a moment, it turned out to be her?The drug dealer...

Lingsen·Utankain·Inaba, a drug dealer from Eternal Pavilion, has red eyes, long light purple hair, and long wrinkled rabbit ears, folded from the middle. At first glance, you may think it is an artificial product. There is something like a button.

A black suit jacket with a crescent-shaped logo next to the collar on the left side. There seems to be a decorative piece in the pocket of the jacket, revealing part of the white handkerchief. The lower body is wearing a milky white skirt.

She was holding a few bottles of medicine and was trying her best to sell them.

It's just that she seems to be very weak, and she has been afraid to raise her head or meet people's eyes.

This Ye Kai knew the reason, people who looked at her would probably go crazy.

Ye Kai was already suppressing his rampage, so naturally he wouldn't be so stupid as to look at her.

Meihong snorted, and said in a deep voice: "No need, go back and tell that damn neet, I will go find her in a few days."

"Well, the princess is playing a new game recently, please, please don't..." Ling Xian lowered her voice as she spoke.

Although Eternal Pavilion does not have an external network, it still has a generator, some game consoles and cassettes from Xianglintang, and an old TV.

"Playing a game? You bastard, eat first, I will come back as soon as I go!"

As soon as the words fell, Meihong flew up and flew towards the direction of the lost bamboo forest. Since she was playing a game, there was no better time for a duel now.

"Master Meihong, wait..." Lingxian immediately knew that she had caused trouble, and quickly flew towards Meihong.

Ye Kai looked up and saw that Lingxian wasn't wearing knickerbockers either, it was just the most conservative white, which made Ye Kai a little disappointed.

"Brother Ye Kai, can you tell me what are you looking at?"

Yakumo Zi's dangerous voice reached Ye Kai's ears.

Chapter 184 cross again

Time, just half a month later, Ye Kai has left the Scarlet Devil Mansion...

At the banquet that day, no one knew what Ye Kai and Yakumozi talked about in the end, only that he became a soul and sat in Santuchuan for a day.

Yakumo Zi also promulgated a dispensable decree, that is, girls who like to fly around in the sky should try to wear bloomers or safety pants.

Safety pants, a big killer, finally appeared in Gensokyo, all because of Ye Kai.

In the next half month, Ye Kai was punished one after another by Leimi, Wenwen and others. It was already miserable. Who made him like to die?

But for those benefits, he accepted.

Although Sakuya tried his best to keep Ye Kai, Remy also said that if Ye Kai didn't want to leave, he could give him a chance to continue his allegiance without worrying about Yakumo Zi.

Under Paqiuli's analysis, Remy understood that the current Scarlet Devil Mansion, since Fulan came out, has already become a first-class power. If Ye Kai, a guy with unlimited potential, is added, who knows if it will be broken? Balance in Gensokyo?

Remi was very touched by Remy's retention of Ye Kai, but he still thought it was better to leave.

Even if you leave, you can always play with Fran!

The renovation of Ye Kai's hot spring hotel has been postponed, and it has not been completed yet. Ye Kai is going to try time travel first.

Right next to the sun flower field, Ye Kai took Fulan's little hand and said to Fulan, "Are you ready to go to another world with me? Fulan."

"It's ready." Fran said with a smile.

Recently, she was taken out to play by Ye Kai every day. She was very happy, and a smile slowly came to her face.

And Huiyin also instilled some common sense questions for Fulan.

"Ye Kai, even if you die, you still have to let Fulan come back to me safely, you know?" Remi looked at Ye Kai fiercely and said.

Although she was very reluctant, she was also unwilling to let Fran take risks.

However, fate told her that going out with Ye Kai would only bring endless benefits, and it would be possible for Fulan not to go berserk in the future.

Besides, Ye Kai is safe and sound, not to mention her sister Remy.

"Don't worry, miss, I will definitely protect Fulan with my life." Ye Kai clenched his fists and said with a smile.

"Although you are no longer employed by the Scarlet Devil's Mansion, you must remember that you will always be a member of the Scarlet Devil's Mansion." Sakuya held an umbrella and said quietly beside Remy.

"Well, Lord Sakuya, I will always be a part of the Scarlet Devil Mansion." Ye Kai nodded.

He still likes everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion very much.

"Ala, Ala, this is the first time I saw Ye Kai travel through. It's a pity that I don't know if there is a world of gourmet food, or Master Youyouzi would like to follow." Youyouzi curled his lips and stared at Ye Kaidao.

"Brother Ye Kai will bring you delicious food." Yakumo Zi took a deep look at Ye Kai and said meaningfully.

"Uh...Of course." Ye Kai was a little embarrassed.

Apart from Fran, the only people she could bring along were Yuyuko and Meihong, and Rumia hadn't considered it at all.

In fact, it is the safest thing to bring Meihong, after all, she is from Penglai, an undead species like myself.

However, Fran was soft and hard, and Remy swore, so he had no choice but to take Fran.

The support system can carry a maximum of one person, and one person can be forcibly summoned in another world, as long as the other party is willing.

0-2 people means that you can take no people, at most one person, and you can temporarily summon one person, which is a bit like the assistance system in King of Fighters.

If the world is too dangerous, take Yuyuko there.

Although Yuyuko's power can't deal with the Penglai people, the remaining races, even creatures without souls, will be killed by her ability.

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