He thought that Sephiroth would have a good birth.

"I don't know, you have to know, I don't dare to touch the preaching of the four seasons." Wen Wen said solemnly.

"Okay." Ye Kai nodded.

"So, Siji's subordinates, these two guys are very serious guys, how can they consume? As for human beings, wouldn't spreading it to them make them exterminate their clan?" Wen Wen said indifferently.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Wenwen to have such a side as a monster.

"Who will buy my newspaper after they exterminate the genocide?" Wen Wen trampled Ye Kai's emotion to death.

"You also filmed those big monsters?" Ye Kai asked curiously.

"No, the big tengu and the big tenmo can't find anyone. The Lost House is too mysterious, and I have never been there; there are guards at the entrance of hell, so I can't go there; the hateful maid in the Scarlet Devil Mansion restrains me, so I can't get in. ;The rest of the regular activities can basically be photographed, let me tell you, Baiyulou, I risked my life to go..." Wen Wen said with a mysterious face.

"Forget it, don't tell me that Sister Youxiang also has it." Ye Kai said strangely.

"No, Fengjian Youxiang went crazy, even the big heavenly demon can't keep me." Wenwen shook his head frankly.

Originally, due to her obsession with news, she almost succeeded, but was caught by the big dog and imprisoned for ten years.

Not being able to discover news or report events for ten years is worse than death for her.

As a result, Kazami Youxiang didn't bang.

"Then you dare to provoke Youyouzi?" Ye Kai asked doubtfully.

"Although Youyuko is a big monster, her defense is very weak! She basically doesn't defend her surroundings. How can that little girl, Youmeng, be able to defeat my reporter's soul?" Wenwen said proudly.

"Let's talk about it when you can get a picture of Yakumo Zi." Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

"I really can't find the Lost House. If I can find it, do you think I won't shoot it? But the risk of filming her is too great. You know that guy is the number one voyeur in Gensokyo. She must They will find me and steal my news materials." Wenwen said dissatisfied.

After being discovered by Yakumo Zi, she was worried about her own news material, she was also a weirdo.

There are so many people in Gensokyo that she can't photograph, which makes her feel very humiliated!

No way, monster power is her weakness. If she advances to become a big monster, she may be able to hide her aura and reduce her sense of existence.

But now she is too far away from the big monster, and she can't hide her breath at all.

Although she is very fast, it is not impossible to be caught!

The medicine seller in Mitu Bamboo Grove, Yakumo Zi from Mitu House, Kazami Yuka who can really cover with firepower, and Remi who masters fate and Gungnir all restrained her pure speed very much.

On the contrary, Yuyuko and Reimu are very strong, but they are not easy to detect Wenwen.

As for going to Baiyulou to collect materials, that's nonsense, and it's not uncommon for Youyouzi to come here.

If she went to Baiyulou, she would be too alive and easy to be discovered.

It is difficult to be a reporter now, and it is even more difficult to be a reporter restrained by many monsters!

However, even so, she got so many photos of strong men.

She even had Meihong and Huiyin's, but she knew that Ye Kai couldn't take it, so she might report her or even rob her, so she didn't sell them.

Marisa sold a copy to Alice before, which is really generous.

Still, the guy let himself delete the backup, how is that possible?

"So, do you want it or not?" Wen Wen asked while holding the photo.

"Ahem...give me a copy of Youyouzi's." Ye Kai said weakly.

Wenwen decisively handed Youyouzi's to Ye Kai, it was the cover of Shiji...

Ye Kai flipped through the photo with excitement, but the first page gave him a slap in the face!

Youyuko is leaning sideways in the picture, she has already taken off all her clothes, without a single strand.

But, what the hell, the key parts are full of holy light!

Believe in the Holy Light!Believe in your sister!

I don't have any pants on and you show me this?

Although the flat belly, attractive long legs, beautiful collarbone and mysterious gully are also very interesting.

The problem is this is the beach!As long as you wait until spring and summer to see if the swimsuit is good, you don't have to worry about it!

"This is the kappa's technology. The cameras they make will automatically light up when they encounter such a camera." Wenwen spread his hands helplessly.

"Fuck! This is unscientific!" Ye Kai said speechlessly.

"The more unscientific ones are in the back, little brother Ye Kai."

Crunching, Ye Kai turned his head.

Yakumozi and Yuyuko came out from the gap, both wrapped in bath towels.

I forgot, Yakumo Zi is the number one voyeur in Gensokyo, how could Wenwen really succeed?

Bang, bang!

Two jade feet kicked Ye Kai's face.

Ye Kai barely opened his eyes, but saw the most discordant thing.

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