This fight was so fun, since the last time I parted from Sephiroth, I haven't had such a happy fight for a long time.

buzz, buzz, buzz...

The airship stopped above Ye Kai, and everyone jumped off one by one.

Ye Kai had already thought about what to say, he stood up, ready to say that everyone should not care, it is right to contribute to the world, after all, this is Tifa's hometown.

Sephiroth, beat him once before, now it's just a drizzle to beat him again!

But before he could speak, Zack rushed over and hugged him.

"Haha, Ye Kai, I'm going to be a father!" Zack laughed.

"Hey, hey, the child is yours, and has something to do with me? Isn't Sephiroth the most important thing now?" Ye Kai said dumbfounded.

There was no strength in him now, and he couldn't push Zack away.

"Sephiroth? Isn't he dead? Leave him alone! The most important thing now is that I'm a father! Think about what his name should be?" Zack said excitedly.

"Eh... the man's name is Tida, and the woman's name is Yuna." Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

Although he has never played Final Fantasy 7, he has played Final Fantasy 10.

After all, both the graphics and the gameplay have improved a lot compared to the seventh generation.

"Huh? That's a good name!" Zacks let go of Ye Kai and said with a thoughtful face.

"It's good, but why do I feel that these two names are a bit strange, as if they have special meanings that we don't understand..." Iris touched her chin and thought.

[Mission: Defeat the complete Sephiroth]

[Reward: Double Dragon Shadow Sword]

[Remaining time for return: 10 minutes]

[Note: This mission is an anti-summoning mission, so you cannot stay for too long]

"Now, I need to make sure if Tifa is coming back with me...I was summoned by Tifa this time, Sephiroth is dead, I have nothing to do in this world." Ye Kai spread his hands, said bitterly .

"This, so suddenly?" Zack asked in surprise.

"It doesn't matter, I have already set the coordinates in this world, and at the latest one year, I can open the passage to Fantasy Township and here."

At this time, Yakumo Zi's figure appeared in front of everyone.

Still, it is the appearance of sitting on the gap.

She had already greeted Meihong just now, and everyone was overwhelmed with surprise. This time Yakumo Zi came out again, and everyone's hearts were not fluctuated.

I have seen two people from different worlds, no, three.

It's not surprising that there is one more, right?

"Are you from the police? You come here only after the matter is over." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"If you say this to a beautiful girl, you will be punished by heaven." Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

"Tifa, what's your choice?" Meihong looked at Tifa.

"I..." Tifa frowned slightly.

She was worried about Marlene, and Denzel's follow-up questions had not been resolved.

The reconstruction of this world requires everyone to work together to deal with it.

She wouldn't worry if she left alone.

Moreover, her character does not allow her to be so irresponsible.

She originally thought that Ye Kai would stay for a year, or a few months at worst, but now... this is too soon!

"Zi, is what you said true?" Ye Kai looked at Yakumo Zi and asked softly.

"If you don't believe me, I'll open the passage to that bar. Ann, how could I lie to you with such integrity?" Yakumo Zi opened her folding fan and said with a smile.

"I think Yakumo Zi is a bit unreliable at ordinary times, but at this time, she shouldn't be able to lie to you." Meihong said calmly.

Yakumo Zi has always been unreliable, so it is difficult for Ye Kai to believe her.

But Meihong thought about it carefully, in the current Fantasy Township, if she wants to escape from the real world, she cannot do without Ye Kai.

Zi Yakumo can do anything for Gensokyo.

So it should be unrealistic to lie to Ye Kai and push Ye Kai to the opposite side.Ye Kai is a very emotional person, if it's for someone he cares about, he absolutely doesn't care if the other party is a big monster or not.

"Don't worry, she didn't lie to you, the space point in this world has been connected."

A voice appeared next to Ye Kai's ear, and he was relieved.

Since Taigong spoke, it should be true.

"The last five minutes, Tifa." Meihong urged.

"Go back with Ye Kai, we're here!" Zacks assured, patting his chest.

"Yeah, Tifa, it's a pity I can't drink your wedding wine." Yuffie said a little disappointed.

"Ye Kai is a real man. If he dares to bully you, we will help you teach him a lesson in a year!" Barrett said boldly.

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