Patchouli and Alice stood in front of Marisa at the same time.

And Lingmeng also frowned slightly, this guy is very difficult to deal with!

Ye Kai's complexion couldn't help but dignified a bit, could it be that the visitor was not kind?This neighbor greeted him for the first time.

Fortunately, the ghost gate has been cooled down, at least one move can be made!

Besides, there are so many big monsters here, there is no need to coax them!The eldest lady and the second lady are still here!

And the eldest lady Remilia whom Ye Kai was looking forward to, resolutely crouched with her head in her arms...

Chapter 252 Ghost Playground

"Don't be so nervous." With an evil smile on Kazami Youxiang's face, she slapped five hundred yuan on Ye Kai's hand, and said with a smile, "Let's all join the banquet together."

Ye Kai was no longer the Ye Kai he was back then. Although Kazami Youxiang's aura made him uncomfortable, it didn't make him feel unbearable.

Ye Kai nodded and said with a smile: "Since you have said so, Youxiang, it seems that people are almost here, let's go."

You Xiang stroked Remy's little head, and said with a smile, "It's as cute as ever."

"Don't bully my sister."


Fran flew up, and Kazami Yuka looked at each other.

I saw her holding her little hand, but she couldn't close it.

Kazami Youxiang glanced at Fulan with interest, and said calmly: "The ability is good, but unfortunately, it can only restrict part of my actions."


Everyone felt that the pressure was relieved, it seemed that Kazami Yuka had received her supernatural powers.

"So strong da☆za..." Marisa looked at Yuxiang in disbelief and said.

"She's very strong, so what? She won't make any money if she wins." Lingmeng rolled her eyes and said.

As long as there is a three-acre land in Fantasy Township, no one can beat her at present... After all, she is a hanger!

Seeing that Fengjian Youxiang had left, Lei Mi heaved a sigh of relief decisively, laying on Ye Kai's back, occasionally poking her head out to look at Fengjian Youxiang.

She was definitely overshadowed by Kazami Yuka before.

When everyone arrived at the place where Ye Kai held the banquet, seeing that Ye Kai was ready, they all ran to play.

Especially Remy, she ran to the farthest place from Kazami Yuka, dripping cold sweat, patted her small chest proudly and said: "Master Remy is not afraid!"

"Yes, Eldest Miss, as long as you work together with Second Miss, nothing can stop you." Sakuya said while covering her nose.

the other side.

Marisa was pulled aside by Patchouli and Alice, and they fed Marisa very friendly.

Marisa is also a picky eater, otherwise she wouldn't have eaten so many poisonous mushrooms.

While eating, she said, "Don't just worry about me, you guys eat too da☆za!"

"Excuse me, do you need a barbecue?" Mystia walked here with small steps.

"Look at the grilled mushrooms." Seeing Marisa's eyes light up, Alice decisively took out a thousand yuan and put it in front of Mystia.

"Thank you, guest." Mystia happily went to barbecue.

And Calamus and Jiuzhi Laiqi opened a shop while eating, and brought out a lot of drinks from it.

They had a premonition that there should not be enough wine for the banquet, and they should be able to make a fortune by then.

As for Ye Kai, he was being followed by Kazami Yuka...

"What conditions do you need to take people across?"

Kazami Youxiang sat on a stool like a lady, and opened the way to Ye with a smile.

"Eh... it should be because my favorability has reached a certain standard, so it should be my protection?" Ye Kai scratched his head.

He held Fran in his arms, and Fran shook Kazami Yuka's hand vigorously, but Kazami Yuka didn't seem to feel it.

I don't know who is the strongest in Gensokyo, but the one with the most vitality must be Yuka Kazami!

Her life is like this planet, as long as there is still nature, there will be her fragrance.And this planet is not an ordinary planet like in Kabaneri World...

"Flan, be good, don't do this again, you are very rude to Miss Youxiang." Ye Kai patted Fulan's head and said.

Fran snorted and turned her head away.

But from the corner of her eye, she has been secretly looking at Fengjian Youxiang.

This is a person who can play well no matter how she plays.

"What a lovely child." Kazami Yuka showed that frightening smile again.

Kazami Yuka looks like a lolicon?

"How can you increase your favorability?" You Xiang asked Ye Kai playfully.

"Well, I don't know either! Boss Meihong should be as close as mother and son to me, Yuyuko should be attracted by my power of ghosts and gods, Fran and Remi should be attracted by my blood, Rumia... She's a child." Ye Kai spread his hands.

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