Surrounded by a group of guys who look the same as him, ask Ye Kai's current psychological shadow area...

Chapter 233 Vincent

"What the hell is this?" Ye Kai looked at the "self" who surrounded him, and asked in a daze.

"This is your cyborg, and we have encountered it a few times, but they are only stronger than the normal second-level special forces, without your weird swordsmanship." Zacks said solemnly.

"Be careful, they are powerful!" Tifa frowned.

When she saw this thing for the first time, Tifa thought it was Ye Kai, but before she was happy, these things rushed towards her one after another, and only then did she know what these things were.

Unlike Sephiroth, these things have no will of their own, just a group of combat weapons.

Shinra lost a team before, but unexpectedly Kadan Qiu found it.

"What I said, how dare they do this." Ye Kai suddenly realized.

Everything can be smoothed out, they dare to pull out their teeth like the original, relying on these things, right?

But why don't they go with these androids?

Twelve second-level special forces, um... It should be said that they are quasi-first-level special forces, plus the three of them, Ye Kai and others are not sure of victory!

As if knowing what Ye Kai was thinking, Zacks said in a deep voice: "This thing is similar to your doll. It is not afraid of death or injury. It's just because of the incomplete situation. .”

Ye Kai understood everything now.

However, being held back by these things is not a good situation!

Suddenly, a red cloak appeared in the air, wrapping the three of them together in an instant before the artificial humans surrounded them.

"Don't resist, you're a companion!"

Just as Ye Kai was about to make a move, he was stopped by Zacks.

Ye Kai hugged Tifa, and Zack grabbed Ye Kai.


The three of them were caught by the owner of the cloak and flew into the air.

And those man-made people became at a loss after they had no target to attack.

I don't know how Kadan Qiu controls them, it should be a way to attract monsters, right?

Even if he is out of the attack range, the hatred of these guys will go to Ye Kai and others.

After a while, everyone went to the other side, which is where Zack kicked the motorcycle first.

"Vincent, long time no see." Zacks said with a smile.

Vincent is a youth, it just seems so.

He wears a huge red cloak, a red scarf on his forehead, a metal glove on his left arm, a gun in his right hand, and is covered in leather.

Those scarlet eyes, no matter how you look at them, are very similar to Ye Kai.

"Long time no see." Vincent whispered.

"Hey, don't be so foreign, just say a few more words." Zacks said.

"I come here often, so I have been observing Kadan Qiu and the others." Vincent said softly, leaning on the tree with his arms folded.

He obviously has no interest in chatting.

"Oh? So you know their details?" Tifa asked puzzled.

Vincent is also a member of Avalanche, and they fought against Sephiroth together before.

27 years old is his sleeping age, his actual age should be over 50 years old.After Vincent witnessed his still beloved former lover being used as a human experiment, he was conspired by Hojo and transformed into an immortal creature. His body was transformed so that he could transform into various monsters, and at the same time lost his reason. Turned into a pure killing machine.

Vincent, who looks cold on the outside, is actually an extremely gentle and emotional man. The tragic experience decades ago made him taciturn. He always believed that it was his own fault that turned Lucrecia into Jenova's experiment. If you can't survive, you can't die. This half-human body is the punishment given to him by heaven.

He is a tragic figure. After the battle, he traveled around the world alone to investigate Jenova and learn the true face of the trio.

"Starscar Syndrome is the result of overreaction of the system that eliminates foreign substances in the body. There is also a circulation in our body similar to the river of life, fighting against the evil substances that invade the body." Vincent said indifferently.

"Human immunity, white blood cells?" Ye Kai asked suspiciously.

Is this argument found by no one in this world?Uh... it's not scientific, but it's magical.

"Evil matter..." Zack frowned slightly.

"Sephiroth's gene, Jenova's genetic idea, call it whatever you want." Vincent said indifferently.

"Claude is fine, why am I fine?" Zacks wondered.

The contact with Sephiroth, the time spent with Mohuang, should be more of him.

"Maybe it's because you often double cultivate with Iris? You must know that she is the only ancient species, which has improved your immunity invisibly." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Double cultivation?" Vincent was puzzled, not knowing what Ye Kai was talking about.

As for Ye Kai, he pressed the thumb and index finger of his left hand together to make a round hole, and then the index finger of his right hand went in and out...


Tifa slapped Ye Kai on the back hard.

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