Tifa has a clear mind and can always enter Cloud's heart at the first time in the original book.

Naturally, she could also tell that Ye Kai had the same affection for Youyouzi as... the owner has the same affection for a pet.

And Youyouzi, with those big eyes, is like a curious kitten, very curious about Ye Kai.

However, as for making such a big sacrifice?Or is it true that Gensokyo's ethics are exactly as Ye Kai said, each one is infinitely close to zero.

Don't look at Meihong's integrity in front of Yuyuko, it doesn't involve a certain neet girl...

"Ara, you've been seen through."

In the gap, Yuyuko looked at Tifa and Ye Kai playfully.

"It's normal, isn't it? That girl, despite her young age, has a very clear mind. This person is your rival, Yuyuko." Zi Yakumo said with a smile.

"Well, it is indeed a strong opponent. But Master Yuyuko's charm is invincible, so he won't lose to a little girl who is only [-] years old." Youyuzi pouted.

No matter how they lose their integrity, it will not affect the subsequent war.

At present, three war beasts have been breached.

No, four!

Back in time a little bit.

Zack rushed to a war beast, the one everyone was besieging.

Crowder can't help at a distance, but he's good enough.


The war beast not only fought on the ground, but flew to a building, grabbed the building and roared at Zacks and others!

As if Vincent could really fly, he jumped to the same height as it in just three or two steps.

bang, bang, bang...

The muzzle of the gun sprayed flames, hitting the body of the beast.

It's a pity that the gun is too limited, and everyone doesn't have magic stones now, so they can only fight so hard!


Vincent's figure was like wearing the shadow of a butterfly, no matter how the war beast pounced, he would easily dodge it.

And the Beast also became irritable and turned into a demolition office. At this time, several floors of the building have been damaged by it!


Da da da……

Barrett also jumped up at this time, and it seemed that the gun had been repaired.


The war beast let out a scream from being beaten, raised its head to the sky and screamed, and slapped Barrett.


Although no one was photographed, this is a high altitude. Barrett can't fly, and there is a fulcrum for standing.


Barrett was blown away by the blast.

However, he was no longer as nervous as he was at the beginning, after all, his companions were all nearby.


The figure of Crimson Thirteen flashed past, caught Barrett, and put him in a safe place.

Vincent was no longer satisfied with circling between the buildings. He ran to the Beast in three or two steps. No matter how the Beast fiddled with him, he couldn't touch Vincent and could only passively eat the bullets.

And the petite Yuffie ran all the way from below to the tall building at a [-]-degree angle. After measuring the distance, she rose into the air at about the same time and threw out a huge shuriken.


The shuriken scratched the beast's nose, and it wailed again.

Scarlet Red Thirteen saw the opportunity and rushed towards the beast.

Tear!Scarlet Red Thirteen's sharp claws and fangs left several wounds on the Beast's head, and before the Beast could react, it had already escaped.

Yuffie just received the shuriken at this time, and turned over with a layer of steel plate.

As a result... she was dumbfounded.

I saw the blue light flashing in the sky of the war beast again, it was coming for her!


Sid just fell from the sky at this time, and a long spear pierced the head of the war beast.


Because of the pain, the beast lost its aim, and the blue energy bomb hit the steel frame on the other side.

The huge steel frame, because it was directly blown to pieces, is really powerful.

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