Girl, I didn't forget to wear safety pants when I kicked it, bad review!

Immediately afterwards, screams rang out all night...

The women's bath on the other side has no idea what's going on next door.

Kazami Youxiang didn't care, she had a feeling that Ye Kai must have done something very wrong.

As for Wenwen, Yakumozi and Yuyuko were placed under house arrest for ten days, and no more photos were released.

The one Ye Kai saw has become a masterpiece, looking forward to summer...

Chapter 256 Spring Snow Mutation - Initiation

A few months later, Ye Kai paid off Lingmeng's money, leaving more than [-] yuan, so it can be said that he didn't make any money.No way, spring has not come, and he can't officially open the business.

However, this is already very happy for him.

What happened in the past few months, apart from the four seasons teaching him for a few days, was very peaceful.

Although he wanted to meet Sephiroth, Shiji refused.

Sephiroth is like a workaholic now, all he thinks about is redemption, and he works extraordinarily hard.

People are more deadly than goods, and Yaoji is almost as good as Sephiroth. Komachi has become a cute pet.

Now the shift system is adopted, with Komachi and Yoji on the day shift and Sephiroth on the evening shift, finally saying goodbye to the previous [-]/[-] situation throughout the year.

And Hong Meiling was the only one who was still working like this.

Not to mention that, Ye Kai has a feeling that the winter in Gensokyo is getting longer and longer, it is already May...


If spring doesn't come, how do I see beauties in swimsuits?Yuyuko, Hong Meiling, must be super seductive!I don't know if Komachi will come to play, maybe Four Seasons will not give her a holiday, right?

If you can come, I need you, Wenwenhao!

Although Wen Wen lost her side job of taking photos, she is still a reporter!Her journalistic soul would never yield to anyone.

If it was really for the news, she would dare to shoot Fengjian Youxiang.

Not to mention, a mere swimsuit photo...

Well, Zi Yakumo just taught Wenwen not to take sneaky photos of swimsuits, and the officials don't care about her when taking photos above board.If her photos are really popular, maybe Reimu will take pictures by herself...

As for whether those ghosts who were photographed will be held accountable, that is another story.

Underworld, White Jade Building.

"Youyuko, how are your preparations going?" Yakumo Zi asked Youyuko with a smile.

"It's ready, as long as you collect enough spring, the person under the Xixing demon may wake up." Youyouzi said with a smile, not caring what he was doing at all.

Anyway, everyone will not die without spring, so give her all of spring!

"Then I'll leave it to you, Marisa seems to be moving around." Yakumo Zi said calmly.

"Ah, it's just a little girl, don't worry about it, isn't it just to buy time anyway?" Youyouzi smiled.

"Tsk... that's right, then I'll leave it to you and Youmu. By the way, does Youmu know the truth?" Yakumo Zi wondered.

"I don't know, Youmu or something, as long as you know that you are helping me get the spring. Although the child Youmu is talkative, he is still very conscientious in this kind of thing. I am thinking, should I I got Youji back. Although Youmu is good at swordsmanship, if you play Danmaku, I'm afraid you can't beat Marisa." Yuyuko said.

The barrage rule is indeed a rule where the weak prevail over the strong. Marisa was able to tie Remi before, which is impossible in the eyes of Gensokyo.

Marisa is the one who makes this rule truly flourish.

Defeating the strong with the weak is vividly shown in Marisa's body.

However, Remy's barrage is not as good as Yuyuko's. At least Remy cares more about Gungnir's power, but ignores her own strength. In terms of the number and power of barrage, she is not as good as Yuyuko at all. .

Especially Yuyuko's barrage is so beautiful that it can make people fascinated by it.

"Well, that's good, when Reimu starts to act, it's when Moriya Shrine moves." Yakumo Zi laughed.

"Reimu is so lazy, will he take the initiative to attack?" Yuyuko asked curiously.

"Of course, as long as you solve one mutation, you will earn [-] yuan! With Reimu's personality, it's not surprising that she takes the initiative." Zi Yakumo rolled her eyes and said.

"Ala, that's good." Youyuko looked at the withered Xixingyou in the distance and smiled.

"Marisa seems to be going in the direction of Ye Kai. After all, Lily White, Letty, and Cirno are all running in the direction of the ghost playground. Letty was brought out by Cirno in the past. It's not as good as Qilu Nuo's [-]%, but now he has become Qi Lu Nuo's guardian, what a natural cycle." Zi Yakumo said with emotion.

"Lily White? Why did she appear? Chun has been sucked away by me now." Yuyuko said in surprise.

"Because, she is a goblin that heralds spring, and you sucked away spring, but spring has indeed arrived." Zi Yakumo said with a smile.

Yuyuko nodded suddenly, she was a little confused now.

Gensokyo's common sense is indeed not normal.

"Brother Ye Kai would be interesting if he joins the investigation." Yakumozi suddenly thought of something, and laughed.

"Will he help me, or will he help Reimu?" Yuyuko couldn't help being a little curious, and she couldn't tell for sure.

"Yu Li, he will help Reimu. Yu Qing, he will help you. This is the last test, if he chooses you, then this person will not do anything to offend Gensokyo in the future. If he chooses Reimu, then find a way to match him and Reimu, anyway, he can't escape from our hands." Yakumo Zi opened her fan and smiled.

Yuyuko couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with this statement.

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