And Fran is a vampire at all.Even Karakata might be defeated or die in battle against Kabane, but Fran was chasing Kabane completely, not at the same level at all.

Coupled with that ominous golden giant sword, no matter how you look at it, it is a mythical weapon.

"Why does a creature like a vampire appear here?" Wuming asked curiously.

"Because of some special reasons, I brought Fulan here to practice, and I will see if I can bring two of them home along the way. We are short of talents." Ye Kai said with emotion.

"You all have such great power, why don't you go and kill Kabane, but just sit here leisurely!" Ikoma said a little unwillingly when he saw a few people chatting about homework.

If he had the power of Ye Kai and others, he would have killed countless Kabane by now, and even his sister would not have been arrested before, right?

"We will kill Kabane, but we will not be led by your nose, otherwise even the most powerful person will become a tool of those in power." Ye Kai gave Ikoma a contemptuous look.

"But, but..." Ikoma wanted to say something, but Ye Kai shook his head at him, as if he had no interest in him at all.

"Speaking of calamus, don't squat so far, I won't eat you." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Well, if Miss Fulan needs to suck blood, she can suck my blood." Calamus said weakly.

"Your blood is not type B, so Fulan won't eat it." Fulan pouted her mouth, a little dissatisfied with Calamus' blood type.

"There are a lot of Kabane outside, don't you need to go out and have a look?" Ikoma frowned.

He still kept his point and tried his best to kill Cabanne.

"Now, it's daytime..." Ye Kai looked at him with idiot eyes.

Calamus and Fulan were stunned at the same time, and then they remembered that even the invincible Fulan has weaknesses, vampires, this creature is afraid of sunlight!

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but balance a little. Sure enough, no one has strength and no weakness.

Ye Kai could tell what they were thinking by looking at their expressions, and couldn't help being a little amused, Fulan just hated the sun, it wasn't that she couldn't move in the sun.

Chapter 194 Tracking

the other side.

General Jian frowned tightly, listening to his subordinates' report.

"Master Jian, I'm afraid the food can barely last as long as Vajra Guo. No matter what happens, it seems that it may not be able to last." Jiuzhi Laiqi said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter, what is needed now is unity of will, those guys who like to instigate, have you dealt with it?" Jian Jiang said indifferently.

Unlike the calamus in the original book, calamus is more tolerant, and even influenced by the opinions of those people.

But Jian Jiang directly used the iron fist policy to clean them all up.

Although they were all officials under him before, the power should be in their own hands now. Even if they are not unstable factors, the generals will get rid of them.

Those scumbags are still thinking about driving Ye to get out of the car. I don't know if Fran's little hand holds it, will the Iron Fortress be turned into scrap iron?

There are also some scumbags who want Ye Kai to hand over Fulan, saying that Fulan is their savior and Ye Kai cannot monopolize it.

What did they think of Ye Kai and Fulan?Even if you want to use them as tools, you have to be unaware! md retarded.

As for wanting to pay homage to his family, General Jian agreed, and they should also go to be paid homage.

Is it the courage given to them by democracy, or the courage given to them by power?Anyway, death has taken them away

"It's resolved, there is no unstable factor at present, it's just that the eldest lady..." Speaking of this, Jiu Zhi Laiqi frowned slightly.

"Laiqi, you don't know my painstaking efforts. If calamus can become as powerful as that Fran, do humans still need to be afraid of Kabane? I'm just doing an experiment to see if humans can obtain such powerful power .” General Jian smiled.

As long as Calamus becomes a vampire, he can create a large number of vampires, and then restore his own city, and even become an existence beyond the shogunate and everything.

Even if it is to counterattack Ye Kai and Fulan, it is not impossible.

It's a pity that Ye Kai and Fulan have been together all the time, and they won't be separated even if they say nothing, which makes people feel a little headache.

Anyone with long eyes can tell that Fran is better at fooling around.

He didn't know that Ye Kai and Fulan were separated, it would be a terrible death, and if no one could stop Fulan's rampage, it would be possible to destroy all humans and Kabane in this world.

"Then, why did you use the eldest lady as an experiment?" Jiuzhi Laixi couldn't understand this the most.

He is very loyal to the young lady and wants to change with the young lady.

The problem is...Ye Kai didn't choose him, he chose a dispensable general as a hostage, that would be too much!Besides, Ye Kai is not gay, why choose a man when he can choose beautiful women.

"This is the sorrow of the leader. If she doesn't go, I will go. I'm afraid that little girl doesn't like the blood of an old guy like me." General Jian shook his head and said.

The most important thing is that Ye Kai named Changpu to stay instead of letting him stay.

At this time, don't continue to be evil.

On the other side, a gap suddenly appeared on the walled city that had been occupied before.

Yakumo Zi's figure appeared from inside, and knocked on the air outside the gap, but there was a booming sound.

"Hey, is this world rejecting us?" Yakumo Zi asked in surprise.

"Ah, Zi, even if I become the second support soldier, I can only stay in this world for a minute. It seems that that thing can only protect us in a limited way." Yuyuko stood beside Yakumo Zi and smiled.

"Hmph, I'm not even interested in killing a group of miscellaneous fish." Kazami Yuka stood on the other side and said indifferently.

She originally thought that there would be powerful guys in this world, but she didn't expect that the strongest would be Fulan, the second would be Ye Kai, and the rest, not to mention Ye Kai, Qi Lunuo might be able to win them.

Yakumo Zi followed Ye Kai's existence before and came to this world.

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