"She...she's not your girlfriend, why do you say you belong to her family? You still make such intimate gestures."

Thinking of Meihong putting Ye Kai's head on her chest, Tifa couldn't help but blush to the base of her neck.

If it were her, she wouldn't be able to do this.

Ye Kai let go of Tifa, with a strange expression on his face, he understood why Tifa was angry.

She waited for Ye Kai for six years, but finally got a Ye Kai who came back with a girl, no wonder she was so impulsive.

"Forget it, let me introduce it to you, otherwise, you girl is easy to think too much." Ye Kai pulled Tifa up to Meihong, dumbfounded.

Ye Kai stretched out his finger and pointed at Meihong, and said awkwardly: "Her name is Fujiwara Meihong, don't look at her like this, she was the one who picked me up nineteen years ago. It can be said...she is my adoptive mother."

Tifa: "..."

Iris: "..."

Marlene: "?"

Chapter 223 Finish this battle...

Meihong's face was full of smiles, and she looked Tifa up and down.

As for Tifa and Iris, their eyes widened, looking at Meihong in disbelief.

This, this...too refresh the three views of people, right?

Adoptive mother?This girl who looks only sixteen or seventeen years old?

"Heh, so you are my daughter-in-law?" Meihong said with great interest, it was really the way a mother-in-law looked at her daughter-in-law with amazement.

"Well, you, hello..." Tifa said awkwardly.

Misunderstanding that someone's adoptive mother is a girlfriend is too weird.

However, it's all Ye Kai's fault, who made his adoptive mother look so young.

With Ye Kai's return and the sudden meeting with her parents, Tifa, who used to be calm in times of trouble, instantly became a little girl.

Instead, it's still the same.

Ye Kai put his arms around Mei Hong, smiled and said: "Don't look at her like this, she is more than [-] years old... Poof..."

Mei Hong hit Ye Kai's abdomen with an elbow.

"Hmph, nice girl, don't let her down in the future, you know you bastard? Also, I'll always be sixteen!" Meihong stared at Ye Kai with a dangerous face and said.

Ye Kai's heart trembled when he was watched, and he was speechless...

An hour later, everyone already understood what a strange place Ye Kai was.

Go in and keep an optimistic attitude.

If you are a strong person, then congratulations, you are not at the bottom of the food chain in Gensokyo, as for which level you are, it depends on your strength.

Please forget about any combat skills you learned outside (unless you don't intend to live here all the time), and try to develop your own barrage and spell cards.

Remember to go to the Hakurei Shrine and find the red and white maiden to report your account, so as to prevent yourself from becoming a black household and being deleted by the urban management one day, so that you have nowhere to cry.

If you are a person of faith, then congratulations, Gensokyo has a variety of beliefs to choose from.

Be careful when fighting, monsters who always like to say that they want to release water will never release water, just like black and white who always sweep away and never use a broom to sweep the floor.

Let's shout three times to the sun flower field: Youxiang Fortress that will never fall!

If you see some blue-haired goblin freezing frogs, just ignore her or you'll be an idiot.

If your strength is not strong, the Hakurei Shrine will become the best place for you to save your life, as long as you are willing to put money into the money box.

Marisa is a nice person, but staying close to her can often mean getting you into trouble.

There is a luxurious mansion next to the Lake of Fog, and the owners in it are all vampires.They are a pair of cute sisters, and they are also Ye Kai's immediate boss.

Please don't talk about any topic related to age anywhere, please don't talk about any topic related to age anywhere, please don't talk about any topic related to age anywhere, this is not a lie.But it's really important so repeat it three times!

Listening to Ye Kai's introduction, Tifa couldn't help feeling a little confused.

How did Ye Kai live to such a large place in this kind of place?

As for Ye Kai, he also knew that Myron had passed away a long time ago. Although he had a premonition before, he was still a little bit embarrassed when it happened.

Apart from these friends, Tifa now has only herself to rely on.

She was originally a person who was tough on the outside and soft on the inside, and Ye Kai would never let her down in the future!

After so many three-view shocks, Tifa gradually recovered her previous calm state of mind, at least she won't get distracted when facing Ye Kai and Meihong.

"Now tell me, what happened after I left?" Ye Kai smiled.

Tifa nodded, and started from the beginning, including the dolls used in every battle. Ye Kai's dolls have helped everyone break through countless times and save themselves from danger.

Hearing that Zacks was still alive, Ye Kai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although Iris is ready-made, but Zack may not be sure, that guy is too heroic.

"I felt the power of Sephiroth on those guys just now, Iris, do you know what's going on?" Ye Kai said to Iris.

This is the plot, of course he still remembers, after all, that movie is too classic.

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