"There, can we find the ultimate answer to the universe?" Lianzi asked with great interest.

She had a feeling that if she and Mellie didn't want to go, this guy wouldn't force them.

"I don't know, anyway, I often wander around in other worlds." Ye Kai spread his hands, expressing that he didn't understand.

"Another world?" x2.

Chapter 215 Cause and Effect (Must Read Main Story)

Ye Kai had a lot of chats with the two girls that day, and he readily gave them a room to live in.

The two girls didn't see each other at all, and lived in Ye Kai's house casually.

In order to make them believe in Gensokyo, Ye Kai used his real ability, and their thoughts changed all of a sudden.

Anyway, they couldn't run away no matter what Ye Kai wanted, so why bother with that?As a result, Ye Kai's family had two more people and two pairs of chopsticks.

Except for the adventure time, they are basically working part-time and studying, and they did not evade Ye Kai's sponsorship, anyway, they decided to enter Gensokyo.

Using science to discover Gensokyo, or to discover the ultimate answer to the world, is much more difficult than using magic.

And Ye Kai also agreed to the two, and found the best magic teacher for them in Gensokyo.

Needless to say, it was naturally Patchouli.

Anyway, that guy has nothing to do every day, so find her something to do!It's not the first time I brought people back to Gensokyo.

In the next few days, Ye Kai has been explaining the things of Gensokyo to the two of them, including some precautions.

I also told them about Ye Kai's ability to travel through the world, which aroused their strong interest...

Gensokyo, next to the lake of mist.

The grandpa was fishing on the lake of mist and said, "Why, is there something the monster sage doesn't know?"

"Grandfather, I don't know a lot! For example, what the hell are you doing, and what is the purpose of letting Ye Kai appear in this world? What is the expansion of Gensokyo that I don't know? "

There was a gap, and suddenly appeared beside the grandpa.

"I didn't do anything, you have to believe that I did it for Ye Kai, Gensokyo, and this world." Tai Gongwang smiled.


A fish was caught by the grandfather's straight hook and put into the fish basket.

"For this world?" Yakumo Zi sat on the gap, looking at the grandpa inexplicably.

"The energy that a world can supply is limited. In the past, China had a fight with gods and angels of all other forces. Although they won, they also discovered serious disadvantages.

The dispute between Buddhism and Taoism also began to heat up at that time. Hongjun Taoist ancestor didn't care about things, and the gods who made trouble were too busy to take care of themselves.

Those who fight are gods, and the one who suffers is naturally the world.

The vitality of the world in this world is getting thinner and thinner.The gods in China are okay, they have already ascended to other worlds, and they just received some beliefs in this world.

The rest of the angels and the like also died, wounded, and went back to where they came from. Otherwise, would those two little vampires be destined to enter Gensokyo?

The Gensokyo left in this world has become the last cancer that absorbs the vitality of the world and the magic factor, and must be eliminated. "

While fishing, the grandfather said something extraordinary.

"Oh? You didn't attack Gensokyo, I don't believe you would be so kind." Zi Yakumo smiled disdainfully.

"After the previous World War I, China's gods had restrictions on their moves. If they made a move in this world, they might not be able to stop and directly destroy the world. This world can no longer bear too much damage." The grandfather said indifferently.

"It turned out to be like this, so Ye Kai became an opportunity? He has the ability to make Gensokyo independent into a small world. At that time, the monsters will become stronger, and they can also go to other worlds to absorb beliefs, but leave this world behind." Yakumo Zi said thoughtfully.

"Perhaps. But, you didn't come to me today for such a trivial matter, right? You should have guessed about these things before, and now you just want to confirm it." The grandfather smiled, as if everything was under control.

"Hmph, dealing with you is really tiring! What's going on with that girl who looks like me?" Yakumo Zi frowned.

"She shouldn't have appeared in the outside world, and so did Usami Lianzi. They... come from the future! So they are orphans in this world. There is no trace of their existence, and they only know each other." A gleam appeared in Tai Gongwang's eyes. Refined.

Sure enough, the treasure given to Ye Kai worked, and now Ye Kai has disturbed the cause and effect outside!

Yu Zuo Jian Lian Zi, and Mei Li, they should not be born now according to the logic!The era they live in should be the era when humans can land on the moon and Mars at will!

The two future people naturally have very little sense of existence in this world. Except for the two of them, few people will deal with them, because it is difficult for others to notice the two of them, just like a certain sage Hui.

Now, it's just the final experiment. When Ye Kai completes the world, Gensokyo can start to become independent.

Gensokyo at that time was a truly free world, not like now, where everyone lives in a cage.

This cage not only locked Yakumo Zi and other big monsters, but also locked Tai Gongwang...

"People from the future?" Yakumo Zi's eyes flashed a gleam.

"That's right, people from the future! Ye Kai's ability has dragged them into this era." In Taigong's eyes, there was a look of interest.

There are different things in the cause and effect, and Ye Kaiwan has been around for so long, the future of the world is not static!

"Are you...using Ye Kai?" Yakumo Zi asked doubtfully.

"Me? How come. I just gave him an opportunity, not controlling him. The things he carries are full of unknown things. Even I can only arrange a start. What kind of process is there? What kind of process is there?" It's not for me to decide what kind of ending it will be." The grandpa shook his head and said.

Infinite reincarnation had become blurred when Ye Kai was born in Gensokyo.

Grandfather can still rely on intelligence and Ye Kai's behavior patterns to speculate on some things now, but in the future, when the blood jade sword that absorbs the mirror is fully activated, even Grandfather will not be able to control the future, and can only see Ye Kai will leave to which step.

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