"This planet..." Iris whispered.

"Don't worry, I have found a new energy source, a large oil field!" Barrett said boldly.

"If it doesn't work, you will move to Fantasy Township in the future! Well, anyway, my bastard has shares in the playground and the beach, so you can share some with my daughter-in-law." Mei Hong rolled her eyes and said.


Except for those who knew the situation, everyone was dumbfounded.

"This world can still be saved, and the population is not very large, and the technology is not too developed. Gensokyo, I can enclose a piece of land for you." Meihong thought for a while.

Symptoms of star marks, plus previous trauma.

The population of this planet has already reached a precarious state, otherwise it would not have become a dead place in five hundred years.

Not to mention that, the population of Midgar is less than [-].

The expansion plan of Gensokyo is just enough to accommodate.

Although the fighting power of these guys is not bad, it can't affect the balance between humans and monsters.

Moreover, except for the Zacks family, there is probably no one who can move to Gensokyo.

There is no way, they are heroes, and they are destined to continue to pay for this planet, even if they know that the road ahead is a dead end.

Not to mention here, there was also a burst of laughter outside.

"My illness is cured!"

"Wow, Starmark, Starmark is gone!"

"Is it the former hero who made the move?"

"This rain is so timely!"

"Wow, good, mom, let's go to the rain!"

"Hey, slow down!"

"Although I don't have star marks, it can improve my immunity!"

"President, the star marks are gone!"

Rufus stood on the road, looking at the disappearing star marks, he couldn't help smiling.

His four subordinates also stood by his side.

"Why don't you go and see the battle in the central area?" Renault said with a smile on his face.

"No need, we will win, this is their battle." Rufus looked at the abandoned Shinra in the center.

The last battle, Sephiroth, you may rest in peace.

Chapter 241: Feast of Ghosts and Gods

"You are not my opponent."

Ye Kai glanced at Jenova's box, pointed at Kadan Qiu, and explained a fact.

"Do you want to see him that much?" Kadan Qiu said angrily.

"If it's you, you can't do anything. Your combat power, I have to say, is too weak." Ye Kai sneered.

Before Kadan Qiu saw him, his first reaction was to turn around and run away. He didn't have the courage to compete with Ye Kai at all.

Instead of this, it is better to let Sephiroth come out, and everyone will have a good fight.

"Then I'll let you see, let's re-integrate mine..." Kadan Qiu opened the lid and saw that there were still some Jenova cells left inside, so he couldn't help but sneered.

I saw that he poured the Jenova cells on his chest.

stab, stab...

It was like the sound of electric current passing through him.

Ye Kai's eyes suddenly became a little dignified.

He has a feeling that the person in front of him is becoming stronger!


A storm swirled around him, and Yaz and Ross all disappeared!The magic stone in Kadan Qiu's body also slowly merged with him.

Yaz and Ross, who were not here, slowly turned into black smoke and rushed towards this side!Their bodies seem to have disappeared from this world, and no trace can be found.

The person in front of him is different. He is tall and strong, left-handed, with long silver-white hair, blue eyes, and slightly pointed pupils. He wears an all-black button-down coat and silver shoulder armor, and has a black patch on his chest. A man with a cross belt.

Holds the ultra-long samurai sword "Masamune", which is longer than his height, and can use the "Iai" with a wide range, which can easily cut even huge buildings.

"Sephiroth, long time no see." Ye Kai said indifferently.

He didn't use Concealment, because Concealment is a lightsaber, which is only suitable for Sword Soul.

To deal with Sephiroth, you must use all means!

The current Sephiroth is no longer the confused and weak Sephiroth in the first battle with Ye Kai, but the real full body Sephiroth!

Sephiroth was defeated at the price of all the dolls and serious injuries.

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