Five hundred yuan per person, this time it is mainly for Ye Kai's hot spring hotel and beach charges, and the food prepared by Ye Kai, he can earn 420 yuan!As for taxation or something, we will study it later.

"Hot spring hotel, is it a room?" Alice took a deep look at Ye Kai.

Ye Kai looked at her, then at Marisa, who didn't care, and said hurriedly: "Two hundred of the four hundred yuan is for the hot spring. For accommodation, the two hundred yuan can be upgraded from two ordinary rooms to a private room for couples."

There are VIP's in the back, but there are two rooms, and he wisely didn't introduce them.

"Then there is no other way." Alice blushed slightly.

"Well, let's live together at night, anyway, the money is spent." Marisa said with her hands behind her head, not caring at all.

As for Alice, the little bird leaned on Marisa's side.

"Wait, if I don't stay or take a hot spring, can I pay 200 yuan less?" Lingmeng's eyes lit up, and he seemed to remember.

"Uh... are you sure you want to do this?" Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Forget it, let's live here! If there are so many monsters here, it's easy to cause problems." Ling dreamed and thought.

Although she often loses her morals, she is still very dedicated when it comes to her duties.

If something happened to Ye Kai, who would pay her back?Just as an investment.

"Ara, Reimu, I didn't expect you to arrive so early." Yuyuko walked over calmly, holding an umbrella.

"Hey, where is Yaomeng?" Ye Kai was taken aback for a moment.

"She went to play, Ye Kaisang." Youyouzi said with a smile.

"Do you want to stay? It's 300 if you don't stay, and 500 if you stay." Ye Kai said as a matter of course.

With his relationship with Yuyuko, it's not impossible to get rid of the bill, the problem is that Reimu is watching by the side.

Youyouzi obviously didn't care about it, but said in surprise: "It's so cheap?" Then he paid the bill.

Ye Kai looked at her card, well, more than [-] million, it turns out that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

Youyouzi became so rich just after half a month without harming others.

This is thanks to those ghosts, some will tell the location of some treasures buried before birth, and then Yakumo Zi will convert those things into resources that are beneficial to Gensokyo.

That's how Youyouzi got his money.

As for her saying it's cheap...every time she goes to People's Village, she has to spend tens of thousands of yuan just to eat.

Youmu can only catch Yuyuko when the chefs' hands are all broken by Yuyuko.

Ye Kai and Lingmeng petrified. It was fine before. After all, Alice is one of the local tyrants in the fantasy country, with a deep background.

Unexpectedly, Yuyuko also suddenly became rich.

So they are the only poor people?

Chapter 251 Shura Field

"Hey...Ye Kaisang eats me up and then asks me for money, what a heartless man." Youyouzi said with emotion.

"Hey, don't tell me what happened to you! You said I kissed you, but I don't remember it at all!" Ye Kai said dumbfounded.

If it was a girl, he would never be able to say this, because it would be an expression of irresponsibility and evasion.

But if it was Yuyuko, he didn't feel burdened at all. Few of the girls in Gensokyo are upright.

Youmu is already the upper limit.

"Tsk... Master Youyouzi said kiss, so he kissed." Youyouzi looked up at the sky, not Ye Kai's eyes.

Ye Kai suddenly had black lines all over his head, and it turned out that the kissing or something was fabricated by Youyouzi.

However, it feels so good...

"I always feel that Ye Kaisang is thinking about some impolite things." You Youzi cast Ye Kai's eyes and said.

"This is an illusion, definitely an illusion!" Ye Kai waved his hand and said righteously.

"Yo, Ye Kai, you've already started making money."

At this time, Yakumo Zi's figure also appeared.

Ye Kai stretched out his hand decisively.

"Cut, stingy man." Yakumo Zi boldly put 500 yuan in cash into Ye Kai's hand.

Ye Kai accepted it decisively, without any intention of being rude.

She has to pay taxes on her own property!

"How will you support yourself if you are not stingy?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Yes, there is still your little girlfriend to raise." Zi Yakumo covered her face with her fan and smiled.

"Aren't you going in?" Ye Kai asked curiously.

"I'm curious, who will come. Huh? Gu Mingdilian?" Yakumo Zi glanced at Ye Kai's side in surprise.

"Someone? Why didn't I see da☆za before!" Marisa said in horror.

"I... didn't notice either." Alice said solemnly.

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