Among them, the huge war beast landed on the square, roaring wantonly!

There are four left, hovering in the air!


Lei Nuo didn't pay attention, and threw the stick on Rude's face, which made him blindfolded.

"This thing..." Renault said in disbelief.

"I can't win." Rude said bitterly.

In the original book, Tifa was almost injured because of this, but this time Ye Kai has already told Sisne, don't care about the child's thoughts, just take him away...

Although there are still many children left, this has nothing to do with the overall situation.

Ye Kai's predictions were basically realized.

It's just that he didn't expect that because of his previous genes, there were four more of this thing than before, and one of them was twice as big as the others!

After finishing speaking, the two turned around and ran away without any nostalgia.

On the contrary, Lei Nuo had a conscience, and he didn't forget to take a child with him when he left.


Ross took advantage of the gap when he stopped, and punched him!


Clash of fists against metal.

Ross didn't know what evil he had done recently, as long as he punched, [-]% of them would hit the sword!

Renault looked at the person behind him in disbelief, and said in surprise, "Claude?"

"Take the children and leave it to me." Claude said in a deep voice.

"Good job Claude! Come on!" Renault got up and ran, and Rude quickly followed with a child in his arms!


The huge war beast in the middle suddenly soared into the air, with a faint blue light in its mouth!

Meihong soars into the sky, she is not a jump, but a serious flight!

She flew towards the huge war beast and roared, "Phoenix wings fly to the sky!"


Behind her, a bunch of flame-like wings suddenly spread out, dancing with her hands.

Her head was like a huge bird's head extending out.

She is now like a living fire phoenix.


The flame storm burned towards the beast.

The four war beasts raised their heads at the same time, spraying energy from their mouths, and hit Meihong with one blow!


When the two streams of energy collided together, there was no violent explosion, but an annihilation-like cancellation of each other.

"Yo, this thing is not bad." Meihong didn't care at all, she just tried it out, but the other party went all out.

In this way, he hasn't attacked himself yet, is the water a little bit?

Claude swung Ross away with a sword, and then one sword split into two swords.

ding ding ding...

Countless bullets poured on Claude's sword, all of which were blocked by him sensitively.


The Beast King soared into the sky, and the energy bullets in his mouth blasted downward.


Flying across at any time, all the places where the monument in the middle could hide things were ruthlessly blasted open!If Xenovia's head hadn't been taken into consideration, it might have blown up the entire central square with one blow.

bang, bang, bang...

Under Meihong's fists and feet, all those broken rocks shot up into the sky and hit the four war beasts.

The four war beasts hurriedly dodged, seeing fear in Meihong's eyes.

Meihong carried out what Ye Kai said, wait for him to come back, and start a full-scale war!

If it wasn't for delaying time, she would have started killing him long ago.

bang, bang, bang...

Yaz switched angles and continued shooting at Cloud, who was now fitted with the magic stone.

Claude resisted Yaz's attack while guarding against Ross. It was really miserable.

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