"I think what you said, Ye Kai, is right. Youyuzi is a ghost. In theory, you can't eat enough to eat, but you actually called me and Youyuzi over, leaving only the lazy Komachi. You know I don’t know how much impact the food festival you organized today will have on the underworld and hell? Although you are an immortal species, it may not be absolute. If you die, you will definitely go to hell. In the future, such things will still be rare The best thing to do is to listen to Tai Gongwang more, to accumulate merit, and not to be foolish..."

Ye Kai accidentally made a mistake, he actually opened the chatterbox of Master Siji, this is good, I guess she can talk until tomorrow.

Tifa smiled and sat beside Ye Kai, the two destroyers had already gone to play.

Now she doesn't dare to speak for Ye Kai. She remembers that once she replied, Four Seasons preached for a whole day and night...

Remi drank black tea, looking a little absent-minded. She kept paying attention to her younger sister who was playing with the goblin and Jian Niang not far away.

Fortunately, China is with me.

It's a pity that Paqi didn't want to come to such a grand event.

Joan of Arc sat there quietly without saying a word, not because she didn't want to speak, but because she couldn't intervene at all.

When Master Siji was preaching, he was really terrifying.

Ye Kai and Tifa have long been out of their minds.

"Oh, the battlefield has changed, she fell, and Index fell first!" Wen Wen shouted.


"Touma, I'm sorry, I lost... But, I still want to practice food."


"Someone fell down again. Sure enough, everyone's limit is similar. Then, the final winner is..."

Chapter 246 The Industrial Revolution

It's still Fantasy Township, it's still the door of Ye Kai's house.

Ye Kai and Mei Hong just came back.

After seeing the system's final prompt, Ye Kai breathed a sigh of relief, even if Yakumo Zi was unreliable, he still had a way to pull Tifa over.

"I had a good time playing this time." Meihong stretched her waist, and said with a smile on her face, "I'm going back to the place of people first."

"Well, I have to sleep too. I'm so tired this day!" Ye Kai's fight with Sephiroth exhausted his magic power, and now he just wants to sleep.

"See you tomorrow." Meihong waved her hand and walked towards Renzhili.

No one was seen for two days, Huiyin must be looking for her.

Ye Kai opened the door and entered the room, and found that the decoration is not bad, it is completely in accordance with modernization, it seems that Yakumo Zi really wants to play the industrial revolution!

The technology is readily available outside, and the industrial capabilities of Kappa Heavy Industries are not bad.

Hey, what about the TV?

Ye Kai turned on the TV and found that there was only one program, and his head was full of black lines.The instruction manual was below, and he picked it up to look at it, only to find that the TV could only receive news feeds at seven o'clock in the evening.

For the rest of the time, some TV series, movies, and anime are played.

If you don't like it, you can go to Renzhili to buy CDs. This business is run by Youkaishan.

Although those videos are synchronized with the outside world, none of them know black monsters, they all praise monsters.The most obvious one is Twilight, where vampires are all handsome and beautiful.

By the way, isn't Twilight a movie that only came out in 2008?Or is it 2009?The outside world is only in 2003, right?

There are also One Piece, Hokage, Bleach, Conan, Railgun, and Holy Grail War. This era is obviously wrong, right?

Wait, Yakumo Zi's pursuit, has he traced to the timeline of his previous life...

This makes sense.

Ye Kai turned on the computer again, and found that the computer was connected to the Internet, but this is only Gensokyo's network, there are not many websites, and if you pay money, you can watch those movies and so on. Like Penguin Video, you must become a member.

The rest are online games, CS, World of Warcraft, Interstellar, Heroes, lol and the like.

Half a year is really an industrial revolution!In addition to not communicating with the outside world, it has completely reached the technological level of the outside world.

It's just that there are no weapons.

This made Ye Kai think of a wonderful world: Gintama.

After all, what humans have mastered are only weapons made of iron, not even pistols.

There is no way, this is the necessity of Gensokyo.

Although the human beings in Gensokyo have human rights now, and there are no monsters to oppress them, this is still a world that belongs to monsters.

Well, that's not bad.

Those monsters are too lazy to die one by one, just Wenwen, Yakumolan and Sakuya work hard, the rest are almost out of mushrooms.

Really, peace.

Ye Kai took a shower, lay on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

Among the people, the private school.

"Well, everyone already has a good understanding of the history of Gensokyo. I will teach you archery in a while." Calamus sat on a futon and said with a smile.

"Teacher Sifangchuan, when will you and Teacher Jiuzhi get married?"

"That's right, Teacher Jiuzhi's swordsmanship is amazing, I want to be a swordsman like him in the future!"

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