The unknown is the fun, isn't it?

"It's you, who always wants to trick him into helping you work." Taigong Wang said with a smile.

"Hmph, he still dares to take advantage of Yuyuko, what's the matter with asking him to pay some labor?" Yakumozi rolled her eyes and said.

"I hope you won't be self-defeating." Tai Gongwang took a deep look at Yakumo Zi.

Some things, only he himself guessed, including the connection between the mirror and the little sword.This is to protect Ye Kai and prevent him from dying when he is young.

Fortunately, Ye Kai did not live up to his expectations.

"I know what I do. You still can't tell me, where is Yu Wentuo?" Yakumo Zi frowned.

Enough information has been obtained today, but she still wants to know more!For example, another yokai sage...

"Yu Wentuo... Soon, he will appear in Gensokyo. After walking for so long, it's time to come back." The grandfather smiled.

It must be fun then.

Chapter 216 Moriya Shrine

February, winter vacation, the time has come to the cold winter season.

For such a long time, Ye Kai has been in contact with many people and things, the time is almost up, and it is time to say goodbye.

Today is the last stop.

Ye Kai took Mei Li and Lian Zi, the three of them were walking on the road, and looked at the stop sign, there was nothing wrong.

Moriya Shrine is here.

how to say……

Moriya Shrine should be a fairly large shrine with strong incense, but to be honest, the current Moriya Shrine is not much better than Reimu's poor Hakurei Shrine.

Although it seems that the people of the shrine are very careful in maintenance and cleaning, the rise and fall of a shrine is not reflected in these specific items, but in the illusory atmosphere. In short, the feeling of the current Moriya Shrine is Desolate and lacking in popularity.

This incense... is really cheating!How can anyone still believe in it?

"Has the decline of faith reached this level..." Ye Kai shook his head, and led the two girls up the steps of the Moriya Shrine.

On the floor of Moriya Shrine, a green girl dressed similarly to Reimu was sweeping snow alone with a broom.

Ye Kai knows her true identity, she is a living god, and also the blessing of the shrine.

"I said, you're the only one here?" Ye Kai waved to Sanae.

"Senior Ye Kai, you actually came to help me sweep the snow?" Sanae looked at Ye Kai and the two girls in surprise.

The place where Ye Kai moved was not far from the girl's home, and the two became acquaintances.

Coupled with Usami Lianzi's strong affinity, the girl likes to play with Ye Kai very much.Her spiritual sense is much stronger than those two guys, and she can see Zuo Wei's existence, but she doesn't know how to use her power.

As a result, she and Zuo Wei got along quite happily.

She told the two worship gods about these things, and the two gods didn't pay much attention to Ye Kai, after all, Yakumo Zi came to say hello to them.

Ye Kai made Sanae willingly leave this world and go to Gensokyo.

She is not the same as Uzuo Jian Renzi and Meili, she has her own parents and relatives, and she is not carefree like the other two.

"Yeah, I agreed to you after all. Also, how are you thinking recently? If this continues, the two gods will disappear slowly." Ye Kai said with a smile.

One of the gods is the embodiment of Faith, and if Faith is lost any more, she may disappear.

The power of gods comes from faith. It can be said that they may not be able to beat the current Ye Kai when they are weakened.

Unless the battlefield is placed in Gensokyo, they will recover their strength.

"I'm ready..." Sanae said happily.

For her family, she prefers to be with these two gods, and she has been Fuzhao of the shrine since she was a child.

If she doesn't go to Gensokyo, the two gods won't go either, at worst they will disappear!Sanae is like their child, and it is unrealistic for them to give up their child.

Her parents lost her, and her younger brother existed.

But without her, the two gods would have nothing.

Ye Kai didn't know until now, in fact, his task was not to persuade San Miao at all.The move of Sanae and Moriya Shrine to Gensokyo was already in Yakumo Zi's plan.

Ye Kai's real mission is a test between Taigong Wang and Yakumo Zi, to see if Lianzi and Meili can appear.

It now appears that he succeeded.

Ye Kai sighed slightly. Although Sanae was very strong, who couldn't see her reluctance to be here?

No way, this is an unsolvable proposition, unless she takes her parents to Gensokyo.

"Ghost swordsman Ye Kai from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, come to visit God Yasaka Kanako and Shiya Suwako God." Ye Kai said loudly to the statues of frogs and snakes.

Yasaka Kanako, although she has the name of Yasaka, is actually not a mountain god, but a god in charge of wind and rain. Therefore, she is believed and worshiped as the god of agriculture. She has the same signboard Shimenawa, which is actually a sign The coiled appearance of the snake, the coiling of the snake, and the connected tails actually mean resurrection and rebirth, that is, eternity.

Death and rebirth are eternal topics, just like the earthly python that surrounds the world, it will always be eulogized by people.

However, human beings know the limit of lifespan and no longer believe in eternity!With technology, human beings can fight against wind and rain!Going over mountains and ridges has become like walking on flat ground!

Haeya Suwako, she is the true deity of Moriya Shrine.

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