You always want to come to my place to eat and drink, right?Let you bleed a lot today!

Chapter 250 Class...


"Brother, hit it da☆za!"

The energetic voice, accompanied by the dazzling magic cannon, attacked Ye Kai's ticket office.

Ye Kai looked helpless, and he also knew that the other party had this personality, every time he asked Paqiuli to borrow books, he opened the way with a magic cannon.

Ye Kai jumped out casually and took out the crack.

Block, the gate of hell is closed.


Not surprisingly, Marisa's magic cannon was annihilated.

"Oh, you're still so good, little brother. Speaking of which, your playful way doesn't comply with the rules, da☆za." Marisa rode a broom to Ye Kai, and said with a depressed face.

And Reimu followed closely behind.

"Ye Kai, pay back the money, my touch-up fee is [-] yuan!"

Sure enough, Lingmeng Bainen stretched out her small hand, and placed it directly in front of Ye Kai.

"There is no such thing as asking for money! But I will charge later, do you want to come with me? It is said that if you want to go in and play this time, you have to spend money, 100 yuan for a beach ticket, and if you stay overnight, you have to buy a hot spring hotel ticket, a total of three One hundred yuan! By the way, the beach ticket has to pay 200 yuan for the buffet, a total of five hundred yuan!" Ye Kai ignored Reimu's small hand, but put his big hand over it.

"Huh? How can it be so expensive?" Lingmeng's expression was like seeing a ghost.

Every property needs to be reported to her when it opens. She has approved it. Even if she is an urban management officer, it still costs money to buy things...

"You go in first, I still owe you nine thousand and five." Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

Lingmeng's young body pierced his heart hard again. This girl, she probably hasn't eaten a few full meals in the past six months, right?

"Ah! Okay! I want to eat back all five hundred yuan!" Lingmeng realized that Ye Kai still owed her money!Immediately, he returned to a state full of vitality.

"Um, I didn't bring any money, da☆za! Do you want to use these things to pay off the debt?" Marisa said while scavenging for things from her apron.

"This is Orange's toy Transformers, this is Alice's unfinished doll, this is Huiyin's pointer, this is Meihong's cigarette, this is Reimu's chest cloth, and this is Remy's cup, This is Fran's puppet bear, this is Paqi's magic book, this is Wenwen's used camera, this is Kappa Technology's airplane model..."

Seeing Marisa taking out things little by little, Ye Kai's head was covered with black lines.

I'm running an amusement park, not selling stolen goods for you!

In other words, Paqi's magic book should be given by herself, is it really okay to do this in front of her?

Also, what the hell is a chest wrap?

Seeing that Lingmeng didn't care at all, Ye Kai was also defeated by her integrity

Ye Kai had a premonition that if he really took Lingmeng's chest cloth, she would have to sell the original chest cloth in Renzhi tomorrow!This is not a drill, she can really do it!

"Stop, you bastard, I don't want to sell stolen goods, I just want money!" Ye Kai shouted.

Marisa collected the things on the ground with a regretful face, and she didn't know how big her cloth pocket was. Is it as big as Doraemon's dimensional pocket?

Marisa is also a good magician, and it is not surprising that she knows space magic.

"I'll pay for her money." At this moment, a young girl came over.

There are two dolls floating beside her, and they are Alice, the seven-color doll.

"Huh? Here comes a rich man." Ye Kai said in surprise.

Alice walked to the door of the ticket office and said calmly.

Ye Kai hurried back, took out a POS machine, and said to Alice, "Swipe card or pay in cash?"

Gensokyo Bank, the legal person is Yakumo Zi...

The pos machine and the swiping card mode are also made by her.

Things like mobile phones are probably about to be released, right?

No, probably not. If mobile phones are issued, it will not be so convenient to activate the mutation.

Besides, the place of Gensokyo is so big, unless the place is wider and the branch is thinner.

"Swipe the card." Alice said indifferently.

Ye Kai inserted Alice's card into it, and found that the POS machine was different from what he knew, the balance could be displayed on it, and those digital buttons were obviously for him to enter the fee, and for ordinary people, the monster's password is a place for fingerprints.

Every monster can use monster power to make a special password, and humans can only use digital passwords.

A large string of zeros made Ye Kai a little blind.

This girl has a family fortune of [-] million!Although the consumption level here is similar to that of Huaxia, the purchasing power of currency is also the same.

Question, how big is Gensokyo?This product is too rich!

Ye Kai entered the number 1000 with a strange face.

"Huh? Is it only 1000 yuan for two people? It's so cheap." Alice said in surprise.

Class, this shows class!For Ye Kai, [-] yuan is already a huge sum of money, and his half-year income dividend is only [-] yuan.For Reimu, this was an unimaginable nightmare!

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