What about Zuowei?Always looked calm and relaxed.

Now, he can't help but think of what he was like when he was Honinbo Shusaku. At that time, he was also constantly accepting challenges from masters from all over the world, which made him a chess master.

Zuo Wei doesn't care about chess masters or anything else, he only cares about the hands of the gods.

three hours later.


"I lost." Taya Yukiyo smiled and didn't care at all.

"I won Banmu." Zuo Wei was not polite, but heaved a sigh of relief.

He could feel that Ye Kai's strength was drawn a lot by him, as if he had fought with a big monster.

Ye Kai wiped the sweat off his brow and said with a smile, "It's good if you win."

"It has nothing to do with winning or losing, I still haven't been able to comprehend the hand of God..." Zuo Wei sighed and said helplessly.

"There will be more opportunities in the future, won't they?" When he said this, Taya Xingyang looked at Ye Kai.

"I'm studying at Kyoto University. I'll report tomorrow. If you like, you can play chess with me. I don't live here anymore." Ye Kai said calmly.

"Okay, how long will you stay here?" Taya said.

Xiao Guang and Xiao Liang were stunned. They thought Ye Kai would stay here all the time, so they didn't ask this question.

"I... half a year, I don't know where I will be after half a year. Zuo Wei can't live in this world forever, people's lifespan has an end, and ghosts are the same. I only hope that in this half year, he can comprehend the power of God. One hand." Ye Kai pondered.

"But..." Xiaoguang was very anxious. If Zuo Wei understood the hand of God, would he disappear again?

"Xiao Guang, I'm very happy." And Zuo Wei showed a very handsome smile.

Half a year?Is that enough?In other words, is Ye Kaijun talking nonsense, he can't become a Buddha now, and his lifespan is inherently unlimited.

It's true, Ye Kai can't stay in this world forever, playing chess with him.

He couldn't attach himself to anyone other than Ye Kai.

After leaving Gensokyo, only the power of ghosts and gods in Ye Kai can maintain his existence. If he wanders around again, he may be taken away.

That kind of death is too cheating!

Xiaoguang still wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, it turned into: "Just as long as you are happy..."

After all, the two looked at each other and smiled, and their affection was radiant...

Chapter 213 Secret Seal Club

"Today I will introduce a transfer student to you. He is an international student from Huaxia. Please come on stage and introduce yourself."

A middle-aged woman pushed the glasses on her head and let Ye Kai in.

This is where Ye Kai will live in the future, at Kyoto University...

Ye Kai walked up to the podium without any hesitation, wrote down his name, and then shouted to his classmates: "My name is Ye Kai, Ye Zi's Ye, happy Kai. I am good at kendo and Go. I like mysterious things." , Chinese food, beauties, that's all."

The teacher had no problem listening to the previous one, but his face changed when he heard the latter one. Isn't this too bold?

But Ye Kai put his liking for beautiful women to the end, there is nothing wrong with it, even if she asks her to stop it, there is no way to stop it.

"Hey, Lianzi, why is this guy's arm red?"

A young girl pushed the desk in front of her and whispered.

"What? Red? Mei Li, you read that right, he's just a man with black hair and black eyes, dressed in ordinary clothes, where's the red arm?" Lianzi asked inexplicably.

"You...can't see it?" Mei Li asked with a surprised face.

Could this be related to the place they have been researching?

Mei Li has a strange ability, which is the ability to see the enchantment. If Ye Kai pays attention to the conversation between the two, he will find that this girl is not simple.

"Could he be from that place?" Lianzi asked softly.

She didn't doubt her friend. The Secret Seal Club is specialized in researching this, and it has already achieved some results. The two of them had been looking for Gensokyo during their previous summer vacation.

"Let's touch it after school!" Mei Li whispered.

As for why it is after school...

Ye Kai didn't know what was wrong, Zuowei drew too much magic power yesterday, so he was late today, and when he came here, the last class would end, he just reported, and there were no electives.

This subject is very weird, it is relative psychology, and I don't know how Yakumozi arranges it. It can't be because this kind of subject is relatively simple, right?

When school is over, I still want to get in touch with Sanae Dongfenggu to see what that girl thinks.

In class, time always flies by quickly, after all, Ye Kai has been wandering around, never thinking about listening to lectures.

I'm afraid he won't be able to wait until his sophomore year, and he is not afraid of failing all subjects.

Ye Kai lived far away, and almost rented a small second floor in the suburbs. He lived alone and it was quiet, so as not to make too much noise every time those professional chess players came to him to play chess.

However, since he just came here, he didn't offend anyone, right?Why are two hamsters stalking themselves?

Or just drop in?Well, don't care if others believe it or not, he does.

The fluctuations from those two guys are classmates, not like bad guys.

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