That, can strengthen them infinitely, so that they can face stronger opponents.

While the opponent is still in disarray, we must act quickly!Otherwise, if Shinra becomes one with Xue Beng, it will be a long way off to win Xenovia's head.

Ross and Yaz sneered at Zacks and Claude, and they all turned their heads, which made them a little confused.

No reinforcements came here, why didn't they fight when they had the upper hand?

"Claude, it seems that the war is about to start again." Zacks joked without thinking too much.

"Do you know who they are?" Claude turned to Zack.

"I don't know, but they can control people with star marks, extract power from star marks, and create those black monsters." Zacks frowned.

"What should we do now?" Claude is used to finding Zacks with problems, and Zacks is not tired anyway.

"Go to Shinra, those people should know something." Zacks said calmly.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the two finally arrived at Shinra's temporary base.

Compared with the giant Shinra company in the past, this place can only be described as bleak, and Ye Kai's family is much better than this.

The location is also in the wilderness, and the scenery is not bad.

The two got off their motorcycles and walked towards Shinra's branch.

Claude opened the door first, and then swung his sword.


The long sword and the swinging stick collided.

Seeing that Renault was still the same, he yelled at Claude and rushed over.

Claude and Zacks got used to it, turned around normally, and Renault rushed out.

When he realized it, he was already outside the door, and he was about to come back when he heard a bang.

Well now, he's locked out.

Click, Renault opened the door, revealing his head.

"Well, sure enough, there are two tricks, but we are looking for you..."


Before he finished speaking, Crowe closed the door again and locked it.


This is a European-style house with a door that leads to other rooms.

A handsome bald guy with a pair of sunglasses, two earrings on the right and a bunch of earrings on the left. He looks very non-mainstream and doesn't match his handsome suit.

Still, being a bodyguard is kind of like it.

"Handsome Rude!"

As soon as Renault yelled, Rude's stick was pulled out.


The Great Sword of Destruction was already on his neck.

Zacks said with a playful face: "Lufus, is this your way of hospitality?"

"There are two tricks, as expected of a first-class special soldier."

At this moment, a wheelchair slowly turned out, and a guy in a white robe sat on it, even covering his face.

"Shinra didn't die after being blown up by Sephiroth, your life is really great." Zacks said with a smile.

"It seems that we invited Claude this time." Rufus said indifferently.

"I'll just pass by and look around to see how you're doing, and it's Claude who's talking." Zacks said indifferently.

"That day I..."

"What are you looking for me for?" Claude interrupted the conversation roughly.

"Before the building collapsed, barely..."

"Who attacked us?" Claude forced him without giving him a chance to play the emotional card.

Zacks smiled, this guy is also starting to know how to speak.

"Forcing us to leave?" Claude didn't let him continue, straightforward.

"Do me a favor, Claude." Rufus straightened his clothes and said softly.

On his right arm, there are obviously black marks, which are star marks.

"Not interested." Claude refused decisively.

"Our Shinra Corporation owes the world a large debt, and the world it caused is bleak and sparse. It is reasonable for people to shift the responsibility to us, so this debt must be repaid." Rufus said indifferently.

"Open the door!" Renault yelled from outside.

No one paid attention to him, and Rufus continued: "We have been investigating the influence of Sephiroth's legacy. It has been three years. The world has taken the first step. What poses the greatest threat? Yes, it is the evil Starscar Syndrome .”

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