"You don't want to eat us, do you?" Seeing that Ye Kai's expression was wrong, Mei Li couldn't help being a little scared.

The two had met people from Gensokyo several times before, but that was in a dream, not in reality!

Seeing Ye Kai like this, the proper Gensokyo residents did not run away.

"Don't worry, I used to be human and didn't eat people, but now I don't know how to deal with you two. The existence of Gensokyo should not be passed down in this world." Ye Kai said solemnly.

"Is there something unspeakable?" Lianzi asked curiously, not caring at all that the current atmosphere was not right.

"When you enter Gensokyo, you should be a Gensokyo person all your life. Do you have any concerns?" Ye Kai revealed a dangerous smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Ye Kai, you don't mean to kill them, do you?" Zuo Wei said with a surprised face.

"What? What? Zuo Wei, I told you to avoid unhealthy websites, what are you thinking about every day!" Ye Kaishao rolled his eyes after hearing a word.

But, this girl is so similar to Yakumo Zi, if you take her to vent...

Wait, I am the holder of the upper limit of Gensokyo's integrity, so be elegant and not dirty!

As he spoke, Ye Kai revealed Zuo Wei's figure.

"This, a ghost?" Usa asked with great interest when he saw Lianzi's face.

The dangerous aura in Ye Kai's words before did not affect the girl at all.

Ye Kai was startled at the time, he wasn't scared when he saw the ghost, and he was so interested?Could it be that Zuowei is too safe for people to see?

"Is this... a ghost?" Mei Li frowned slightly, and her breathing became heavier.

In a sense, she and Lianzi can be said to have no care and no care, no father and no mother, both are orphans.

It may be that they were born with too strong spiritual power, and they killed their parents when they were born, and walked together because of their common hobbies.

Although what Ye Kai said just now was suspected of murder, but the two often explored and even went to the moon in their dreams, so naturally they would not be afraid of Ye Kai.

Their pursuit is the ultimate answer of the universe.

"Hello, I am a chess player from the Heian era, Fujiwara Sawei..." Sawei saluted the two of them.

Since Ye Kai let him out, he had to be polite.

Immediately, he picked up the sake and poured himself a glass.

In the ghost state, he can only eat the special food of Baiyulou, unlike Youyouzi who can eat even the world.

"Hello." Both of them nodded at the same time.

Changing Ye Kai is a bit awkward now, what is the reason for them to chat with themselves and Zuo Wei so harmoniously?Is there nothing in this world that can scare them?

Ye Kai originally wanted to scare them, and then asked Yakumo Zi to erase their memories.

But seeing what the two of them mean now, they don't care whether the person talking to them is human or not.

Has this world collapsed like this?

"Aren't you afraid of us? You know, protecting the secrets of Gensokyo is something that capable people in Gensokyo will do. When they have to, they will even kill people to silence them." Ye Kai showed a vicious expression.

"If you wanted to do something, would you tell us so much?" Lianzi rolled her eyes and said.

"Don't you know that those big villains all have evil tastes?" Ye Kai retorted.

"The villain died because he talked too much, maybe a super onmyoji or something came in when you just wanted to do something." Lianzi said with a smile.

"Super Onmyoji? SSR..." Ye Kai choked up at the corner of his mouth.

"Well, please stop arguing." Zuo Wei said weakly.

"Go up and play chess, I'll take care of it here." Ye Kai said to Zuo Wei.

Zuo Wei was waiting for these words, and went upstairs happily.

"Excuse me, can we go to Gensokyo? We want to continue our exploration." Lianzi said softly.

"Life in Gensokyo is very primitive, there are not many entertainment facilities, and human beings are in a disadvantaged position, so I don't recommend you go." Ye Kai frowned.

These two girls are really bold, not only are they not afraid of him, but they also want to enter Gensokyo?

"Is Gensokyo really as magical as it is recorded?" Mei Li's eyes lit up.

"There are only a bunch of goblins who are idle every day, and a seventeen-year-old lady who likes to make troubles..."


Under the unbelievable gazes of the two girls, Ye Kai's face was pressed into the plate by a small hand that suddenly appeared, rubbing back and forth.

"Ye Kaisang, I'll leave these two to you." Yakumozi's voice came from the gap.

The existence of Gensokyo has never been a big secret, and the existence of the Great Barrier is for this.

Even if the two of them spread the word everywhere, Yakumo Zi didn't worry at all, after all, there are too many legends about the eight million gods.

It was the girl who looked very similar to herself and could discover the realm, which made her a little concerned.

She believed that Ye Kai understood what she meant and would bring them to Gensokyo.

Under the weird eyes of the two girls, Ye Kai raised his head and wiped his face casually, as if he was used to what happened just now.

"Well, you know too much now, if you have any concerns, you'd better tell them, you will be kidnapped by me to Gensokyo in half a year, and you will be two peasant women in the future." Ye Kai said helplessly .

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