Suddenly there was a buzzing sound in the air, and a helicopter roared past, and it was Shinra's reinforcements who had arrived.

"Tch, mind your own business." Ye Kai shook his head boredly, stepped up the horsepower, and increased the speed to the fastest!

Don't ask for anything else, just ask these two guys not to cause trouble for themselves!

"Don't pick the wrong person for a fight." Renault pressed a button on the helicopter.

Da da da……

The bullets shot towards Yazi's motorcycle, and the helicopter's airborne machine gun was no joke.

Rude got out from the position of the hatch, and saw that he was carrying a huge rocket launcher.


The innocent bridge was mercilessly baptized again!

Boom, boom...

At least a section of [-] meters was collapsed by the bombing.

Ye Kai frowned slightly, and seeing the timing, the motorcycle lay beside the bridge, and rode over without any risk.

hum, hum...

Seeing that the front will continue to collapse, Ye Kai sent a ghost seal bead behind him.


The huge explosion blasted the motorcycle into the air!


Safe landing.

And Yaz was even more ruthless, he was in front of Ye Kai, when he flew out in front, like a whirlwind charging tornado, the motorcycle flew towards the helicopter!

"Ha ha!"

Yaz sneered twice.

The motorcycle just rushed through the cabin of the plane and crashed into Rude!

Renault hurriedly dodged, but he could dodge, but the plane's joystick couldn't!


With a gunshot, the joystick was shot in two.


Rude yelled and was knocked into the air.


Just as Renault was about to steer the helicopter to chase after him, he just pulled it out, and the joystick fell off...

Renault's face instantly became very exciting.

"The big thing is bad!"

Renault stood up quickly to see if he could help Rude. The plane kept spinning in the air and fell forward.

This feeling of weightlessness would make a normal person dizzy without vomiting.

But what about Renault?Nothing at all.

I have to say that even if he is not a Shinra special soldier, he is still an excellent guy.It's just that the people who compare with him are too strong.

As soon as Renault got to the back, he saw Ruud lying on the small bump of the helicopter.

"Huh? Rude, you're okay." Seeing that Rude didn't fall, Renault couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Actually, it's not very good..." Rude said helplessly.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...


The helicopter spun around and finally hit a steel frame.


The two just fell down.

That poor helicopter, of course, was scrapped.


While the two were in a daze below, another helicopter appeared in the sky.

Irina was on top, waving and shouting at the two of them.

Shinra's emaciated camel is bigger than a horse. Even if it becomes so hard now, it is still a local rich enterprise.

The two got on the plane and flew forward. Their mission was to stop Ross and Yaz and create opportunities for Ye Kai to chase Kadan Qiu.

Just as Yaz and Ross were about to breathe a sigh of relief, they saw a flash of lightning, and Ye Kai's motorcycle finally overtook it!

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