The smell of blood, a lot of blood!

Those so-called Karakata all rode motorcycles, spilled blood all the way, and marched towards the city with a large number of Kabane.

"Do you really know how to choose the time, during the day? If they think that Fulan can't fight during the day, they are too naive." Ye Kai sneered.

And Wuming, who put down the suspension bridge, was stunned for a moment. Just now, she was upset that those people didn't let the hunters enter the city, and now she was slapped in the face.

Only then did I know that people didn't let them in because they were afraid of them.

"I'm going to pull up the suspension bridge, you go and inform Mr. Ye Kai, he should have expected it a long time ago!" Ikoma had already caught up at this time, and shouted to Wuming.

Wuming is now in a dazed state, and he didn't hear what Ikoma said at all.

Fortunately, Ye Kai never let them down.

Ye Kai stood quietly under the shadow of the suspension bridge, and Fulan stood beside him.

"All humans, all go back." Ye Kai shouted.

The warriors guarding the city were eager to do this, so they fled in a hurry.

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Dozens of Karikatas riding motorcycles rushed towards Ye Kai, holding a Taidao wrapped in Kabane's heart membrane, intending to kill Ye Kai.

Ye Kai smiled slightly, the crack has already arrived in his hand.

Brush, brush, brush...

Everyone didn't see how Ye Kai's knife appeared at all, nor how Ye Kai made his moves.

All I know is that they were already dead when they realized it.

bang, bang, bang...

Fran's little hand shook lightly, there were hundreds of Kabane, none of them broke through here!

Karikata and Kabane were all wiped out in an instant.

"Finally willing to come out?" Ye Kai turned his head to look at Tianniao Mima who was coming, and his men were escorting a large number of civilians.

"Do you want to be a hero that much? This blood will still attract a lot of Kabane. If you attack me, none of these people will survive." Tianniao Meima stared at Ye Kai and said.

The management and elite personnel on the Iron Fortress have been following Ye Kai, and Mima Tianniao has no way to start.

"I don't want to be a hero, I just...have to kill you." Ye Kai smiled.

He forgot one thing before, that is, as long as you don't complete all the tasks, you can choose not to return. Now Tianniao Meima is worthless.

"My lord brother! Why!"

A nameless figure suddenly appeared not far behind Tianniao Mima.

"Wuming, this is the law of the jungle! The cowardice of the shogunate back then needs their blood to repay." Tianniao Meima shouted loudly.

"Forget it, I'll give you a decent way to die, we're better at swordsmanship." The split wound in Ye Kai's hand has already pointed to Tianniao Meima.


The gunshots rang out, and a civilian died under the guns of a hunting party.


"Lord Ye Kai, save us!"

"Don't do it, we want to live!"

Tianniao Mima's pupils shrunk slightly, Ye Kai and Fulan saw the murder of civilians, but they didn't waver in the slightest.

Could it be that the reason why this person doesn't do anything to himself is not because of civilians?Why?If you don't know this, it may be difficult to target.

"Do you think their lives can affect my actions? I didn't do anything before, but the girl Wuming is not bad, I just want her to see your true colors." Ye Kai said indifferently.

"The liars are all liars, right?" Wuming seemed to have lost his mind now, and he kept muttering to himself.

"Ikoma, control Wuming!" Seeing Ikoma appearing behind Wuming, Ye Kai shouted.

Ikoma hugged Wuming without hesitation.

Normally, the ten oysters would not be Wuming's opponent, but now Wuming's heart is already in a mess, so he just let the oyster hold him.

"Fulan, kill those with guns." Ye Kai smiled.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Dozens of small barrages rushed towards those Karakata, more than twice as fast as the bullets?

In Tianniao Mima's eyes, he now only has himself and Wuming left.

The pawn he had laid before, the woman who could turn into black smoke, was dealt with by Fran as early as on the road.

"Now, do you still have to struggle?" Ye Kai smiled.

Mei Ma was stunned, then suddenly smiled, the death of his subordinates didn't seem to affect him in the slightest, and he said indifferently: "Heh, why are you fighting?"

"I do things based on my hobbies, and I'm not targeting you personally." Ye Kai really wanted to say that everyone present here is trash, but that sentence was too shameful for him to say.

"Unexpectedly, I was defeated by an inexplicable person. You wanted to kill me when you saw me, right?" Mei Ma said with a strange expression.

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