"Girl, why do you have the same breath as these monsters, but you have mind?" Ye Kai asked the question he wanted to ask just now.

There were so many people just now, he didn't intend to ask, but now it's better, he can ask.

"Huh? Uncle is really powerful, you can smell it, I am Kabaneri. Also, I am not a girl, I am Wuming." Wuming replied.


Ye Kai and Wuming stepped on the roof at the same time, jumped over a group of Kabane's territory.

Fran, on the other hand, played them badly...

"Of course, my perception of fluctuations is rare in the world, and my name is Ye Kai." Ye Kai stabbed two Kabane to death again on the road.

These things, and Ye Kai's nameless identity have been exchanged, and they are no longer hunters and prey.

Although they still knew to attack Ye Kai and Wuming, it was all useless.

"My name is Fran! I can smell it too." Fran twirled in the air, showing off.

Immediately, she opened her small hand, and countless eyes fell into her hand.


Another group of Kabane was easily crushed to death by Fran.

"What is her ability? It feels like Kabane is vulnerable to a single blow in her hands." Wuming looked at the flying Fran with a puzzled expression.

As for Ye Kai, she regarded her as an ordinary person with some special abilities.

What Ye Kai is currently performing is swordsmanship, and he can't see anything strange.

Ye Kai also discovered that these things must be stabbed in the heart to die, so Asura's skills are useless. Besides, they are so fragile, won't wasting magic power discredit the profession?

Before Ye Kai could answer Wuming's question, Fulan discovered the target.

"Big brother, that's the one!" Fran pointed out a guy in noble clothes in the air.

Four or five generals are desperately resisting, and each of them has already been recruited, and it seems that the game is about to be over.

General Sifang Chuanjian originally thought that nothing would happen. As the leader, he was duty-bound to do these tasks, but what he didn't expect was that the walled city was actually breached by Kabane.

In the face of life and death, he found that all power is just floating clouds. If he is caught, he will no longer be the head of the Sifangchuan family, but an ordinary Kabane.

The generals have tried their best, but they still haven't blocked those Kabane.



The Cabanes cornered him, making it hard for him to move.

He clenched the samurai sword in his hand, looking at those generals who had become Kabane, his heart was bleeding.

Only, kill them?

Or, be killed by them...

Who let him be the leader?Right now, nothing matters...

He wanted to take out the self-determination bag to commit suicide, but his desire for life made him unable to do so.

"Yo, uncle, are you scared?"

At this moment, a voice sounded, pulling him back to his soul.

Brush, brush, brush, brush, brush...

Five sword lights flashed, and Ye Kai killed all Kabane with one move.

"Your daughter entrusted me to rescue you. You look good?" Ye Kai stood in front of General Sifang Chuan and said calmly, "Now, if you want to live, follow me."

General Sifang Chuanjian doesn't have any arrogance as a lord, he is a bare-handed commander without subordinates, he nodded quickly when he heard the words: "That, you are?"

[Hidden mission completed: General Sifang Chuan]

[Explanation: The plot has been greatly changed to ensure the survival of the real leader, General Sifang Chuanjian]

[Reward: The number of people that can be brought out in this world is 2]

Ye Kai curled his lips, it was really a dispensable reward.

Wait, this can be used. If it was before, Ye Kai had no intention of bringing people back.

But it's different now, Tifa will be brought back to Gensokyo by him sooner or later, he still needs to do an experiment, don't let Tifa be tricked by him again, that's called wanting to cry without tears.

"Your daughter hired me, what's the price... I didn't think of it before, but now I think about it, I'll talk about it later." Ye Kai put away the crack and said with a smile.

"Are you going to settle accounts after the autumn?" Wuming gave Ye Kai a contemptuous glance.

Ye Kai shrugged and said: "Cut, it's just a deal. I'm not as great as you imagined. I'm in a good mood to save you. If I don't save you, I think it's easy to live in this world. At worst, I will kill you all." All cabanets."

"Wow, it's fun!"

At this moment, Fran's voice sounded, and the three of them looked up, only to see Fran shaking left and right.

Well, another [-]% experience came, and it was almost leveled up.

"Okay, as long as I go back, you can do whatever you want!" General Sifang Chuanjian nodded repeatedly.

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