
Sure enough, Ye Kai's head hit Mei Hong's chest, and there was a muffled sound.

"You bastard, it's not enough to come back by yourself, and you even brought one back?"

It is true that Tifa is gentle and virtuous now, and there is nothing wrong with being mature.

But creatures like women are jealous, and not everyone is as calm as Iris.

Even so, Ye Kai felt that Tifa's voice was like heaven, and the jealous words were so nice...


Tifa's beautiful legs kicked Ye Kai's head.

Meihong let go of Ye Kai, and retreated to Iris in a funny way.

She could tell that Ye Kai was having an affair with that woman.

"Iris, is this Uncle Ye Kai? He hasn't changed much from back then." Marlene had sharp eyes and recognized Ye Kai immediately.

"Well, it's him. Unexpectedly, he actually appeared! Sure enough, science and everything should die." Iris nodded knowingly.

"Hey, two little girls, who are you? Do you know my bastard?" Meihong stood in front of Iris, looking at her with interest.

Although Iris is a little taller than Meihong, her momentum is overwhelmed by Meihong.

She had a feeling that she couldn't lift her head up in front of Meihong... This kind of pressure was like facing Sephiroth back then!

This small-looking, very strange-looking person is a strong man like Sephiroth?

Meihong's dress and appearance, she looks like a monster, Ye Kai told them before.

But Ye Kai's mistake was that he didn't go into too much detail...

"My name is Iris, and I'm Ye Kai's friend." Iris said weakly.

"My name is Marlene, big sister, your dress is so strange! Why do you have so many bows?" Marlene asked curiously.

The ignorant are fearless, she can't feel Meihong's aura, so naturally she is not afraid at all.

"Hey, what a cute little girl, come, let me hug you." Meihong hugged Marlene, and said with a smile, "This talisman is for you. If you are in danger, it can protect you."

Saying that, Meihong pasted a talisman on Marlene's back.

"Hey, hey, Tifa, can't you?" Ye Kai said dumbfoundedly while avoiding Tifa's attack.

"Where have you been all these years? Do you know how hard we fought and almost died several times, why did you come back? Let me die here!" Tifa used her whirlwind leg again...

"Stop, stop, you're going to destroy your image of a perfect goddess in my heart. Damn, thunderbolt elbow, are you really playing with me?"


Ye Kai was elbowed out by Tifa.

He withdrew his weapon at the beginning and pointed it at Tifa, wouldn't that be courting death?

"Okay, then let's have a good discussion and let you see the results of my cultivation over the years." Tifa said angrily.

Ye Kai came to save her, which really moved her very much.

At that time, why didn't she want to give Ye Kai a warm embrace, and then tell him what happened in these years.

But the problem is, Ye Kai brought Mei Hong with him.

Fortunately, it was Meihong. If it was Fulan, Tifa would have misunderstood that Ye Kai already had a daughter...

Fortunately, Ye Kai reacted quickly, so he didn't need to say too much at this time.

I saw Ye Kai dodged Tifa's kick, rushed forward, hugged Tifa, and kissed Tifa directly while Tifa was in a daze.

At this time, don't say anything, just kiss her...

At first Tifa beat Ye Kai hard, trying to push him away, but slowly, Tifa's strength disappeared little by little, and she hugged Ye Kai slowly.

Tifa didn't really want to put Ye Kai to death, otherwise a spiral comet would fall at this time.

"Iris, is this the Shura Field?" Marlene looked at Iris curiously.

"Eh... this is not a Shura field, after all, it's about Ye Kai and Tifa..." Iris said with some embarrassment.

"So, that little girl is my bastard's girlfriend?" Mei Hong asked with a surprised face.

Marlene looked at the talisman attached to her body, and pouted in dissatisfaction. This talisman is really ugly...

"Well, that's it..." Iris nodded helplessly.

It's all yours. Do you want to be so calm?Could it be that you also support Ye Kai's harem?

After a long time, the lips parted, Tifa's face was flushed, but Ye Kai's face was full of smiles.

"Don't you already have girlfriends? Still treating me like this?" Tifa whispered, wanting to hear Ye Kai's explanation.

Now she holds a glimmer of hope, that girl is not Ye Kai's girlfriend, but just an ordinary friend.

But ordinary friends, why do you say it belongs to her family?

"Girlfriend? Isn't my girlfriend you?" Ye Kai asked with a surprised face, he didn't even think about Meihong.

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