Does this really deserve to be called a boss?Although the incendiary bombs are matched with their melee, they fight very hard, but the efficiency is too low. A team is almost as good as myself, let alone Fran's bug.

"Mr. Ye Kai, they want to take Jiatiecheng and go to Vajra Kingdom together." General Jian said to Ye Kai.

"Then go with them, I seem to know what he wants to do now." Ye Kai narrowed his eyes and said.

This guy is very dangerous, I'm afraid he wants to destroy that King Kong Guo?Juncheng carries a lot of Kabane, and so many anti-personnel weapons.

Eyes can be deceiving, but fluctuations cannot.


According to the agreement, everyone left the city that night, and nothing special happened during the period.

After that, General Jian brought Ye Kai and others to the command room, which is the frontmost place. As long as Ye Kai is there, he is not afraid of the other party's sudden attack.

There seems to be a dispute between Ikoma and Wuming, Wuming tried to steal the key to the Iron Fortress, but failed.

Ye Kai has been staying here all the time, so it's no wonder he succeeded.

However, this is just a temptation for Meima, a temptation for Ye Kai.

He really wants to get rid of the Iron Fortress, otherwise Ye Kai will be a ticking time bomb!

What he was afraid of was that after Jiatiecheng was thrown away, Ye Kai and Fulan chased after him by themselves, then everything would be over.

At least the Iron Fortress is here, so Ye Kai will take care of things.

How did he know that Ye Kai did this not out of moral integrity, but because he found it interesting and wanted to observe him.

After a day passed smoothly, everyone arrived at the next fortress: Iwato.

The lord here seemed to know something and didn't let the black post city into the city.

These, more confirmed Ye Kai's conjecture.

Fortunately, they did not stop them from the Iron City, allowing the residents of the Iron City to enter the city.

"It seems that something very interesting will happen today, General Jian." Ye Kai said as he walked.

"Mr. Ye Kai, you said, they will destroy this place?" General Jian said in disbelief.

Ye Kai left for a while before to eavesdrop on Mei Ma and the others, which strengthened his guess.If he didn't want Wuming to see his brother's true face, Ye Kai would have done it long ago.

After all, it was an acquaintance, and it would not be possible to capture Tianniao Mima without her knowing anything.

"That guy is extremely dangerous! If he wanted to destroy the Vajra Kingdom before, then he is playing with me now. He wants to turn all the people in this city into Kabane, and then declare war on me? After all, I'm a huge stumbling block." Ye Kai said indifferently.

There are a large number of Kabane in the black post city, this is what Ikoma said, and he investigated it himself.

After leaving the Juncheng, the warriors also breathed a sigh of relief.

To defeat Kabane or something, it is better to have Ye Kai and Fulan around, it is better than being with a large number of Kabane.

"But Wuming is still there!" Ikoma said to Ye Kai.

"This is already a small problem. You can solve it when the time comes. I was thinking, how can I make that guy despair?" Ye Kai sneered.

ps: After all, the boss level is weaker, so the boss battle will not be described in large quantities.

Chapter 206 Challenge

Ye Kai first accompanied General Jian to talk about the line problem, and then left quickly.

The leader here originally wanted Meima to talk with Ye Kai and others, but unexpectedly Meima would refuse.

Facing Ye Kai alone, he didn't have that much courage.

Ye Kai didn't care what Ikoma was doing, he was playing chess leisurely with General Jian now.

"They've already gone in, don't you really need to worry about it?" General Jian said with some concern.

If the United States and horses are really like what Ye Kai said, they will destroy this place. Wouldn't it be good for them to sit here and play chess?

"He is an adult, and he should be responsible for his actions. Since he dares to summon the United States and horses, he will have to pay the price. The innocent ones are just children and ordinary people, not them." Ye Kai said with a smile after dropping his son.

"But Ikoma..." Iris glanced at the city wall, Meima and the others had already gone to the place where the leader lived.

Ikoma saw Wuming just now and chased after him.

"Mr. Ye Kai, this is really against the way of a warrior!" Jiu Zhi Laiqi said in a deep voice.

Ye Kai clearly knew about Mei Ma's ambition, but didn't he stop it?

"In a while, I will kill all the Kabane who attacked, including those minions in Kecheng." Ye Kai said indifferently.

"Hmph, obviously it was Fran who did it." Fran pouted.

"Well, go back and take you to the hot spring!" Ye Kai touched Fulan's little head and said with a smile.

"Okay! Big brother is the best!" Fran finally showed a happy smile.

Seeing that Fran was so easy to deceive, Jiang Jiang couldn't help twitching his mouth, if only he had such a younger sister or daughter.

It's a pity that my daughter can't be a longevity species, so she can't provide herself with a lot of combat power.

"Here we come!" Ye Kai took a breath and stood up.

Not far behind, the suspension bridge of the Walled City has been lowered.

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