"I, am I worthy of living?" Ikoma murmured, clutching his stomach.

"Well, I'll watch them here. Well...Since Calamus is ready to leave with me, let's stay here, anyway, she doesn't have much fighting ability." Ye Kai glanced at Calamus and said calmly.

"Okay, I agree!" Calamus said hurriedly.

She could see that if the two sides continued to confront each other, it would definitely be the common people and her father who would be no good.

Ye Kai, it seems that he really doesn't care much about the lives of these people.

"Lord Calamus, I will stay with you..." Jiuzhi Laiqi hurriedly said.

"Nine wisdoms come to live! We are short of manpower now, you have to go on patrol, don't do things that would embarrass the warriors!" General Jian said in a deep voice.

Ye Kai wants two people, if they stay here and he takes them away, what should I do?Fran's combat strength is the greatest guarantee for them to survive to the shogunate!

Chapter 193 Information

Afterwards, General Jian took the warriors away, and they still had a lot of things to deal with, whether it was food, the next stop, or safety issues.

Although there are many hidden dangers in the car, General Jian has the confidence to appease everyone.

Even his daughter was "sent" to the back of the car by him to monitor those two guys who looked like Cabanne, so why would anyone else be dissatisfied?

There are definitely two levels between Calamus handling things and being strong, one is passive and the other is active.

Jian will leave the calamus behind and give a passionate speech or something, so no one will make irresponsible remarks.Their goal is that the lord of Jingang Guocheng is the younger brother of Jian Jiang, so he is not afraid of not helping.

"Wu Ming, are you reading a novel?" Ye Kai teased Fran while asking Wu Ming who was beside him.

She had already taken off her coat, and she was reading a book with relish in her left hand, while she was playing fender with the other.

"That's right, otherwise wouldn't it be boring to stay all the time?" Wuming responded.

"What's our purpose, I can't protect you all the time." Ye Kai turned to Changpu and said.

"King Kong Guo, that's where my uncle governs." Calamus crouched in the corner and said cautiously.

His father had told her earlier to see if he could turn her into a vampire too, if he had the chance.According to legend, a person who is sucked by a vampire will become a vampire one level lower than a vampire.

If it is true, then calamus may also gain great power!After all, Fran's power is so desirable.

If Ye Kai knew what he was thinking, he would definitely tell him that he was thinking too much, Fran couldn't drain a person's blood at all.

The most important thing is that he has watched a lot of vampire-related movies, such as Underworld, and Van Helsing. He has never seen anyone with perverted abilities like Fran and Remy, and weapons that only gods have.

"King Kongo? It's a well-developed area for Kabane research. There may be a way to heal Kabane's half-human, half-demon state like me." Ikoma's eyes sparkled with hope.

"Don't want to jump out of the car?" Ye Kai gave him a playful look.

"I haven't fully believed the so-called Kabaneri yet... But as long as I'm imprisoned here for three days and three nights, I can prove whether the mind will also become Kabaneri." Ikoma whispered.

"Actually, as long as you get used to it, you will find that sometimes it's good to be a non-human, at least life is not so fragile." Ye Kai touched Fulan's head and smiled.

"Well, there's no need to be so repulsive about Kabaneri's identity." Wuming said with a smile.

Calamus looked around, it was really stressful among this group of inhumans!

But... It seems that even if they are inhuman, they are quite normal?Fran always said that if she wants to play badly, she is just a brat.

"Where are you going, Wuming?" Ye Kai asked Wuming again.

Now he has to find out their purpose and who the final boss is.

"Well, because I made an agreement with my brother, although I can't tell outsiders, there is something very important." Wuming said while playing with the ball.

"Who is your lord brother?" Ye Kai asked doubtfully.

"My elder brother is my elder brother. His name is Tianniao Meima." When Wuming said the name, his face was full of pride.

Ye Kai's eyes widened. The person he wanted to kill turned out to be Wuming's elder brother?

This... is not very good.

But this is his own return mission, not killing is not enough.

Could it be that giving so much experience is because he will be in a dilemma?No, I am unfamiliar with Wuming, and a loli of this level is not as cute as Fran.

Wait, I'm afraid... Fran won't be able to make a move then, right?If she kills Kabane, she can only get one-fifth of the experience. If she returns and kills her, then she will cry without tears.

To be on the safe side, it's time to do it yourself.

If it is stronger than Wuming, it will take some tricks, at least it is not an instant kill.

Or, capture him and wait until he has enough experience.

"Chief Karakata?" Calamus opened his mouth wide, as if he was familiar with the name.

"Very powerful?" Ye Kai asked curiously.

In this world, there are no creatures that can threaten him, but it is always good to have a little more information.

"The head of Karakata, who is constantly fighting Kabane outside the station, often takes the initiative to fight Kabane. He is a very strong person." Calamus nodded and said.

"My lord brother is the most powerful." Wuming said proudly.

"Hmph, Fulan is the most powerful." Fulan pursed her lips and said with some dissatisfaction.

Wuming and Iris froze for a moment. Although Amazono Mima and his Karakata were powerful, they couldn't escape the category of human beings.

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