"I want to have my own Juncheng."

bang, bang...

At this moment, the fireworks in the sky lit up.

Although it wasn't an overly gorgeous firework, everyone couldn't help feeling a little festive.

"Master Yuyuko has gone."

At this moment, Youyouzi suddenly flew into the sky.


A huge magic circle appeared in the air, and countless pink butterflies flew towards the sky regularly, overwhelming the flowers in the entire post city for a while.

"Returning Soul Butterfly—Hachifensaki!" Yuyuko shouted proudly in the air.

"Fran wants to play too!"

Ye Kai didn't take good care of one, and the three Fulan flew into the air.

The barrage of two colors, accompanied by four magic circles, illuminated the entire night sky.

Ye Kai embraced the three-none Fulan, quietly enjoying the peace.

"It's so beautiful! Sister Fulan and Sister Yuyuko." A child said with a look of fascination.

"I will definitely marry a wife like Master Yuyuko in the future." Another child followed suit.

Ye Kai gave them a strange look.

Boy, your thoughts are very dangerous, are you sure you can afford it?

And this Qixi Festival, everyone is in a foreign land, led by two monsters, the experience is very unforgettable.

Even Ye Kai accidentally got drunk with Ikoma.

Fortunately, Ye Kai kept watching and didn't let Fulan drink, otherwise some kind of accident might happen.

Even Youyouzi danced a dance for Ye Kai, really, it's so beautiful...

Chapter 204

Early the next morning, Ye Kai opened his eyes in confusion, did he really drink too much last night?

catch, catch...

So soft...

"Ara, don't pinch..."

Ye Kai thought of a soft voice in his chest, but the content of the words was horrifying.

Ye Kai looked at his right hand in disbelief, which happened to be on Youyouzi's chest, so scared that he slowly withdrew his hand, so as not to be destroyed humanely by Youyouzi.

This feeling is absolutely necessary!Although most of the girls in Gensokyo are wearing bloomers, they don't seem to be wearing bras!

I actually pinched a ghost, so hi...

And Fran, in his other arm.

What about calamus?She actually fell asleep in Jiuzhi Laiqi's arms.

It seems that everyone drank a lot yesterday.

Ye Kai had a premonition that something terrifying would be waiting for him when he returned to Gensokyo.

At least, that old Lily Yakumo Zi won't let him go, right?

"It's the hunters!"

"Master Liberator, long live!"

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside.

Youyuko also woke up leisurely.

"Ah, Ye Kai did something very disrespectful to someone last night, and he even kissed him, and he was drooling all over his mouth."

Sure enough, as soon as Youyouzi woke up, he started asking questions.

"Well, I didn't do it on purpose... Also, I can't beat you, why don't you resist?" Ye Kai said with a confused face.

Kiss?Why don't you feel it yourself?Sister, even if you are destroyed by humanity, you still have to kiss when you are sober, otherwise it will be too bad!

"If it's Ye Kai, I don't mind." Youyouzi said with a smile.

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched. If it was another girl, he would think that the other party had confessed his love.Can be replaced by an unscrupulous girl from Gensokyo, he doesn't have such a big heart.

"Wow! The time is almost up, Master Yuyuko is going back. See you in Gensokyo, don't make Master Yuyuko wait too long."

While talking, Youyouzi actually kissed Ye Kai's face.

Ye Kai wanted to escape, but he didn't. If he escaped at this time, it would be too hurtful, right?What did he say to Yuyuko last night?

Wouldn't it be to raise her for the rest of her life?I was poor to begin with, and it didn't help if I encountered the system. Didn't Youyouzi never get rid of it for the rest of his life?

Calamus and Jiuzhi Laiqi also woke up at this time, and they blushed instantly.

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