The reason why he came to report in advance was that he wanted to earn enough living expenses by working in the swordsmanship gymnasium for a month. Since Zuo Wei wanted to play chess, he had no way to make money, so he could only play for a fee.

Fortunately, all the players who came to challenge were professional chess players, and none of them were short of money, and [-] yen was not a lot of money. To be able to spend money to play chess with someone who was stronger than Xiaoliang, it was worth it!

Especially Ye Kai once played a game of blindfold chess with Xiaoliang and Xiaoguang in front of everyone, and no one would gossip anymore.

The only ones who knew the truth were the two teenagers and Zuo Wei. To Ye Kai, did it make any difference whether it was blindfold chess or not?Anyway, Zuo Wei was the one who played.

On the contrary, Zuo Wei is very virtuous, saying blindfold chess is blindfold chess.

At first, Xiao Liang still had some doubts about the authenticity of Ye Kai's sword skills, but after seeing Ye Kai practice his sword once and accidentally smashed a big rock, he no longer doubted it.

People with this kind of ability really don't need to eat and drink with him and make money with Zuo Wei's Go.

Zuo Wei didn't mind at all, Ye Kai came here with a mission, not just to play with him.

But if Ye Kai goes to must persuade him to join the Weiqi Club!

"I'm here to challenge."

At this moment, a domineering voice sounded.

Not only those chess players, but also Zuo Wei's expression became serious.

The person who came was naturally the number one player in Go, Ta Ya Xingyang.

He had a good stay in China, but he didn't expect Xiao Liang to call him and tell him that Zuo Wei, who had won him back then, had found him.

Now, he finished the duel over there as quickly as possible, and then rested for several days before appearing in front of Ye Kai.

"Eh... this is your home, so there is no charge." Ye Kai said with some embarrassment.

This month, I earned more than [-] million yen, which is enough for my expenses.

After finishing this set today, I have to report tomorrow.

Ta Ya Xingyang sat opposite Ye Kai, and said calmly: "Mutual first?"

Ye Kai nodded and said: "Mutual first!"

"There will be no entertainment today, please go outside and watch, I will record it." Xiao Liang said solemnly to the chess players.

Those chess players also understand that in a true master duel, the fewer people and the quieter the better.

Although Toya Yukihiro and Zuowei don't care about this, the rules still have to be followed.

It was not just ordinary opponents who came to challenge before, even Ogata's [-]th dan was defeated by Zuo Wei, you must know that he is the title of chess master!

It's a pity, for Zuowei, he's still a little young, not as sophisticated as Tayao Yukihiro.

Just when everyone was walking out, Ye Kai suddenly said to Ta Yaliang: "Does he know?"

Xiao Liang nodded solemnly, and said calmly: "There is no monitoring."

Ye Kai stepped aside, while Zuo Wei sat down.

The spirit of ghosts and gods in Ye Kai's body was connected to Zuo Wei's body again.

Under Toya Yukihiro's calm gaze, Zuowei's figure slowly appeared.

"Long time no see." Zuo Wei said indifferently.

"Yeah, long time no see, I've wanted to play a game like this for a long time." Taya Yukihiro showed a rare smile on his poker face.

Zuo Wei is black, and Toya Xingyang is white.

Xiao Guang and Xiao Liang looked at the chessboard solemnly, while Ye Kai sat beside Zuo Wei, watching with great interest.

At the level of Zuo Wei and Ta Ya Xing Yang, the chess they played was no longer something Ye Kai could understand.

Zuowei is best at layout, and Toya Yukiyo is good at attacking.


When the first ball fell, the hands of the two never stopped, and neither of them took the long test.

The game they played was obviously not fast chess, and there were no special rules, but the flames on the field seemed to crush everything around them.

Ye Kai frowned tightly, he felt that his magic power was being consumed rapidly!

It's no wonder that level [-] is still wearing the clothes of level [-], attributes and so on are not up!Hope to have a chance to go to Arad and get a decent outfit.

clap, clap, clap...

The speed of the two finally began to slow down.

Both Xiaoguang and Xiaoliang have their own thinking, but when they play chess on the field, they repeatedly subvert their three views!They can't understand at all, how they play.

Sure enough, there is still a big gap between the former chess master and Zuowei and Taya Yukihiro.

Slowly, the situation became more and more confusing. The situation that should have been clear became weird after Zuo Wei, a big dragon, was slaughtered.

Zuo Wei didn't seem to care about the big dragon at all, it was just a bait.

Although Taya Yukihiro was experienced, he had to fall into the trick, otherwise he would be the one who was at a disadvantage.

Ye Kai was connected to Zuo Wei, and could clearly feel the momentum on the field.

Depressed, too depressing!He really wants to go out and fight someone now.

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