Claude and Zacks couldn't help but focus on Rufus' right hand. It seemed that Rufus was also one of the victims.

"We think the reason lies with Sephiroth. People in the world think that the magic furnace, the magic energy, and the river of life are the reasons for the star marks. I don't think so, the river of life was born with the planet, and the magic energy has four More than ten years of use history.

Despite this, Star Trace has never appeared in history.So, what is so unusual about our generation?Can't think of anything else, it's the existence of Sephiroth. "Lufus said indifferently.

"Sephiroth is dead." Claude said in a deep voice.

"Where did his spirit go? Dissolved in the river of life, what would happen if it did not spread and traveled around the world?" Rufus said in a deep voice.

The expressions of Zacks and Claude changed at the same time.

"Of course, this is my fantasy after all, but it is not impossible. Knowing the truth will promote the healing of Starstreak. So we...investigated the clues left by Sephiroth. First, the big hole in the north. Guess what we will gain Don't worry, you won't gain anything there." Rufus said indifferently.

"Heh, isn't Xenovia not gaining anything?" Zacks said coldly.

"No Xenovia was found." Rufus replied.

Although Xenovia is in the hands of Rufus, it is impossible for him to confess now.

Zacks, he was just cheating him.

"Afterwards, an accident happened, and they appeared... Kadanqiu and his group." Lufus said in a deep voice.

"They attacked you too?" Zack frowned.

"I think you have fought against them. Like us, you have a deep past with Sephiroth. If Kadan Qiu is paving the way for the coming moment, we are undoubtedly the biggest obstacle." Lufus said indifferently road.

"Foreshadowing? That guy Sephiroth, is he going to make a comeback? Claude, let's go." Zack snorted, turned and walked towards the door.

"In order to compete with Kadan Qiu and the others, we need your strength. Why not fight side by side? Zacks, Claude." Rufus made the final hold.

"There's no need to talk anymore, we have the ability to handle it ourselves." Zacks opened the door and said calmly.

"You don't want to know, what does mother mean?" Rufus said softly.

"What else is it? It's just Jenova. You hide too many things, we are not interested in cooperating." Zacks laughed.

"What about the information about the star marks? You want it too, for the sake of the orphans living together, how about making the children smile again? Our purpose is to rebuild the world! Claude."

At this time, Rufus held out his hand to Cloud.

This sentence just hit Claude's weakness.

I have to say that Rufus is a qualified leader, he knows what to say and what not to say.

Even if he recruited Claude now, and the more difficult Zacks, he didn't reveal all the information in one go, because he didn't dare to gamble, and used this planet to gamble.

Shinra, who once almost destroyed the world, is now saving the world. I have to say that this is a great irony.

Claude turned around in confusion, he really needed these, but he didn't know how to do it.

Even Zacks and Xue Beng couldn't have more information than Shinra.

"I..." Claude turned around, hesitating.

"Please Claude, don't you want to rebuild Shinra?" Renault said something that shouldn't be said at the right time...

"Not interested." Claude turned around and left, there was no need to talk further.

Zacks smiled, Claude was still the same as before, and he said indifferently: "If Sephiroth appears again, then defeat him, it's just a defeat."

What he said at this moment is surprisingly consistent with Ye Kai.

Chapter 226

Just after Claude and Zacks left, Renault was despised, this guy is too unreliable!

All the people sent out by Shinra had accidents, and the only ones available were Renault and Rude.

"The next step is to find the director and Irina." Lei Nuo lay on the sofa and said casually, "Where's the information about the other members?"

"No gains for the time being." Rude frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"It's unexpected that there are so many members from the original commune, and I burst into tears." Lei Nuo sat up as he spoke, showing no sign of crying at all.

Before Shinra was destroyed by Sephiroth, he was scattered, and there was not a single special soldier left, including ordinary soldiers.

Except for Renault's department, it can be said that the tree fell and the hozen scattered.

This is also very worthy of reflection. What kind of cheating did Baotiao back then do?None of the special forces who have been in Mogang can rest easy.

As for Rufus back then, he was not considered a qualified leader, but his self-reflection over the past few years had allowed him to grow a lot.

"I can see the hope of a comeback." Renault vowed.

He seemed to have seen that the giant Shenluo once again stood on top of the world.

"The burden of redemption falls on the survivors." Rude said indifferently.

Lei Nuo lay on the sofa again, and said helplessly: "It's been three years... huh? Only three years? It was a nightmare, the world was almost destroyed, and our Shinra caused the disaster... Cough cough, by the way, how many sins do we have to atone for? Huh? It’s such a headache without the director.”

"So is Irina." Rude answered.

"Be sure to live a good life for me." Renault looked at the ceiling, wondering what he was thinking.

"Mr. Zeng is the same as the president. He was close to death... he was very lucky." Rude comforted Renault.

"That's right!" Lei Nuo suddenly became excited. Should it be said that it is a single-celled organism?

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