"These, let her choose." Vincent said softly.

"Well, Tifa has her own considerations." Iris said.

"Hey, it's only been a year, don't say it's like a farewell." Ye Kai spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Ye Kai, I..." Tifa frowned slightly.

"It's only a year, I'll wait for you." Ye Kai smiled and looked at Tifa.

He doesn't say he understands Tifa very well, but he also knows Tifa's character pretty well. If she left so suddenly, what should Marlene do?That's what she's always taken care of.

It would be fine if there were a few more days to deal with the follow-up matters, but for Tifa to leave so suddenly, Ye Kai felt that it would not be possible with Tifa's character.

In this way, she is her own goddess.

Speaking, Ye Kai took out the diamonds obtained in the dark world from the backpack, except for some leftovers, Ye Kai made a one-piece diamond ring suitable for Tifa.

He casually grabbed Tifa's left hand, gave Tifa the diamond ring on his ring finger, and said with a smile, "After one year, don't miss the appointment again."

A perfect smile appeared on Tifa's face.

"Now, I don't think I can miss the appointment." Tifa said softly.

"Is this the wedding ring?" Yuffie asked enviously.

She was holding a large pile of magic stones that she had brought back, neither letting them go nor holding them all the time.

"Hey, she will cry if you abandon Yuyuko like this." Yakumo Zi said with a smile, but she didn't seem to care at all.

If you are serious with Yakumo Zi, you will lose.

A narrow smile flashed across Ye Kai's face, and he hugged the wide-eyed Tifa and kissed him.

Tifa didn't resist, but closed her eyes, and hugged Ye Kai actively.

"Oh, oh, it's really hot!" Yuffie clapped her hands excitedly.

"Well, it seems that you can't see my son was born." Zacks said with a smile.

He is also looking forward to the reunion in the future.

Unexpectedly, the two worlds can be connected.

Although the opposite is an unknown world, but Ye Kai, he believes in it!

Slowly, Ye Kai's body turned white and disappeared, and Mei Hong and Yakumo Zi also disappeared, as if they had never been here before.

But this messy battlefield, and the slowly changing ring in Tifa's hand, made everyone have to believe that Ye Kai existed.

[DNF professional detected: Judo]

[Relationship with host detected: Contractor]

[The host can buy goods for it, locate it at any time, and pull it to the main world]

[Enjoy system privileges: weak mode, longevity mode]

[Due to the incomplete system, it is impossible to take the initiative to traverse, and can only be used as a support soldier to follow the host to pass through passively]

[The contract system is activated, you can purchase the ring of oath in the system mall, the first ring of oath is free to upgrade, the current contractor: Tifa Lockhart]

[Oath Ring: Celia's 56-carat Diamond Ring]

[Attributes: strength +55, intelligence +55, release speed +5%]

Chapter 244 Extra Story: Gensokyo Food Festival

"Now, the first Gensokyo Food Festival officially begins! This competition will be hosted by me: the upright and honest Shemeimaru Wen!"

Fantasy Township, the guard house of ghosts and gods, is located in the southeast of the Sun Flower Field.

This is a very primitive looking building, which includes dormitories, supply points, refitting factories, military factories, and hot springs for entering the canal and hot springs for external charges.

Not only that, but there are also small playgrounds, power plants, KTVs, large canteens, game centers, Internet cafes with only LAN, etc...

It can be said that although the construction is very primitive, it is definitely not inferior to any powerful tutelary fort.

An admiral of the European Emperor, plus countless Gensokyo monsters, let alone a deep-sea dwelling ship, even if the gods come, they may not be able to attack.

Different from the normal tutelary mansion, the main force of this tutelary mansion is not any team of ship girls, but their admirals, and the neighbor, Kazami Yuka from Sunflower Field...

It was night now, and there were countless searchlights lighting up the sky at night, so there was no need to worry about visibility.

There are countless girls of all kinds gathered here, and of course there are a few male animals.

"Investor, prize issuer: Ye Kai! Everyone welcomes with applause!"

Wenwen held a microphone, pointed at a corner and shouted.

clap, clap, clap...

Countless searchlights shone on that corner, and I saw a guy with white hair and a red left arm squatting in a corner, staring blankly at the front, his empty cash box...

There was a huge chainsaw stuck in the ground next to him, and it looked like it was still smoking. It should have just finished working.

Although it looks like a chainsaw, it is actually a sword...

Obviously, Wen Wen didn't give him too many shots, but turned his eyes back, and shouted into the microphone: "Then, we invite the contestants of the Big Eater Competition to enter!"

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