Now everyone understood, and felt that Ye Kai deserved to be the demon king, who was able to make such YD gestures so aboveboard.

There is no way, after staying in Gensokyo for a long time, I don't know how long he can maintain this upper limit of morality.

"Understood, how did you know? Did you investigate?" Zacks said with a smile on his face.

"Zeng and Irina, I moved them here who were seriously injured. It seems that they have suffered a lot of cruel torture. Although they have been treated, it is hard to say how effective it will be." Vincent said in a deep voice. road.

His voice is very hoarse, and if you don't listen carefully, you may not be able to hear it.

"It seems that they have already got the head of Jenova, the disaster of the sky, the crisis of the planet - Jenova. If this continues, they are likely to create a second Sephiroth." Vincent continued.

"Kadan Qiu and the three of them all have some characteristics of Sephiroth. When fighting with them, it is like facing Sephiroth. It seems that the matter is already clear, isn't it?" Ye Kai smiled.

"In this case, what we have to deal with is Sephiroth?" Zack said indifferently.

"It's really exciting. If Sephiroth really appears, leave it to me." Ye Kai nodded.

"This is a battle that belongs to everyone, and I will participate." Vincent said softly.

"Now, go and teach them an unforgettable lesson! Sephiroth, it's just a memory, can we still lose to the memory?" Tifa spread her hands.

"I won't lose. I have long wanted to see Sephiroth in his heyday. Compared with this, what I want to know now is what I look like when I am at full strength. It has been a long time since I fought with all my strength..." Ye Kai looked at his hands, and couldn't restrain his excitement!

His prehistoric power can no longer be held back!

How strong is the ghost sword of the fortieth level, fully used?

Chapter 234

In the city, Kadan Qiu's trio stood in the central square, making final preparations.

The central square is very vast and can accommodate at least ten thousand people. There is a huge monument in the middle, and it looks like an abstract statue.

Countless citizens surrounded the three of them and countless children.

But due to the bad nature of people, no one rushed forward, but strongly condemned there...

"Hey, did you hear what I said?"

"Pretend not to hear?"

"Why do such a thing?"

"What did you do to the child!"



The surrounding residents only know how to shout, but they don't have the courage to take the child away.

Kadan Qiu gave them a contemptuous look and raised his right hand.

Suddenly, the sky seemed to be overcast, the ground was filled with black air, and countless war beasts came out of the ground!

These things are more than ten times more than those that attacked the church before!

They don't kill, but they hurt!

For, as if to gather people's fear?

The power of star marks is fermented by fear, and some powerful war beasts are brewing.


"What monster is this!"


People scattered like birds and beasts, and the concerted efforts before felt more like a joke.

Conscientious parents will take their children away.If you are selfish, you won't even care about your own children.

Denzel just stood there quietly.

"Denzel!" Seeing that Denzel was fine, Sisner breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed Denzel, and ran towards the Seventh Heaven.Ye Kai had informed her before that these children might be controlled, so don't worry about them when the time comes, just take them away.

Now everyone has their own division of labor, and her task is to take care of the two children.The fact that the child is fine is the greatest guarantee for war.

The opponent is now unable to divide his forces. After all, what he has to deal with is Ye Kaizaks Crowder, a combination of three first-level special forces.

Meihong and Kadanqiu have not forgotten either!

Since those cyborgs haven't made any achievements, let's use the power in their bodies to create bigger and more war beasts, and see if they can turn the world upside down!

Meihong sat lazily on a tall building, looking down, as if she wanted to yawn.

Iris and Claude have already come out.

Countless members of Avalanche have already begun to respond, at least there is no need to worry about Iris' safety.

Claude himself is also a first-class powerhouse!

Ross and Yaz were pulling an iron chain, which was connected to a statue in the central square, while Kadan Qiu went to find Rufus.

"What are you doing?"

Just when the two were about to zip the chain, Renault's flat voice sounded.

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