Everything you have before is just a passing cloud in front of life.

If you can't live, responsibility, power, status, all these will disappear.

Ye Kai did not despise him, after all, there are not many people who are not afraid of death.

He grabbed General Sifangchuan and shouted to Fulan, "Flan, take us back to where that girl is."

"Okay big brother!" Fulan was not reconciled, smashed a few more houses, and then happily led the way.

It's been a long time, I haven't played so happily for a long time!It turns out that in other worlds, you can play whatever you want?

After that, I must ask my elder brother to take Fulan out to play more.

Well, as long as Fran is obedient, Big Brother will definitely not reject Fran.

Ye Kai, holding Lie Chuang in one hand and General Sifang Chuanjian in the other, rushed towards the direction of Juncheng at high speed.

And the nearby Kabane, as if it never existed, was destroyed by Fran...

It's so cool to vent this!

Ye Kai and Fulan actually had the same idea, maybe he also has elements of violence and adventure in his heart.

Gensokyo, which is always peaceful, is indeed a bit boring.

Chapter 188 Reward

"Cabanne, here comes Cabanne!"

"Run away!"

"Go up, let me go first!"

When Ye Kai and others rushed back, what they saw was this wonderful scene.

When people are in despair, they will do many incredible things.

"Fulan, don't destroy!" Ye Kai raised his head and shouted at Fulan.

After all, there are too many human beings. If she shakes the little hand at this time, I don't know how many people will be accidentally injured.

"Levadin!" Flanjiao shouted, putting her hands in front of her body, a huge flame accompanied by a flaming long sword, reached her hands.

Although it seemed unsuitable for her with a loli figure to use a weapon of this level, she was not merciless in killing.

Bang, bang!

How can Kabane, who is close to humans, resist the flames of Levadin?In Gensokyo, Levadin is also the number one artifact!

Those Kabane looked very fierce, but under Fran's hands, they couldn't survive a single move and were directly burned to ashes.

A young man watched Fran's performance dumbfounded, forgetting that he also wanted to resist Kabane.

His name is Ikoma, and he is a steam blacksmith boy who lives in Xianjin Station, which is engaged in the production of iron smelting and steam engines.

In order to defeat Kabane, he and his friend Tosei developed their own weapon "Kanto".He is still underestimated by everyone, but he hopes that one day he will make people look up to him.

He even prepared his weapon, but Fran gave him a figure for him to worship.

"Wow, it's fun!" Fran smiled happily in the air.

Because Fulan likes to fly around, and the world doesn't know what's going on, Ye Kai personally put on bloomers for her...

"Everyone, don't panic, General Sifang Chuanjian is here!" General Jian shouted, and many people turned their heads to look at him.

"The leader, the leader is back!"

"We are saved!"

"Boss, I want to get in the car, I want to get in the car!"

General Sifang Chuanjian exhaled. Fortunately, he came back in time and there is no chaos now.

It seems that the power has returned to his own hands again.

He is the kind of smart person, not an idiot who doesn't know the so-called idiot after he got the power, and he didn't provoke Ye Kai and Fulan.

Fran's ability is really terrifying!

Those civilians looked at Fran, some seemed to be looking at the savior, and more were looking at the devil.

Human beings do not admit as much as they fear the unknown power.

Wuming yawned, she had used Kabane's strength just now to keep up with Ye Kai and Fulan with all her strength, and now she was very tired.

She yawned and passed by Ikoma's vicinity, she was stunned for a moment, and her eyes widened immediately.

She ran up to Ikoma, stared at him firmly, and greeted, "Hey, why did you change your look?"

It seems that they knew each other before.

Ikoma wore a pair of old-fashioned glasses, wore workers' pants on his lower body, and tied a red cloth like a curtain on his upper body, which looked quite fashionable.

In front of the dark green hair, there is a bunch of light green hair, as if it was dyed, very unconventional.

Beside him was a fat man, also wearing a worker's uniform, who should be his friend.

"You are the one, who are they? They are so strong!" Ikoma said with a look of admiration.

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