"Me too, Qi Lunuo in the next class always bullies me and even grabs my lollipop. I want to become a swordsman, a great swordsman!"

"Teacher Sifangchuan, what are your measurements?"

A group of brats below were chattering and teasing Calamus, and Calamus always had that gentle smile on his face.

Life in Gensokyo is very happy, at least I don't have to worry about Kabane appearing when I wake up.

When she and Jiuzhi Laiqi first moved here, they were still a little uncomfortable, but when they found that the life in Renzhili was similar to theirs, they got used to it.

The ones here are less than theirs, just steam products like Juncheng.

After half a year, Iris watched Gensokyo transition from the shogunate era to a modern age that is more advanced than them, and the humans didn't feel uncomfortable at all, as if in Gensokyo's view, all unscientific things are taken for granted.

The uncommon knowledge of the outside world is the real common sense in Gensokyo, just like the nine-year-old grain and the unscientific growth of livestock in that year.

Ye Kai has a high prestige among people, and also has a lot of fame among monsters.

Coupled with the fact that they all wear the badges of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, little monsters dare not bully them, including the fairies who like to play tricks on people.

After all, creatures like goblins, except for Cirno and the big goblin, all work in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion launched two mutations. Although both failed, the news that the sisters are all big monsters has spread throughout Gensokyo.

Adding Hong Meiling, there are definitely not many forces with three big monsters!

Well, Monster Mountain counts as one, and the rest are gone.

In this way, the life of Calamus and Jiuzhi Laiqi is much better. Every month, Calamus will visit the Scarlet Devil Mansion and hand over [-]% of the money they earn, which proves that their property belongs to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

For the rest, don't worry about anything.

The taxes in this Gensokyo are pitifully low, as long as they can support the Renzhizato Guard and some cadres in charge.

Calamus now not only teaches in Ren Zhi Li, but also has a business in Ye Kai Na.

That piece of land is nominally Ye Kai's.

Scarlet Devil House holds [-]% of the shares in the amusement park, and Ye Kai holds [-]%.

The beach is owned by the Jitian family, Huiyin, Meihong, and Scarlet Devil House each hold [-]% of the shares, and Ye Kai also holds [-]% of the shares.

Finally, there are hot spring hotels and dormitories, and Ye Kai fully owns the shares.

This was decided after many discussions.

Anyway, even if the money goes into Ye Kai's pocket, Yakumo Zi has a way to make Youyuko eat it back, so no matter how rich Ye Kai is, he can't escape...

Calamus belongs to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and can use Ye Kana's dormitory for free, sharing a room with Jiu Zhilai.

It's a pity that when I went to the beach to play in the past few months, I didn't have any income. I can only guarantee that I won't lose money. Ye Kai doesn't even mention making money. In his cash box, there is less than [-] yuan. This is half a year's dividend .

It's winter now, and if you want to fully open, you need at least spring.

In other words, why is this winter a bit long? It's already March, and it's still snowing every day.

Calamus glanced at the door, a little funny.

Every day when she was in class, Jiuzhi Laiqi would practice swords outside, with constant wind and rain.

What's the use of trying harder?This is Gensokyo, Gensokyo where the strong are like clouds.

The kind of Ye Kai can't be ranked here, let alone Jiuzhi come to live.

But he wanted to protect his feelings, which he could understand.

If it goes on like this, it's okay for the two of them to live together.

That guy, if he wasn't by his side one day, he wouldn't get used to it.

Calamus put down the books with a smile, and said to the children: "Come on, everyone! Don't be afraid of the monster class next door. Don't forget, after ten years, everyone will be adults, and they will have to be students for the rest of their lives."

Chapter 247 Latest News


Brother Ye Kai is back again, let's see what changes he has brought to Gensokyo?

First of all, the sea in Gensokyo is getting bigger and bigger, and it has reached five thousand miles at present, and there are a few more small islands, which are almost catching up with the area of ​​Gensokyo itself.

Could it be that his purpose is to turn Gensokyo into a new world, then rule all monsters, imprison powerful female monsters, and train Play?

I have to believe that this is really possible!According to the investigation of relevant departments, Yuyuko, Remilia, Flandre, Hong Meiling, four female monsters at the level of big monsters, have fallen into his clutches.

The new teacher in Renzhili is a pawn he placed in Renzhili and the Scarlet Devil Mansion!Be careful, everyone, and don't be fooled by rhetoric.

To deal with Ye Kai, we have special equipment for sale here, which is specially used to restrain ghosts and gods in iron cages and inflatable dolls. The method of use is very convenient. Just put the inflatable doll in the iron cage, then open the iron cage, and close the door when he enters , lock it, and you can complete the capture of him.

This set of professional equipment only sells for 9998!

The top ten lucky viewers who buy will also get the autograph of Kappa Technology Corporation Hecheng Hecho!Another beautiful gift: a password lock!

Gensokyo is everyone's Gensokyo, we cannot be enslaved by him, we must fight him!Not afraid of power!

By the way, he won't do anything in the ghost playground. This has been confirmed by the professional Izaya Sakuya, so everyone can play with confidence.

After all, that sign is everyone's patron saint: Hakurei Reimu put it up in person, and it seems that Ye Kai still owes Reimu [-] yuan in retouching fees.

Recently, due to the weather, Brother Ye Kai will not hold a banquet this time when he comes back. Please come to the banquet again in the spring. This banquet is exclusively sponsored by Brother Ye Kai.

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