"Haha! Let's race!" Ye Kai yelled arrogantly to the back, and the x-shaped sword light slashed at the two of them.

This is no ordinary sprint race, but a deadly race!

If you don't throw something, you always feel sorry for your opponent.

Just like running a go-kart, if there are props on the car and don't throw it, it is an insult to the opponent!


Yazi snorted, dodged the sword glow, and chased towards Ye Kai!

Just in front of them, Rude and Renault stood on the bridge with relaxed faces.

"Hey, buddy, is this powerful?" Renault smiled while holding a bomb in his hand.

"Shenra's product must be a high-quality product!" Rude said proudly, holding a bomb in his hand as well.

"You really did this?" Renault asked with a playful look.

"Let's not talk about power, the momentum is absolutely huge!" Rude smiled.

"Really?" Renault seemed to agree.

"Do you like it? Partner." As he spoke, Rude looked at the tunnel in front of him.

"It seems that there is no need to work overtime today." Renault laughed.

hum, hum...

Ye Kai's motorcycle rushed out at this moment, Ye Kai passed by without saying anything, and turned around to show the two of them the middle finger.

The two are sweating profusely, they are here to help, okay?

Yazi's motorcycle was not far from Ye Kai, only two or three seconds away.

But with a gap of one or two seconds, they are destined not to even see Ye Kai's taillights.


Renault and Rude threw the bombs in their hands at random, and then jumped towards the knock down.

Boom, boom!

The bridge was blown into two sections, and the huge explosion sounded like a cloud bomb!

In the sky, gorgeous fireworks appeared, which shows that the great momentum is not just talking.

Ye Kai glanced back, and murmured: "I didn't feel it in the movie, but in reality, it's quite impressive!"

Kadanqiu's motorcycle is approaching at this time!

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Ye Kai's mouth, and he shouted: "Is there no way out? Let Sephiroth come out to see me!"

After finishing speaking, Lie Chuang slashed at him mercilessly!

Chapter 240 The Rain of Life

"I'm enough!" Kadan Qiu shouted, pulled out the sword from his waist, and withstood Ye Kai's wound.

The road ahead was originally broken, and this led to the church.

The two were at a stalemate, but in terms of strength, Ye Kai had a lot of advantages.

Even though there was a broken area ahead, the two didn't care at all, and let the motorcycle fly into the air.

Ye Kai pushed the motorcycle with one hand, and the motorcycle disappeared immediately, and was put into his backpack by Ye Kai.

Kadan Qiu's gaze suddenly became weird, and this divine operation?


The motorcycle landed with a crash and continued to drive forward.

And Ye Kai's figure was still in the air.


Silver light falls!

Ye Kai's goal is also Kadanqiu's goal!

As early as the moment he flew out, he started Yuexiang.Fortunately, this is not like in the game, you have to stand still to add buffs.


In the church, Ye Kai fell to the ground.

"Mom!" Kadan Qiu took out the Jenova cells in surprise, but found that the Jenova cells inside had drained.

Kadan Qiu suddenly choked up, holding the box of Jenova's cells, and shouted in despair: "Mom!"

Ye Kai just stopped at the door quietly.

He felt that Kadan Qiu's sadness was not faked.

In other words, how deep is this guy's relationship with Dorje Nova?He was too embarrassed to take advantage of others.


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