"Strange, I didn't pay attention." Reimu scratched her head curiously, and the huge red bow dangled, very cute.

"Master Youyouzi discovered it a long time ago! He is very sensitive to the smell of living things." Youyouzi said with a smile.

Like Yakumo Zi, she can fully notice the existence of Gu Ming Dilian, but she just wants to ignore her subconsciously.

"So many people can see Lianlian, Lianlian is so happy!" Gu Ming said with a happy face.

Youyouzi hugged Lianlian, smiled and said: "Well, of course, you can go to Baiyulou to play with me when you have nothing to do, as long as you bring enough snacks."

"Lian Lian has a lot of snacks." How could pure Lian Lian be Yuyuko's opponent?After a few clicks, Yuyouzi fooled her into a meal ticket.

Ye Kai covered his head and sighed helplessly.

"There are quite a few people here today."

At this moment, Remy and Fran flew over here holding hands, and Sakuya was holding a chair in one hand, which was specially prepared for the two of them.

And Paqiuli, unexpectedly also came!

Ye Kai said in surprise: "Rare guest, rare guest, Muq, you are here?"

This is the ultimate house girl, the first time Ye saw her going out, she took the initiative.

"I... Marisa, why haven't you returned the book recently?" Paqiuli didn't answer Ye Kai, but instead focused on Marisa.

When she saw Alice, she frowned, and the eyes of the two collided in the air, as if some kind of spark had been sparked.

Immediately, she firmly walked to the other side of Marisa and grabbed Marisa's hand.

"If I don't return the book, I won't let it go." Paqiuli said indifferently.

That San Wu's expression and domineering declaration are surprisingly cute.

Marisa scratched her head and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot da☆za! But you can get it yourself after I die, anyway, your lifespan is so long."

"Marisa's death or something, I don't want it." Paqiuli said indifferently.

Immediately, those three-none eyes fixed on Marisa.

Alice frowned, grabbed Marisa's other hand, and protested, "Marisa is with me tonight."

"Really? Marisa, if you don't return the book, I'll hold you tight today." Paqiuli said indifferently.

"Well, brother Ye Kai's hot spring hotel is very big anyway, according to the two adults, it's okay for the three of us to sleep together, da☆za!" declaration!

Not to mention the Shura field on their side.

Remi walked up to Ye Kai, flew up and patted Ye Kai's shoulder, "Well, it's really good, you've become stronger again, and you haven't lost anyone from our Scarlet Devil Mansion!"

Ye Kai was speechless. He reached out to Remi's armpits with both hands, lifted her up, and said with a smile, "It's not majestic enough for the eldest lady to stand on the same line with me. This is the best!"

Remi nodded, a proud look on her face.

Sakuya covered her nose with a handkerchief, and the handkerchief slowly turned red.

Yakumo Zibai glanced at the cute Remi, and said to Ye Kai: "Why don't you take their money?"

"Oh, their money is directly deducted from the dividends, which is kept on account." Ye Kai said instinctively.

"Hmph, how could Master Remy owe you money?" Remy stood up and said proudly.

"Lord Remy is the best!" Ye Kai lifted Remi to the highest point, found the bloomers inside, and couldn't help sighing in disappointment.

"Ye Kai, you seem very disappointed." Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

"Uh... no, how come, haha!" Ye Kai smiled awkwardly.

Then he cursed Yakumo Zi in his heart, what's wrong with it, and the popularity of bloomers and safety pants!It hurts me that I have no benefits to watch.

"Ye Kaisang is thinking about something very rude." Yakumozi said dangerously.

"How come..." Ye Kai broke out in a cold sweat, can this guy read minds?

"Mr. Ye Kai, long time no see. I have seen Master Remy, Master Fulan, and Master Sakuya."

At this time, Calamus, Jiuzhi came to live, and Mystia also arrived.

They were the first to set off, but they couldn't hold back the monster's speed!

Moreover, Calamus and Jiuzhi Laiqi are not eligible to enter that group.

When Fulan came over, she had already grabbed the corner of Ye Kai's clothes, she was very obedient, and she just nodded upon hearing this.

Calamus also knows the character of his family, Remi is the best to coax, Fran has no scheming, and can be treated as a five-year-old child, but Sakuya is more thoughtful.

"Their account is also charged to the Scarlet Devil Mansion!" Remy patted the airport and said proudly.

Anyway, the two of them are members of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and Mystia is here to sell hagfish, which belongs to a merchant, so it is good to pay a certain amount of dividends, and she will not stay overnight in a hot spring hotel.

Yuyuko or something, it's too scary!

"Are all the people here today netizens? Are they all old acquaintances?"

At this moment, everyone felt a burst of pressure.

Fulan and Youyouzi instinctively stood in front of Ye Kai, Calamus decisively ran behind Ye Kai, Jiuzhi Laiqi also went to that position, but blocked in front of Calamus. .

Sakuya approached Remy, Yakumo Zi frowned slightly, Gu Ming Dilian didn't feel it.

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