"So, get out of here, you bastard, I feel that the one from the Sun Flower Field might want to come out and talk to us." Meihong said with a smile while crossing her arms.

"Don't worry, Boss, I will definitely bring you with me the next time I travel through time!" Ye Kai nodded.

"Cut, Rare, bring me something interesting and buy two good cigarettes." Mei Hong rolled her eyes and said.

"Brother Ye Kai, you must be careful this time. If you can't violate it, remember to come back immediately." Yakumozi said deeply.

This time, she plans to do an experiment to see if she can trace Ye Kai's world and bring greater benefits to Gensokyo.

This kind of behavior can be said to be like walking on thin ice, even she is not completely sure.

I only hope that Ye Kai can work harder.

Yakumo Zi is not acting recklessly, she also sees the connection between the Blood Jade Little Sword and the Great Barrier of Gensokyo.

Yesterday, she specifically asked Tai Gongwang for his opinion, and he said it was all right.

The grandfather has always been ambiguous in his speech before, and it is really rare to give her a clear answer like this time.

"Don't worry, Zi." The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched.

Among the girls in Gensokyo, Yakumo Zi is the one who makes him most helpless. He never knows what she is thinking, only knows that she likes to deceive people, especially himself.

The problem is, every time she tricks someone, she will give out some benefits, such as Yuyuko's hug, which makes Ye Kai dumbfounded, so let her do it.

"Big brother, are Fulan's wings okay?" Fulan suddenly thought of something, and asked Ye Kai.

Ye Kai frowned slightly, it would be a bit troublesome if he went to a world dominated by humans.

However, he is not a person who is afraid of trouble. Except for Final Fantasy, there has not been a modern world view in time travel. Even if it is Final Fantasy, people are not surprised by such strange things.

"If it will cause trouble for big brother, Fran won't go." After speaking, Fran pouted, with a look on her face that if you don't take me there, I will cry for you.

Seeing Fulan's expression, Ye Kai smiled slightly, and tore off the sleeve and bandage on his left arm casually.

Ye Kai said with a smile: "It's okay, we are all monsters."

Fran's little face was filled with a smile.

Seeing Ye Kai's statement, Lei Mi nodded in satisfaction, what a loyal guy!He must have been intimidated by Remy-sama's majesty, so he had to do this to Fran.

"There are too many guests today."

At this moment, a creepy voice sounded.

Ye Kai's face changed, and he quickly input power into the blood jade sword.

[Almighty Ghost Sword System Opened]

【Open the World: Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress】

[Name: Ye Kai.Race: Human.Occupation: All Ghost Swordsman, Level: 26.Experience: 50%. 】

[Support Soldier Unlocked: Flandre Scarlett]

[Because of carrying support soldiers, the world time is synchronized]

【Return Mission: Kill Tianniao Mima】

[Reward: 500% experience. 】

[Sub-quest: Kill a million Kabane]

[Reward: Kaluya's teaching - disappearance]

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, he didn't know this world at all!

However, looking at Kazami Yuka slowly walking towards him, he felt that going to any world would be safer than staying there...

First month preview

This volume is dedicated to growth, setting, invincible flow.

If this month is possible, it may be a month of rapid updates. I have a lot of idle time, and I should be able to guarantee 30 words (of course, there are only two updates today. The update was too fast in the first two days. Many people should go to watch pirated versions. Pull back and pull evenly).

The goal... Naturally, it is a quick transition to enter the main line, which is around the time period of Dongfang Yongye's copy.The pits have been dug completely, and the growth of the protagonist can be unlimited.

I dug a lot of pitfalls before, and the foreshadowing is obvious enough. Some people complain about the book review, and I am speechless. I really don’t know how to write an article without any foreshadowing or suspense...

I can finish writing the plot of Final Fantasy 7 this month, as well as the plot of Shura Field that I am most looking forward to...

I originally wanted to preview the next few worlds, but every time the preview is over, it will appear: wait for xxx, and then ignore the rest.It's okay to think that way, telling me will make me very depressed and affect the writing progress, so I won't announce it.

This is a niche article. Many worlds are only aimed at specific groups of people. Anyway, I will write according to my own method. This is a novel written for myself. Many worlds have been written, not to mention how many, and some are even written by no one. I just want to write and write.

Also, I don't listen to other people's opinions. If I like to say something in the book review, I can just say it. I just delete the strong words.

Every character has its own impression in everyone's mind. I am not capable of writing that image in everyone's mind, so I just follow my own.

There was a reader before who was very serious. I feel that according to him, there should be no infinite streams and comprehensive comics in this world. He has so-and-so in his heart, and then he took out a lot of settings to explain, forcing the author to follow His idea of ​​changing the article makes him angry, especially since he is a pirated reader...

Finally, don't enter if you don't like it, don't enter if you don't like it, don't enter if you don't like it!Write a sentimental novel for yourself, even if no one decides, I will write it, why waste everyone's time to criticize me?

Chapter 185 Arrival

The whole world is driven by the waves of the industrial revolution. From modern times to modern times, undead monsters suddenly appeared.

Covered by a steel film, as long as the heart is not destroyed, it will not be destroyed. People bitten by it seem to be resurrected after dying once, and start to attack humans.

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