"Oh, come on, come on!"

"Be sure to eat poor that hateful guy!"

"Yes, eat poor him!"

"The first contestant is the main force of my Gensokyo: Yuyuko Saigyouji! Will she defeat all powerful enemies and win the final victory?"

Accompanied by Youmu, Yuyuko walked in calmly.

Holding a folding fan in her hand, with a leisurely expression on her face, she glanced at Ye Kai in the corner amusedly, blew him a kiss, and said softly: "Don't worry, Lord Youyouzi will be full today. "

Ye Kai in the corner trembled, feeling an ominous premonition.

He finally regretted it now, what kind of wine did he seem to fight with the ghost clan?If you fight for wine, you can fight for wine. If you have nothing to do, why do you want to hold a banquet?It's fine now, I can't get off the stage.

I have saved so much private money, but this time I don't know if it will be enough.

"The second contestant is the shrine maiden of Hakurei Shrine, the patron saint of Gensokyo. The slogan is: As long as you pay, you will not hesitate to go against the world! Everyone please Hakurei Reimu!"

clap, clap, clap...

Another burst of searchlights.

With the support of Marisa, Reimu sat tremblingly on the special seat for the competition. She hadn't eaten for three days...

"This time, I must eat enough food from another world, here I come!" Lingmeng said weakly.

"Reimu, it's too much. You are impossible to win da☆ze." Marisa shook her head helplessly. For a war of this level, Reimu is cannon fodder.

"As long as it's edible, it's free. I don't care about winning or losing! At worst, I'll wait for them to decide the winner, and then I'll snatch the bonus and let them see the strength of Hakurei Miko!" Reimu suddenly became full of confidence.

"Where's your integrity da☆ze..." Marisa looked helpless.

Of course, she has no right to criticize Reimu...

"The third contestant is the fairy Cirno. Can she live up to her reputation as the strongest?"

"My wife is the strongest!"

A young girl in a blue dress, with wings like ice crystals, flew to the competition seat.

"Qirunuo sauce, come on!" A young girl in a green dress cheered her up behind her.

"Don't worry, I will win!" Qi Lunuo clenched her small fists.

"The fourth player, oh, this is not a player from Gensokyo, but Brother Ye Kai's trump card, Yamato!"

A woman in a white dress and red dress with long brown hair was holding a small red umbrella in her hand, and a breath of Yamato Nadeshiko rushed towards her face.

"Admiral, I will definitely win."

Yamato beckoned to Ye Kai who was in the distance.

Ye Kai, on the other hand, greeted her back blankly.

"The fifth contestant is still brother Ye Kai's contestant, sincerely!"

A black long straight lady, wearing a samurai uniform and a red skirt, with attractive white silk on her legs, stepped on wooden clogs like a boat, Shi Shi ran to her seat.

She smiled at Yamato and said, "This time, I will not lose for the sake of the admiral."

"Me too, for the admiral!" Yamato said softly.

"The sixth contestant does not belong to Gensokyo nor the tutelary fort, but a contestant who came through the passage between the two worlds. Does she have the belief that she must win? Please invite the catalog of forbidden books of magic: Index!"

A little girl in a white nun's uniform followed a boy with a spiky head and entered the arena firmly.

The hedgehog-headed boy clasped his hands together and bowed to Index: "Index, this is a competition that can determine our food expenses in the future, you must win!"

Index clenched her small fists and shouted: "Don't worry, Touma! I will definitely win the championship, and then use the prize money to travel around the world with Touma for food training!"

Dang Ma said with black lines all over his head: "Hey, what kind of wonderful study is this!"

"The seventh contestant still doesn't belong to Gensokyo, but her name must be known by many people. Please King Arthur: Artoria!"

A blond girl in a blue dress and silver armor appeared under the lights.

Those green eyes and heroic expression made no one doubt her determination at all.

"As long as it is a war, I will definitely win!"

The girl clenched her fists tightly and stared at her opponent, as if she was about to fight a holy war.

A knight in silver armor behind her gave her a knightly salute, and said in a deep voice, "I wish my king prosperity in martial arts."

"Don't worry, Gao Wenqing." Artoria said solemnly.

"The eighth and last contestant is King Arthur's daughter: Mordred!"

A girl who looked like my king, wearing denim shorts and a white chest, came over and snorted, "Father, I will definitely defeat you this time!"

"Come here, Mordred, this is a war!" My king said coldly.

Her solemn expression could not help showing a hint of a smile.

"Now, the Gensokyo Big Eater Competition officially begins!"

Chapter 245 Extra Story: The Final Winner

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