Fortunately, a supernatural event interrupted them immediately.

A gap appeared directly below Yuyuko, and Yuyuko just disappeared into the gap.

Ye Kai shook his head, he will come sooner or later, don't worry about Yuyuko, let's talk about it when we go back to Gensokyo!Even if they kill themselves, it's a big deal to go to Four Seasons to report a few more times, and make friends with Komachi by the way.

Thinking of this, Ye Kai kicked Ikoma and said, "Wake up, go and see what's going on outside."

And at this time, General Jian called Ye Kai and others at the right time.

Drinking last night was a gathering of this small group, and people outside did not know that Ye Kai still had such a luxury as wine.

This kind of wine is for the whole race, even Cabaneri can drink it, produced by Gensokyo, it must be a boutique!

Ye Kai held an umbrella and covered Fulan inside. Since Fulan went to bed early last night, she was quite energetic during the day.

Now Fulan is riding on Ye Kai's neck, Ye Kai's umbrella is held high, just like a father and daughter.

A black post city entered the walled city, and a group of black-clothed warriors slowly walked in. They were hundreds of times stronger than the warriors of Jian Jiang's family?One by one is incomparable.

The Karakata are the troops who dare to take the initiative to attack Kabane. Faced with consecutive victories, as long as they pass by, Kabane will be wiped out.

"Master Meima!"

"What a mighty gesture!"

"As expected of the son of the general."

A young man with long pink hair, a military uniform, a red robe, and a long sword walked proudly in the middle of the Karakata crowd.

Ye Kai smiled slightly, is this his mission goal?


Wuming didn't see Ye Kai's weird look, but instead rushed towards Tianniao Meima.


Tianniao Mima stopped and looked at Wuming with a smile.

"We finally met!" Wuming said excitedly.

"Are you okay?" Tianniao Meima was stunned for a moment, then said sadly: "Where's Siwen?"

"Xianjin Station was attacked by Kabane, but his sacrifice is very honorable." Wuming said in a low voice.

"Is it?"

Meima pressed her chest, said a prayer, and then smiled at Wuming: "But, it's great that you're fine."

Ye Kai narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but glance at Ikoma.

Ikoma, Mima, these two people should be related, right?The protagonist of this world should be the Ikoma, could it be... the author wants to express the feeling that the Ikoma will replace the beautiful horse?

Meima and the woman beside him are both Kabaneri, and Meima's own strength is much stronger than Wuming.

Ye Kai's eyes suddenly turned dark, and he felt that there were countless Kabane in the car!It's just locked up.

"This guy is very dangerous." Ye Kai whispered to General Jian.

"What do you mean?" Jian Jiang frowned.

"In that black car, there are many Kabane locked up." Ye Kai narrowed his eyes and said.

Jian Jiang froze for a moment, and then his brain began to work rapidly.

He is not a rookie like Calamus, he immediately thought of the conflict between General Zeng and Meima.

Could it be that this guy is a conspirator?

It is impossible to identify him, but I can be more on guard.

With the strength of Ye Kai and Fulan, there is no need to lie.

The conversation between Ye Kai and Jian Jiang was not loud, only the two of them and Fulan could hear it.

Fulan didn't have any thoughts, she picked up the teacup on Ye Kaikou, and took a sip of the black tea mixed with blood.

In fact, Meima and others noticed Ye Kai and Fulan at the first time. Although the pair of wings looked like decorations, Meima felt that it was not that simple.

And Ye Kai's scarlet arms gave him a very ominous feeling.

Especially the blood in the black tea, their sense of smell is very keen.

"My lord brother, I have a lot to say to you! After I arrived at the Iron Fortress, I met a lot of friends, and there are two very powerful people..." Wuming said excitedly.

"Mr. Ye Kai, I want to confirm one thing..." Ikoma whispered to Ye Kai.

"What?" Ye Kai cast a glance at Ikoma, this guy hasn't asked himself to do anything for a long time.

"I don't know if Amano Mima is a real hero, this man took away the nameless name." Ikoma said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry and go boldly, if there is something wrong with this person, I will deal with it." Ye Kai whispered.

"Mr. Ye Kai, do you trust me so much?" Ikoma asked in surprise.

"For him, you are his own person, aren't you?" Ye Kai narrowed his eyes and said.

Chapter 205 Game

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