Kadan Qiu roared sadly.

On the ground, the fountain of life suddenly gushed out, and it just appeared inexplicably!

on the airship.

Iris pressed her head, showing a painful expression.

"Are you okay? Iris?" Zack asked anxiously.

"It's okay, this planet is saved." A smile appeared on Iris's face.

"It's saved? What does this mean?" Yuffie asked in confusion.

"The disappearance of Xenovia's head allowed me to regain my power. Now, there is nothing that can harm the world." Iris's hand lightly touched, and a burst of green light came out.


The small pool in the church roared towards the sky.

Iris closed her eyes and said softly: "It's started, this can heal Starscar!"

Claude rushed to the top of the airship.

Boom, boom.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and dark clouds soon covered the entire Demon City.

clap clap...

It started with light rain, then moderate rain, and finally heavy rain!

The star marks on Claude's arm disappeared inexplicably.

"Oh..." Iris suddenly became dizzy.

"What's wrong? Take your time, it won't be cured in one breath." Zacks held her up.

"It's okay, I'm pregnant, and my strength is not as good as before." Iris smiled.

"Hua, pregnant?" Zack was taken aback.

"Haha, Marlene will have a partner in the future, it's really big news, Zacks!" Barrett laughed.

"Congratulations." Vincent said in a deep voice.

"Hey, so you're going to have a baby? Can you let me play for a while then? I haven't seen a baby yet!" Yuffie said cheerfully.


"Oh! What are you doing Tifa?" Yuffie covered her forehead in dissatisfaction, and said with an aggrieved expression.

"Little baby, it's not for casual play." Tifa said with a smile: "If you like it, you can give birth to yourself in the future!"

"Huh? I don't want it, I'm still a child, Tifa, how can you do this?" Yuffie pouted.

"By the way, doesn't anyone care about that kid? He dealt with it, but it was a larva of Sephiroth, who could become Sephiroth at any time." Sid said helplessly when he saw that everyone was going to talk about BabyCare Encyclopedia.

"Don't worry, leave it to my bastard, he has been looking forward to this battle for too long." Meihong said while smoking.

"By the way, there is a no-smoking sign here!" Sid pointed to the huge sign on one side.


There was a flash of fire.

"Well, it's gone now." Meihong said with a smile on her face.

"I know some monsters, it's really unscientific." Sid rolled his eyes.

"Larva, is that guy a bug?" Yuffie asked with a look of fear.

"It's just a metaphor." Tifa rolled her eyes beautifully.

"Me? I'm going to be a father?" Zack said with a look of disbelief.

"Yeah, you are going to be a father. So, don't work so hard in the future." Iris patted Zack's head in a funny way, just like her own child...

"Ha, haha! I'm going to be a dad, I'm going to be a dad!" Zack jumped up and down excitedly, completely ignoring the gazes around him.

Barrett recalled some bad memories, and then thought of Marlene again, and couldn't help showing an idiot-like smile.

This couldn't help but make Zacks unhappy. Cisner was injured before and couldn't bear children, and Iris is a magical ancient species.

He originally thought that he was going to be extinct.

Unexpectedly, Iris gave him a huge surprise!

Iris has only been pregnant for a few days, so she would not have been recruited, but she is a professional nanny, so she naturally knows the changes in her body.

If you can't even handle yourself, how can you handle the planet?

The planet revived, and even her feelings became stronger.

Although I don't know how long the lifespan of this planet is, but everyone can be happy for a while.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little melancholy.

"What are you thinking? You don't look happy at all." Meihong looked at the two extreme guys with a funny face.

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