She has a feeling that Ye Kai may not be the first to fall...

"Okay, I'm going back to prepare. I should hibernate in winter." Yakumo Zi yawned.

"But, didn't Zi say it's spring now?" Youyuko asked doubtfully.

"It's still snowing outside, and the appearance of Chungaojing doesn't mean that spring is coming." Yakumozi squeezed Youyuko's face, feeling: It feels good, no wonder Ye Kai likes it so much.

"Okay, see you tomorrow then! It took Lingmeng so long to react, he really has no motivation." Youyouzi said with a smile.

Yakumo Zi also disappeared.

Sleepy in spring, tired in summer, dozing off in autumn, this is the most authentic full translation of Yakumo Zi.

Her time, apart from all kinds of voyeurism, is sleeping, Yakumo Zi, who is sleeping, is not aggressive at all, just an older cute thing.

"Youmu." Yuyuko said softly.

Da da da……

Youmu quickly ran in front of Yuyuko, knelt down on one knee, and said softly, "Master Yuyuko."

"Raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a short period of time. If the enemy comes, I will count on you." Youyouzi smiled.

"Yes, Yuyuko-sama! I will let Yuyuko-sama collect enough spring." Youmu said in a deep voice.

It can be said that this is her first actual battle for Yuyuko, as long as she wins, she cannot lose!

"Ala, go, I have to collect more springs, and now there are more and more cherry blossoms in the yard, Xixingyou, hurry up and bloom! I am very interested in the secrets you buried, Oh ho ho ho ho ho." Youyouzi smiled with narrowed eyes.

Chapter 257 Spring Snow Mutation - Information

One hour ago, Hakurei Shrine.

Marisa rushed into the shrine and yelled at Reimu, "Yo, Reimu, let's go and solve the mutation da☆za!"

Reimu was wearing a red shawl, her legs were placed in the newly bought kotatsu, she drank tea listlessly, and said without energy: "What's the change?"

"It's already May, why is it still snowing? It must be a mutation, da☆za!" Marisa landed in front of Reimu, pointing at Reimu.

"It's just that spring came a little later this year, so don't worry too much about it." Reimu said something she didn't even believe, feeling a little chilly.

This winter is really long.

Sure enough, this time is to go back to bed and have a good sleep.

"Close the door quickly, it's cold." Lingmeng said softly.

"Hmph! Ice Fairy or something, it must be a mutation initiated by her! You have to recognize the reality, Reimu!" ​​Marisa shouted, pointing outside.

"Well, how could it be, how can she have such a strong power." Lingmeng said softly after taking a sip of tea that was weaker than water.

Sure enough, Ye Kai was the most reliable, if it wasn't for his money, he wouldn't be able to afford a kotatsu.

"No, there must be monsters! Isn't it your job as a miko to eliminate mutations and exorcise monsters?" Marisa pointed at Reimu and shouted.

As expected of Marisa, no matter what time it is, she always looks like this little sun full of energy.

And what about Reimu?He ignored her completely and continued to drink tea.

In winter or something, she is too lazy to move. If it wasn't for Ye Kai's debt collection last time, she wouldn't be able to go to the hot spring.

"Ah! I solved this mutation by myself! Don't say it casually at the end: I'm sorry, this is indeed a mutation!"

After speaking, Marisa flew out towards the outside.

The first stop, of course, is to go home, someone in the QQ group should know something, right?

Reimu stood up, closed the door opened by Marisa, and got under the covers again.

Mutation or something, how is it possible?

Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Sakuya was drinking coffee in a warm room.

She said to herself, "The fine charcoal and coffee beans I prepared are almost used up."

"I really didn't expect this winter to last so long. If the fuel runs out, the young lady will be nagging again, although the nagging young lady is also very cute."

There are no humans who can send things here. The residents of Gensokyo will prepare all the fuel and food for a winter.

This is because the previously steep mountain roads were completely destroyed by the heavy snow, and it has been a habit that has continued.

Thinking about it, Sakuya went to Remy's room.

Remy and Fran are drinking black tea leisurely in a warm room, Remy is watching Twilight on TV, and Fran is talking about penguins.

"Miss, spring may not come, I'm going to buy some fine carbon in Renzhi." Sakuya said softly.

"Don't worry, Sakuya, spring will arrive tomorrow!" Remy said this once a day, and it became her mantra.

"In winter, it's better to be warm in big brother's arms, while his body is warm in winter and cool in summer." Fulan said while typing.

Blood energy can make people warm, ghost energy can make people chill, Fulan has fully understood Ye Kai's function.

"But, there is almost no carbon at home." Sakuya said indifferently.

"Then go buy some, remember to bring China, she is very strong." Lei Mi was too lazy to move, so she sold Hong Meiling.

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