"So, if you hang out with you a lot, your favorability will increase? Hmm...according to the rumors..." You Xiang pondered.

Gensokyo can't use her full strength, and it's been a long time since she punched someone happily.

Ye Kai's existence was created just for her!

Although the barrage thing is also fun to hit people, but it still needs to be bombarded violently to be interesting!

"Wenwen news is definitely a lie!" Ye Kai said firmly.

"Wow, it's better not to report this big news. I always feel that if I report it, I will be besieged by many big monsters." Wen Wen hid aside and observed this side secretly.

"No, I'm an honest and upright Sheming Maruwen. For the god of news, I don't have to take my life!" Thinking of this, Wenwen took out his camera decisively.

"Miss Shemei Maruwen, you can come to the banquet, remember to pay the money, this is also the property of my Scarlet Devil Mansion."

Sakuya didn't know when he came behind Wenwen, and said softly: "Of course, if you want to be besieged by the eldest lady, the second lady, Yuyuko, Kazami Yuka, and Ye Kai, you can pretend that I didn't say anything!"

Wenwen's first reaction was not surprise, not fear, but excitement!

She stood up decisively, and said to Sakuya: "Can I interview after paying the money?"

"Yes, yes..." Sakuya let Wenwen get a little confused.

"Hey, I know the price here, it's five hundred!"

Pa, Wenwen slapped the money on Sakuya's hand.

After finishing speaking, she rushed out and slapped everyone.

Everyone just glanced at her, and then they should do what they should do. Anyway, everyone knows what's going on in Wenwen's news.

Ye Kai wanted to talk, but saw Sakuya shaking the 500 yuan in his hand...

If people don't know, they think they have a deal.

"Fran and you are more like brother and sister. Remi is because of your gratitude for helping Fran, and her personality is one-sided. Meihong and you are mother-daughter feelings, Yuyuko and you... like this Well, how do you think I'm your older sister?" Kazami Yuka smiled.

What?Recognize sister?Isn't that a head shorter than her?

As a good boy in Huaxia, the only ghost swordsman in Gensokyo, and possibly the only ghost swordsman in the history of Allard who has undergone a full turn, call her sister?

Countless worlds are waiting for him to conquer, countless delicious food and wine are waiting for him to enjoy, countless beauties... Tifa is enough.

If you recognize her as your sister today, then everyone will know that I, Ye Kai, are intimidated!

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Kai's mouth, sure enough, I'm still me!The rebellious, bohemian me.

Ye Kai looked at Fengjian Youxiang, and his red eyes looked at her indifferently.

No matter whether she is a big monster or the lord of flowers of the four seasons, she cannot make me surrender.

Ye Kai opened his mouth softly, and spit out three firm words: "Sister Youxiang!"

Chapter 253 Dog Abuse...

"Well, you're so good." Kazami Youxiang showed that sinister smile again.

Anyway, it's no big deal to be called elder sister, especially for a beauty like Kazami Yuka, Ye Kai has nothing to lose, and even has an extra bodyguard.

"Remember to bring the badge I gave you, as long as it is a big monster, it will give you some face." Kazami Youxiang said indifferently.

Ye Kai decisively took out the badge and put it on his chest.Only then did Youxiang show a normal smile, although it was also scary.

"In that case, I'll try to treat you as my younger brother, let's see the effect after a while." Kazami Yuka pondered.

"Then let's drink first?" Ye Kai tentatively asked.

"Okay, this kind of thing, I haven't been drunk yet, it is said that it can exchange feelings." Kazami Yuxiang took out the only bottle of Moutai in the wine box, poured it into a delicate wine glass, and drank it in one gulp.

Ye Kai didn't give in either, ever since he became a ghost swordsman, his alcohol capacity has improved, drinking two or three catties is like playing!

As for more, he has not tried.

"Hey, Ye Kai is about to be seduced by Youxiang." Yakumozi looked helplessly at Youyuko who was eating.

As long as Yuyuko reaches this state, it can be said that she is invincible.

"Ala, no, that person Youxiang won't be emotional, right?" Youyouzi said while eating a huge leg of lamb.

"Sister Youyouzi is so amazing!" Lianlian looked at Youyouzi enviously, and ate a small plate of beef jerky.

"Of course, sister is the best at eating." Youyouzi said while eating.

"You, you just don't have a sense of crisis. I don't know whether you like Ye Kai or not. I really want to read it." Yakumo Zi said helplessly.

"Is Sister Zi talking about my sister?" Lianlian asked curiously.

"Of course, Gensokyo wants to read minds, who else but her?" Yakumo Zi rolled her eyes.

"Unfortunately, Lian Lian closed her eyes, so she can't read hearts." Lian Lian said disappointedly.

"Ala, it's a good thing that you can't read minds, otherwise, you will be very lonely, because everyone will be afraid of you." Yuyuko touched Lianlian's head, but it didn't affect eating at all.

"Well, Lianlian thinks so too, Big Brother, Sister Youyouzi, Sister Zi, you can see Lianlian, chat with Lianlian, and have friends on the Internet, Lianlian is very content." Lianlian said happily.

I have to say, it really is a child, and sadness comes and goes quickly.

Reimu wandered around, and found that Yuyuko couldn't grab it, and Ye Kai's two people were chatting passionately, so they had no choice but to go to Marisa's.

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