"Roar!" Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, the war beast rushed towards Ye Kai.

Ye Kai's eyes regained clarity, and he showed a contemptuous smile.

Draw the sword, draw the sword, draw the sword and cut!


A huge circular sword light unfolded in the air.

One hundred yuan each is colorless, not in vain...

A puff of black smoke rose from the beast, and the beast disappeared!

the other side.

Mei Hong punched the war beast on the head, and laughed loudly: "Resurrect me, revive me! How many times have you lived, how many times have I killed you? Die!"

It's really fun, it's so cool to beat a guy like this, but it's better to beat Kaguya.

On her fist, the sole of Phoenix's foot suddenly appeared, and she punched it.


Meihong's small body was in stark contrast to the huge beast, and this punch finally killed the beast!

At present, two war beasts have been killed, and there are three remaining.

"Tifa!" Ye Kai suddenly saw a war beast rushing towards Tifa, and the rest of the people were entangled with the biggest one. Claude was fighting Roziaz, and no one could escape. Let's do it.

"Support soldier, Youyouzi!" Ye Kai shouted.

Calling Fulan at this time is too unsafe, if she goes crazy at that moment, the people below will probably be killed by her!

"Ala, I think of him at this time."

Hum, the space fluctuated, and Yuyuko's figure appeared in the space.

She hugged Ye Kai's waist and rushed towards the beast that attacked Tifa.

She and Yakumo Zi have been watching the battle, but it is more difficult to decipher this world than Kotetsujo, and the time is not so long, so Yuyuko can't appear casually.

"Returning Soul Butterfly—Hafen Saki!"

A huge magic circle appeared, and Yuyuko, who had no restrictions, used the bullet screen as a monster!

The suppression of the Great Barrier, the popularization of spell card rules, and the barrage in Gensokyo all have speed limits.

Although Fulan used it once in the Iron Fortress before, Ye Kai finally saw what it was like to see the big monster barrage this time.

Colorful butterflies bombarded the war beast crazily, each speed exceeding the speed of sound.

buzz, buzz, buzz...

The vitality of the war beast is rapidly declining!Yuyuko's eyes became more and more playful.

Before the war beast attacked Tifa, the war beast was dead.



Ye Kai was thrown by Tifa's side by Youyouzi. Youyouzi opened his fan and said sadly: "Oh, did Ye Kaisang abandon Zi and me? That night, he was touching her chest while I kissed people and said that I would support them for the rest of my life.”

Ye Kai was suddenly stunned.

Yuyuko, what is she trying to do?

And Tifa was also stunned, she knew that it was Ye Kai's friend who came.But now, what's the situation?Why did it suddenly turn into a love triangle...


Youyouzi flew to Ye Kai's side, and when Ye Kai didn't react, he kissed him, Ye Kai shuddered in fright, he would rather go up to fight!

Youyouzi said with resentment on his face: "Even if you treat him like this, he still treats you wholeheartedly, and he doesn't mind coming to save the old lady."

Immediately, she looked at Tifa, and Tifa looked at her without hesitation, and a look of interest suddenly appeared in Youyuzi's eyes.


A burst of space fluctuations.

When one minute was up, Yuyuko suddenly disappeared...

"It seems that my boyfriend is quite popular." Tifa put her arms around her chest and said calmly.

Chapter 237 Total War

"Wait, wait! I..."

Just as Ye Kai was about to explain, Tifa burst out laughing.

She put her finger on Ye Kai's lips and said with a smile: "Ann, that girl's gaze at you is not out of love, but curiosity. Do you think I'm that stupid?"

Only then did Ye Kai heave a sigh of relief.

Yuyuko, oh Yuyuko, can't you spend less time with Yakumozi?With her, integrity will be lost!

Don't think about it, it must be that old lady Yakumo Zi's bad idea...

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