"Oh? Both brothers are here, don't worry." Kadanqiu was on a cliff, looking down with a smile.

Ross's body had just condensed into shape, and he was still a little weak, but Kadan Qiu didn't care about it.

"Roz, Yaz, say hello to your two brothers." Kadan Qiu sneered.

Just now, I was deflated at Ye Kai's, and I was so angry that I haven't recovered yet!

I don't know how that natural sense of fear came from, anyway, not only Ye Kai, but also the woman beside him is extremely dangerous.

It was Meihong, not Tifa.

Calculated according to the level, Meihong is a professional who has not awakened at level [-], but her ability cannot be converted so simply. The recovery speed of the Penglai people is very helpless even for a big monster.

It's okay to switch to Yakumo Zi or Yayi Yonglin's style of play, there is always a way to exile or imprison.

But if it was Kazami Yuka, the fight would be endless!One has unlimited demon power, and the other has unlimited vitality.

This is where the weirdness of Gensokyo lies. Many people's monster power is obviously not very good, but their abilities are so strange that people can't figure it out.

For example, Reimu, out of Gensokyo, Ye Kai can beat her ten times, but in Gensokyo, ten Ye Kais are not her opponent...

For example, Sakuya, the lethality is not strong, she can pause the time, what if she replaces her throwing knives with a lot of nuclear bombs?

For example, Rumia looks like a cute creature, but if her seal is removed, few in Gensokyo dare to say that they can beat her.

When fighting against the people of Gensokyo, the so-called gap in combat power should be put aside immediately.

Closer to home, Ross and Yaz did not refute, and immediately rode their motorcycles towards Claude and Zacks.

Countless war beasts appeared on the plain again.

These war beasts are not randomly generated in the city, but restrained war beasts made specifically for the combat power of Claude and Zacks.

In the original book, Cloud was almost deflated at first because of this.

"Oh? Some uninvited guests came. I happened to be investigating them, but I didn't expect them to come to my door." Zacks sneered.

"Is there something... I don't know?" Claude asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing, it's just a group of secondary illnesses that suddenly appeared." Zacks said indifferently.

brush, brush...

Their weapons suddenly appeared on the motorcycles of the two people. Claude had a lot of swords, and Zack had only one.

bang, bang...

The two waved their swords casually and frowned at the same time.

How do these monsters know their weakness?

Fortunately, the hard power of the two was there, and four or five war beasts were chopped into black smoke by the two.

"Where's mom?"

Ross's car rode to Claude's side and punched him with an electric arc on his hand.

Claude narrowly escaped, a little unclear.

Kadan Qiu murmured on it: "Sure enough, what you know is the easiest. Although brothers are very powerful, your fighting skills are all too similar."

Zack just wanted to support Cloud, but a bullet hit him in the forehead.

"This marksmanship looks like Sephiroth." Zack's glasses were blown off, and a small scar appeared on his forehead.

A mere bullet can't damage his body at all.

The reason why Zacks and Claude's fighting power is not inferior to Ye Kai's is simple and rude: speed, strength, and body hardness.

Even if that bullet hit Zack in the eye, it wouldn't help.

When Zack first escaped, his body hadn't adapted yet, and Claude had to take care of him, otherwise he would have defeated the thousand-odd Shinra soldiers by himself.

"Did brother hide it?" Yaz fired a few shots at Zacks and said coldly.

"What are these two guys talking about?" Zack frowned.

"Sure enough, you lied to me. Mom is really in your hands, right?" Kadan Qiu found that the two seemed to be ignorant, so he couldn't help calling Shinra's president, Rufus.

The combination of Zacks and Claude is not as simple as one plus one equals two. The two have cooperated all year round, which is worthy of these monsters.


Suddenly, Claude's arm hurts, this is the recruitment of Star Trace!

Brush, brush, brush...

Countless war beasts took advantage of this opportunity to pounce on Claude!

"Claude, watch out!" Zack yelled.

Chapter 225 Surprising Consensus

At this moment, Kadan Qiu stretched out his hand on the cliff, and all the war beasts turned into black smoke and disappeared.

There are still big battles to be fought in the future, and the rare combat power cannot be wasted here.

Even if Claude is killed, there are still so many members of Avalanche. The most important goal now is to find Xenovia's head.

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