"Get out of the way!"

A hearty voice sounded in everyone's ears, and everyone retreated quickly, leaving a distance.


Zacks fell from the sky at this time, and killed the beast with great inertia.


Roland's guardian and the great sword of destruction were inserted on the back of the beast, one on the left and the other on the right.There was a slight smile on the corner of Zack's mouth, and he began to run forward quickly.

stab, stab...

The back of the war beast was severely injured, and it was so painful that it rose into the air again!

"Is it possible to escape?" Zack asked coldly.


A huge sword light flashed, and the beast was split in half by his sword in the air.

Not to mention everyone, Zacks himself was stunned.

Click click.

I saw Roland's guardian, slowly cracking, and then turned into pieces!

This sword has accompanied Zacks for six years, defeated Shinra together, and defeated Sephiroth's artifact.

Finally at this moment, came to the end of life.

It's a pity that Ye Kai didn't know, otherwise there would still be a chance to save...

"It's really interesting, President."

Looking at the raging war in the distance, Kadan Qiu said with a smile on his face.

"What should I do next?" Kadan Qiu pondered for a moment.

There is still a lot of energy now, do you want to summon two more.

But Rufus actually stood up, his leg was not broken at all!

That wheelchair is obviously a decoration.

He lifted up the white robe on his body, and his left hand, which had never been exposed, held a rectangular box containing Jenova's cells.

His collar covered his neck, and his left eye was covered with a white cloth. Even so, it didn't affect his handsomeness at all.

"Mom!" Kadan Qiu was stunned for a moment, he never thought that Rufus would keep Xenovia with him all the time!

That white robe was to prevent Xenovia's aura from leaking out.

And the star mark on his left hand diverted all Kadan Qiu's attention!

Now that the white robe was gone, Jenova's violent and destructive aura rushed towards his face, instantly attracting Kadan Qiu's full attention!

"Be careful, you unfilial son." Rufus smiled.

Immediately, he casually threw the Jenova cell down from the thirteenth floor!

Even if Xue Beng had the upper hand at this time, the battle beast that was doubled in size has not been solved yet.

At this time, everyone has not killed any war beast.

Ye Kai just flew into the air and finished sending out the ghost seal beads; Zacks ran towards the war beast; Mei Hong just smashed the war beast down.

However, when Kadanqiu reacted, Ye Kai completed the kill, Zacks completed the kill, Meihong beat the war beast to the point of doubt, and Youyouzi killed another one in the nick of time.

Of the war beasts, there is only the last and biggest one left.

Chapter 238 The Temporarily Ended War


Kadan Qiu roared, his left hand glowed with blue light, the power of the magic stone shot out from his hand, and hit Rufus.


Rufus is naturally not someone who just sits and waits to die, so he jumped down from upstairs naturally, as if it was the first floor.

People who have never played bungee jumping may not know that the first time they play, if it is not for life and love, the mood must be very complicated.

This has nothing to do with courage, it is the instinctive desire of human beings to survive.

But Rufus, Sephiroth was forced to bungee jump once before, and he didn't feel disobedient at all when he jumped.

The cloth covering his head also fell off at this time.

His eyes were fine, and his head wasn't hurt at all.

Just like everything before, it's all pretend.

The magic stone's energy bomb just hit the back of where Rufus was standing before, exposing a huge hole, and the entire room was blown into crumbs by the energy bomb.

And the explosion is still spreading!

"Hmph." Lufus snorted disdainfully in the air, took out a gun from his pocket with his right hand, and fired a few bullets at Kadan Qiu!

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