Now Marisa's belly is visibly bigger.

There was a barbecue in front of her, and the rest of the food was almost eaten, it seemed that Yuyuko visited there.

"Eat it too, I can't eat so much by myself." Marisa said to the two girls next to her, dumbfounded.

"Well, as long as you're happy." Alice's pretty face blushed, and she ate Marisa's favorite food, mushrooms.

"Then I'll eat some too." Paqiuli said indifferently.

The corner of Reimu's mouth twitched, as expected of Marisa, there are always so many "friends".

However, being friends with Marisa often means trouble, so let's relax by myself.

Thinking of this, Reimu sat across from Marisa, comfortably eating the food bought by Alice and drinking the free wine provided by Ye Kai.

Today, we must eat back the money!

Remy was drinking black tea mixed with Ye Kaixue in the distance, and said comfortably: "It's been a long time since I came to blow the sea breeze. Sakuya, hot springs are not flowing water, right?"

Although Remi yearns for the sea very much, she and Fran are so strange that they are afraid of flowing water.

"That's not counting, miss, do you want to go to the hot spring?" Sakuya said indifferently.

"Let's stay a little longer, it's fun to be more lively." Remy smiled.

"Yes, Second Miss and Ye Kai get along very well, and Paqi has also found her friend." Sakuya couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Hello everyone! Is it really okay for Chinese housekeepers?" Remy asked curiously.

"Marisa is here, of course it's fine." Sakuya said indifferently.

"That's right, Gensokyo is the only one who likes to steal things." Remy nodded.

"Hello, may I be interviewed?" Wen Wen ran to Remy at this time.

"Okay, let's sing more praises to Master Remy's majesty!" Remy said proudly.

"Is there any follow-up to the Red Mist Incident?" Wen Wen asked.

"It's gone." Remy said frankly.

The text reads: The follow-up to the shocking change of the Red Mist, the next time it will be launched by the sisters of the Scarlet Devil Pavilion at the same time, I hope everyone pays attention to precautions!Fortunately, the honest and upright Sheming Maruwen risked his life to collect materials and knew about this big conspiracy.

Afterwards, the Kappa Heavy Industry Association will launch a radiation protection suit designed to deal with the mutation of the red mist, and the price is only 998!There is one less ⑨ than before!The top ten purchasers will also get an exquisite mask, a rare opportunity!

After Wen Wen finished writing this, she just raised her head when she saw countless flying knives pointing at her.


Run away decisively...

Seeing that the monsters were "fighting" very enthusiastically, Changpu couldn't help saying to Jiuzhi Laiqi: "Laiqi, let's eat at Remy's."

"Follow orders." Jiuzhi Laiqi said calmly.

Saying that, the two went to Remina.

Remy was still very generous to her own people, and decisively provided shelter for the two of them, letting them eat freely.

While eating, Calamus put his head on Jiuzhi Laiqi's shoulder, and said softly: "Laiqi, maybe it's not bad to live like this for the rest of my life."

"Calam... Lord Calamus." Nine Zhi Laiqi's ice face suddenly turned red!

"Well, there are only two of us left, just call me Chang Pu." Chang Pu's face also turned red.

But she knew that if she didn't take the initiative to attack, then Jiuzhi Laiqi would never speak his mind for the rest of his life.

"Yes... yes, Lord Calamus..." Jiuzhi Laiqi whispered.

"It's Calamus!" Calamus pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

"Calamus..." Jiuzhi Laiqi had already been beaten to death.

"Hey, you have to save money well in the future, there may be a lot of guests you want to invite." Calamus smiled.

"Definitely!" Jiuzhi Laiqi no longer knew what he was talking about, so he quickly drank two glasses of wine to strengthen his courage.

"They look so happy." Remy said enviously.

Immediately, she accidentally knocked over a plate of pudding, and suddenly became teary.

"I, my pudding..." Remi stretched out her little hand, as if trying to save her, but couldn't.

"Miss, I, I am so happy." Sakuya felt that she was about to lose too much blood.

Ma'am, it's so cute!It is enough to be a young lady in this life!

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Tonight is destined to be a sweet night.

Tonight is destined to be a night of dog abuse...

Chapter 254 Hot Spring Hotel

Afterwards, it can be said that the guests and the host had a good time, everyone was drunk, and they didn't stop until the stock of Changpu was sold out.

In the later period, the local tycoon Youxiang paid the money.

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