He is not only the mountain god, but also the leader of all the haunting gods in the mountain, including Suwa Myojin at that time.

Suwa Myojin is a god who is responsible for birth, agriculture, military affairs, astronomy and geography, history and politics, firewood, rice, oil and salt, medical skills and pharmacology, teaching and singing, singing and beating, etc., but at the same time, he is also subject to She is the only one who can control the terrifying god who will bring down divine punishment if you underestimate it.

Because of this, Suwa Myojin's insatiable faith was also inherited by her. She not only wanted to become a god, but also became a king. Because she mastered the most advanced iron weapons at that time, her power was once invincible , she also reached the apex of the indigenous gods.

In that era, the country of Hayaya Suwako who had the ability to use iron was really unstoppable, and she annexed many surrounding countries because of this, but this was only for a while.

However, her kingdom is invaded by Yamato, whose goal is to unify all countries, including hers.

Of course she disagreed, but the iron weapon she was proud of was entangled in Yasaka Kanako's vines, and eventually it all rusted and broke and lost its use value.

Because he was defeated in the battle with Kanako, he surrendered and surrendered the kingdom.

However, because Kanako couldn't gain the faith of the people in the kingdom, it became a situation where Kanako managed the kingdom together behind Kanako's back.As time passed, Suwako was gradually forgotten by people, and there were almost no people who remembered Suwako's real name.

Slowly, two figures appeared.

One of them looks like a loli, with blond short neck-length hair, wearing a blue-and-white-based "jug outfit" for women who go out, wearing white knee socks on her feet, and wearing two straps on her head A special city girl's hat with two eyeballs, the two eyeballs can move, giving people the impression of a frog, and I don't know if the hat is the body or the person is the body.

The other one was a mature woman with a red short-sleeved top, and the cuffs were stuck with metal cuffs.Under the short sleeves, he also wore a white loose long sleeve.

Straw ropes are worn not only on the head, but also on the cuffs of the white long sleeves, around the waist, and around the ankles.

The bottom is a deep red long skirt, the skirt is a little different in red from the others, with a pattern of plum blossoms depicted on it, and a pair of straw sandals are worn barefoot.

Chapter 217 Decomposer

"Boy, what did you ask us to come out for?" Yasaka Kanako sat cross-legged on a tall pillar, leaning on her face with her left hand, and holding a bowl of wine in her right, said with great interest.

"You are such a good child. Are you burdened with so much darkness and negative emotions, but are all suppressed in one of your own abilities? I hope, you can always keep your heart." Suwako also sat cross-legged on the pillar On the face, with his hands placed straight in front of his legs together, he really looks like a child.

The character of the two, Kanako who looks mature is very straightforward, while Suwako who looks childish is more like a philanthropic god.

"It's nothing, just visit the two gods." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Immediately, he took out a box of Maotai bought with all the remaining property.

How can you be empty-handed when you come to visit?These two guys are both big monsters. Kanako can be said to be the real first echelon of Gensokyo. Being friends with them is only good and not bad.

Now when they are at their weakest, icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow, Ye Kai still understands this truth.

"Boy, you're very sensible! Do you want to believe in me?" Kanako said with a smile on her face, her eyes shining brightly.

She hasn't had a good drink for a long time, after all, the shrine is not very rich.

"I'll forget it, I'm entangled with the power of ghosts and gods, and I can't provide faith." Ye Kai spread his hands, expressing that I am also very helpless.

"Is this a god? It's not much different from us." Lianzi asked curiously.

"I'm here, and I feel the power of the enchantment." Mei Li frowned slightly, and then she felt relieved. Where gods exist, it would be strange if there is no such thing.

"Children, gods are also creatures. Are you looking for the truth of the universe? Do you want to believe in us? We can teach you magic and how to become stronger, so that you can explore more dangerous places." Suwako With a holy face.

"Eh...we used to believe in science, but now science seems to have been beaten to death, you can believe in it too!" Lianzi said with a smile on her face.

"Well, I can also believe in it!" Mei Li followed.

Anyway, it’s just talk, faith doesn’t cost money.


Faith visible to the naked eye entered the bodies of the two gods.

Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head: "Hey, this is poaching the corner of my Scarlet Devil Mansion, right? You two too, don't think that belief is just talk, it's alright now, you have become believers."

"But, I don't think there has been any change?" Lianzi asked in a daze.

"That's because your beliefs are not pious enough. After you live with them for a period of time, your beliefs will gradually increase." Ye Kai covered his forehead, speechless.

If I had known that I was here alone, these two guys would not be deceived.

Fortunately, the people he poached for the Scarlet Devil Mansion have become people from the Moriya Shrine.

"Yes, is that so? It's really amazing." Mei Li looked at her hands and said with a surprised expression.

"Great! Unexpectedly, Lord Shenming has two more believers, thank you senior!" Sanae didn't have so many messy thoughts, and quickly bowed to Ye Kai to express her gratitude.

She is also a witch, her bust can hold four Reimu, and when she bows, her chest jumps and jumps, Ye Kai looks at it and quickly avoids it.

If it's just him and Sanae, it's okay, but there are two gods behind her!

Ye Kai is sure to hit one, but two is enough.

Besides, if we fight now, we won't be beaten to death when we return to Gensokyo, right?They in Gensokyo are not as weak as they are outside.

"Forget it, it's too late to say anything now. Since the two gods have made a decision, my mission is considered complete." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"Haha! What a nice kid!" Kanako was in a good mood after seeing two more believers.

Although the number of people is a little less, it can gradually add up to more!

Kanako already knew Ye Kai from Yakumo Zi. He is a person who can open up the world. When he goes to other worlds to absorb beliefs, how strong will he become?

Faith is like poppy, it can make God very comfortable, but it doesn't have much side effects.

The two gods now have almost forgotten what it feels like to have enough faith.

[Completion of the hidden mission in this world: Suwako's favor with Shiya]

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