"Hmph, mom is here, right?" Yaz pointed at the statue in the center and said calmly.

"Why do you..." Rude frowned.

"This monument was made by Shinra, right?" Ross said indifferently.

"So it's hiding here?" Renault looked puzzled.

Sure enough, the fog that Rufus had set before worked.

"Isn't it?" Yaz raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know." Rude said.

He and Renault had smiles on their faces, neither agreeing nor objecting, they were very flattered.

"Even we don't know where we are." As soon as Renault finished speaking, he and Rude laughed at the same time.

These words, even they themselves do not believe.

"What, it seems that you really can't lie." Yaz said with a playful face.

"What?" Renault and Rude immediately put away their smiles, their faces full of embarrassment.

"Lude, you have to say something!" Renault said to Rude.

Rude tidied up his clothes and ignored him...

And Lei Nuo was in a hurry, he swung his stick and rushed over!

Meihong on the building sighed, and said boredly: "When will the huge flying creature that bastard mentioned come out? It's so boring."

Ye Kai naturally did not hide anything from Meihong, and told Meihong everything that might happen.

It was also because of Meihong's presence that Ye Kai was able to leave with Tifa at ease, giving the other party the illusion that only Claude was left with the fighting power.

As for Cisner, similar to Renault, he has never been taken seriously.

The thirteenth floor of a building that hasn't been completed yet.

Lufus was imprisoned here by Kadan Qiu.

His wheelchair was facing the ground, and he would have been shivering if he had been afraid of heights.

However, Rufus is clearly not that vulnerable.

"Hey, Kadan Qiu, I want to ask you something." Rufus said softly when he saw Kadan Qiu coming.

"This is the only one." Kadan Qiu took out a magic stone from his arm and said calmly.

"You said that you can restore the original state with Jenova's cells, what does that mean?" Rufus asked knowingly.

"He will come back." Kadan Qiu said calmly.

"Sephiroth, nightmare..." Rufus sighed with emotion.

"Maybe, I don't know Sephiroth, but... I just can feel him. I really want to know, will my mother choose me or Sephiroth?" Kadan Qiu said with a sob.

"Poor thought body." Rufus said with some pity.

"No matter what, your fate is the same!" Kadan Qiu yelled at Rufus: "Mom came to this planet after a long journey to make stupid guys disappear from this universe."

The magic stone had been handed to Lufus, but Rufus didn't move at all.

"However, I can understand that there is no difference between here and when my mother first came here, so I want to make my mother happy. As long as it is my mother's order, I can do anything." Kadan Qiu whispered.

"Hmph, is the nightmare coming again?" Rufus said disdainfully.

"As long as you are here, no matter how many times the same thing happens, it will still happen again." Kadan Qiu said indifferently.

In his eyes, as long as those war beasts come out, whether it is Shenluo or Xuebeng, they will only die.

"The river of life that surrounds the planet flows in the gap between life and death. If this is the essence of the natural cycle, then history repeats itself as a matter of course. Whether it's Xenova or Sephiroth, it's up to you. We will follow the fate of life and stop you again and again." Rufus said softly.

"President, is this an excuse for you to take away your mother? In fact, you regret it very much..." Kadan Qiu said indifferently.

"Regret? I'm so happy." Rufus said.

Kadan Qiu stuffed the magic stone back into his arm, and said with a disdainful smile: "Very good, it couldn't be better. Then, it's about time to break it."

As he said that, Kadan Qiu exuded a murderous aura!

I saw his left hand radiating light, the power of the star marks and the fear of the people have been collected enough!


He waved his hand violently to the sky.

The dark clouds in the sky appeared in a ring shape, and the surrounding lightning and thunder rumbled like the end of the world!


Five huge war beasts flashed from the sky.

They look similar to those on land, they are huge, tens of meters long, like... weird flying dragons!

Chapter 235 Fight!

Renault and Rude were only halfway through the charge at this time.

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